TERMS OF REFERENCE (FOR CONTRACTS) UNICEF-BCO Job Title : National Consultant Proposed level: NOA : TERMS OF REFERENCE (TOR) Programme/Project/Assignment Title: Support data entry and cleaning, data analysis, preparation of final report of baseline information for implementation of Retailer’s Rapid Test Kits strategy and dissemination of results Work Plan Code number: MOI and UNICEF Work Plan 2013-14 activity no: 2 1. Background: Iodine Deficiency still is a severe public health issue in Bangladesh. Every four in 10 school-aged children and women are suffering from iodine deficiency, and the trend appears to be rising. Around 33% households are not aware about benefits of iodized salt. Iodine is present in the salt of 80 % of households, however, slightly over 57% of households use adequately iodized salt. One-fourth of households use widely available “open” (non-iodized) salt, where usage of non-iodized salt is higher among the poorest households” and use of open salt is associated with lower iodine nutrition. Government is implementing salt iodization program more than decades. Ensuring quality control at production level, prevent penetration of industrial salt in edible salt market, use of open salt, fraud packaging, lack of law enforcement are key challenging issues for Universal Salt Iodization program in Bangladesh. UNICEF is supporting Ministry of Industries since 1981 for implementation of the salt iodization program in Bangladesh. Bangladesh USI country team has decided to implement Retailer Rapid Test Kits strategy, which is a low cost, high impact intervention documented in other country. The objective of Retailer Rapid Test Kit strategy is to eliminate non-iodized salt from the market by preventing fraud marketing, penetration of industrial salt in the edible salt market through awareness, demand creation among community, retailers and wholesalers level and monitoring by local government authorities. UNICEF will provide technical and financial support to the CIDD project for implementation of Retailer Rapid Test Kits Strategy. Retailer Rapid Test Kits strategy will be implemented at selected seven UNDAF districts. For documentation of impact of Retailer Rapid Test Kit strategy, CIDD project will collect baseline market information using standard methods. The objective of baseline information collection is to understand current market situation of iodized salt in the selected districts. The specific objectives are; i) to assess the proportion of salts available in the market are adequately iodized, ii) to obtained information about fraud marketing of iodized salt, iii) to understand purchase and distribution pattern of iodized salt. Around 1100 salt samples will be collected from 105 bazars of 21 selected upazilla (five bazars per upazilla using key criteria) and total 1575 retailers and wholesalers will be interviewed for required market information using standard questionnaires. Salt samples analysis will be done at Central laboratory of CIDD project under BSCIC, Ministry of Industries. Data entry and cleaning, data analysis and report preparation will be done by a national research expert to ensure standard data analysis and report preparation. The category of data for analysis are mixed; questionnaires included qualitative data and salt samples analysis data are quantitative. This TOR is for engaging an individual national consultant for data entry and cleaning, data analysis, report preparation and dissemination of report. CIDD project will provide completed questionnaires and salt sample testing result to the consultant for performing data entry and cleaning, data analysis and report preparation. 2. Purpose of Assignment: The key purposes of this assignment is to provide following services for preparing baseline report before implementation of Retailer’s RTK strategy. Specific objectives: 1. Carry out data entry and cleaning of data of retailer, wholesaler information and salt testing results. 2. Prepare data analysis plan with timeline based on survey questionnaire after receiving guideline from CIDD project and UNICEF 3. Analysis all survey data 4. Develop draft report and share with USI stakeholders including Government 5. Review and finalize baseline study report in collaboration with CIDD project team and UNICEF 6. Disseminate final report on Baseline information of Retailer RTK strategy among USI stakeholders 4. Duty station: Dhaka 5. Indicative assignment dates: 40 working days starting from 22 June 2014 and shall expire upon satisfactory completion but not later than August 31, 2014 7. Description of assignment: Tasks 1. Prepare data analysis plan with timeline based on survey questionnaire after receiving guideline from CIDD project and UNICEF 2. Carry out data entry and cleaning of data of retailer, wholesaler information and salt testing results. 3. Analysis all survey data and develop draft report and facilitate review meeting with USI partners and experts including Government 4. Finalize baseline survey report for Retailer RTK strategy incorporating feedback from review meetings, UNICEF and CIDD project 5. Dissemination of reports End Product/deliverables Data analysis plan submitted Time frame 5 working days 10 working days Submit draft report to UNICEF Facilitated baseline report review meeting Submit report 15 working days 5 working days Presented final findings in a CIDD 5 working days stakeholders meeting Submit data set Total 40 working days 8. Qualifications or specialized knowledge/experience required for the assignment: National Consultant must have following expertise to be eligible for this assignment: The Consultant should have educational qualification minimum Masters in Public health or Masters in Statistics; The consultant should have at least 5 years of experience in the field of research, review, monitoring & evaluation of nutrition programmes; The consultant should have at least 5 years’ experience in conducting baseline and end-line surveys in health and nutrition KAP experience; Experiences in developing research proposals, tools and questionnaires and producing good quality report; Experience of working with the government, UN agencies, other development partners and NGOs. Payment Schedule: 60% payment after completion of task 3: Submitted draft report and facilitated baseline report review meeting 40% payment after completion of total assignment: submitted final report and data set How to apply: Interested candidates are requested to send their application with a CV and filled in P-11 form to the Chief, Human Resources, UNICEF Bangladesh, Hotel Ruposhibangla Annex, 1 Minto Road, Shahbag, Dhaka by 29 May 2014. They may also send their application directly by Email: msiddique@unicef.org,