CV Name Sex Muna Ahmed M.Ahmed (Aboshanab ) Female Date of birth 01/1960 Marital status Married ,six children Present Adress University of sudan of Science &technology (SUST )College of medical radiological Science P.o box 1908 Khartoum Sudan Email Academic qualification B.Sc in Diagnosicradiography (Diagnostic Ultrasound) Msc in Diagnostic ultrasound PhD in diagnostic ultrasound Professional 1980 clinical instructor Experience Radiography &Radiotherapy 1983 technologist Amiri Hospital Kuwait 1990 Lecturer (SUST )College of Radiological Sciences 2003 Co-ordinate Msc(diagnostic radiography) 2005 head of practical department 2011 Co-ordinater Msc (diagnostic ultrasound) (SUST ) Teaching experience Radiographic technique Bsc Ultrasound technique Msc Advanced technique Bsc Obstetric gynecology U/S technique Msc Radiographic technique for (Veterinary) Training Courses Mri CT in Imam Khomeini Hospital of Tehran University of Iran Seminars four on Advances in Ultrasound Alzaeim Al Azhari University, Sudan in collaboration with ME branch of Jefferson Ultrasound Research and Education Institute Philadelphia, USA Practical Training Course on The applications of Ultrasound in Obstetrics and GynaecologyAin Shams University Faculty of Medicine Egypt