Student Assessment Guide - Unit Unit Code: 6492MW/6493MW Unit name: Mathematics Unit Purpose: This course is for students who want to study Mathematics for the Higher School Certificate (HSC) examinations in an adult learning environment. You will use independent learning skills and self-motivation to successfully undertake further study and/or employment. Reporting of assessment outcomes Your result will be recorded and reported to you as Tuition Received (T). Depending on your results in the assessment tasks you will be given a rank related to your position in the group and an internal assessment mark. This mark will only be communicated to the Board of Studies. Your teacher will give you feedback on your assessment tasks within two weeks of the event. A ROSA will be issued by the Board of Studies stating outcomes achieved in this unit of study. To obtain a graded / competent outcome The learners result is based on the evidence provided to meet the criteria for competence as specified in the unit of competency and grading criteria. The learner is able to satisfactorily apply all elements, the performance criteria, the essential knowledge & skills & the critical aspects of assessment specific to the unit in a range of situations. The learner uses known information in relevant situations. To obtain a not yet competent grade The learner has not provided sufficient evidence to demonstrate achievement of all elements, performance criteria, the essential knowledge & skills & the critical aspects of assessment specific to the unit. If you are unable or do not provide sufficient evidence for this unit, the assessor will provide you with feedback and guidance on what you will need to do before you can attempt to achieve this unit of competency again. Requirements to successfully complete this unit of competency You will need to attend all tasks as specified in Attachment A and make a genuine effort in each task What student will need You will need to supply: Notebook, Pens and pencils A compass, protractor, ruler and set squares. (Often available in a boxed set). A Board of Studies approved calculator. (Casio fx-82AU plus recommended). Student Assessment Guide – <<HSC Mathematics>> <<version 1>> <<Foundation Skills/Mathematics Bankstown>> Disclaimer: Printed copies of this document are regarded as uncontrolled. Page 1 of 4 Last reviewed: 28/1/2014 Text Books o Maths in Focus: Mathematics Preliminary Course 2nd edition, Margaret Grove o Maths in Focus: Mathematics HSC Course 2nd edition, Margaret Grove Recognition and credit Credit may be applicable for previous study. You may be eligible to apply for recognition for previous learning, experience and skills. Talk to your teacher to discuss what credit or recognition you can apply for. Additional recognition information is available on the TAFE NSW- SWSi internet site . More about assessment "Every Student's Guide to Assessment in TAFE NSW" provides information you need to know about assessment including information about the kinds of assessment, how you will be accessed and a checklist to confirm that you have all the information to support your study. Every student studying in TAFE NSW can access a copy of Every Student's Guide to Assessment on SWSi Internet. Copies are provided by your teacher when you receive your assessment guides. Further information regarding Higher School Certificate Assessment can be found on the Board of Studies (BOSTES) website: Student support and services You will receive a copy of the institute Student service guide A-Z on enrolment. The guide and links to the following support services are all available on the SWSI internet Aboriginal student support Counselling and career advice Disability services International student services Library services Multicultural education Student association Student acknowledgement – receipt of assessment information Once you commence study you will be required to sign or acknowledge that you have received the student assessment guidelines for the course and units of competency in which you have enrolled. Student Assessment Guide – <<HSC Mathematics>> <<version 1>> <<Foundation Skills/Mathematics Bankstown>> Disclaimer: Printed copies of this document are regarded as uncontrolled. Page 2 of 4 Last reviewed: 28/1/2014 Attachment A The teacher will provide additional information about the Dates of assessment Content of assessment Methods of assessment Aspects of evidence you need to show Assessment event In class test In class test In class test Trial HSC Weighting 15% 25% 25% 35% Timing (week beginning) Term 1 week 7 (17th March) Term 2 week 2 (5th May) Term 3 week 2 (21st July) Term 3 week 7/8 (25th August) If you are absent from a scheduled assessment you must: Provide evidence for the absence e.g. medical certificate, and Notify your teacher before the assessment Contact the teacher on return to the College to discuss alternate arrangements for assessment, if needed. (Extract from: Mathematics 2/3 Unit Syllabus — Years 11–12) Objectives Specific objectives of the course are: (a) to give an understanding of important mathematical ideas such as variable, function, limit, etc, and to introduce students to mathematical techniques which are relevant to the real world; (b) to understand the need to prove results, to appreciate the role of deductive reasoning in establishing such proofs, and to develop the ability to construct these proofs; (c) to enhance those mathematical skills required for further studies in mathematics, the physical sciences and the technological sciences. For achievement of these aims, the following points are important: (i) Understanding of the basic ideas and precise use of language must be emphasised; (ii) A clear distinction must be made between results which are proved, and results which are merely stated or made plausible; (iii) Where proofs are given, they should be carefully developed, with emphasis on the deductive processes used; (iv) Attaining competence in mathematical skills and techniques requires many examples, given as teaching illustrations and as exercises to be undertaken independently by the student; (v) Since the course is to be ‘useful for concurrent studies of science, industrial arts and commerce’ students could be given some experience in applying mathematics to problems drawn from such areas. Realistic problems should follow the attainment of skills, and Student Assessment Guide – <<HSC Mathematics>> <<version 1>> <<Foundation Skills/Mathematics Bankstown>> Disclaimer: Printed copies of this document are regarded as uncontrolled. Page 3 of 4 Last reviewed: 28/1/2014 techniques of problem solving should be continually developed. HSC Mathematics Assessment Outline 2014 Week T1/W7 T2/W2 T3/W3 T3/W7/8 Week Beginning Topics/Chapters Outcomes to be assessed Syllabus Links Arithmetic & Algebra, Geometry P1, P2, P3, P4, H1, H2, H5 1.1-1.4, 2.1-2.4 Arithmetic & Algebra, Geometry, Functions, Linear Functions, Trigonometry P1, P2, P3, P4, P5 H1, H2, H4, H5 1.1-1.4, 2.1-2.4 4.1-4.4, 5.1-5.5 6.1-6.5, 6.7 21 July Intro Calculus, Quadratics & Parabola, Geometrical Applications, Integration P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7 H1, H4, H5, H6, H7 8.1-8.9, 2.5, 6.8, 9.1-9.5, 10.110.8, 11.1-11.4 25th August Arithmetic & Algebra, Geometry, Functions, Linear Functions, Trigonometry, Quadratics & Parabola, Calculus, Geometrical Applications, Integration, Probability, Trigonometric Functions, Logarithms & Exponentials P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7 H1, H2, H3, H4, H5, H6, H7, H8, H9 1.1-1.4, 2.1-2.4, 2.5, 3.1-3.3, 4.1-4.4, 5.1-5.5, 6.1-6.5, 6.7-6.8, 8.1-8.9, 9.1-9.5, 10.1-10.8, 11.1-11.4, 12.1-12.5, 13.1-13.7 17th March th 5 May st Student Assessment Guide – <<HSC Mathematics>> <<version 1>> <<Foundation Skills/Mathematics Bankstown>> Disclaimer: Printed copies of this document are regarded as uncontrolled. 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