Skellig essay assignment

Skellig Essay Assignment
Using the TEEL format, write an essay on one of the following topics:
1) Discuss the ways in which Skellig changes throughout the novel.
2) The poetry of William Blake features throughout the novel. Explain why
Almond chose to use Blake’s poetry. Discuss the meaning of the poetry
and the relevance of the poetry to the story.
3) Michael changes for the better throughout the novel. Discuss.
4) The novel contains many symbols. Choose 3 symbols and discuss how
each is portrayed, and the deeper significance of each.
5) Skellig is a typical angel. Discuss.
6) Dreams are important in the novel. Choose 3 symbols that feature in
Michael’s dreams, and discuss the deeper significance of each.
Remember to include
- an introduction paragraph (with contention clearly stated)
- at least three body paragraphs (using the TEEL format)
- a concluding paragraph (restating the contention and ideas)
- a bibliography
This essay must be written by hand and should be at least 2 pages double
spaced. Every paragraph should have a new idea. Do not write about
anything that is not stated in your topic sentence.
Each paragraph must have a quote as part of your evidence. You must
embed your quotes. This means actually making them part of your
Step 1: Choose a topic.
Step 2: Write a plan. Have this checked by the teacher!
Step 3: Write a rough draft.
Step 4: Have someone peer review your essay. Student:
Step 5: Write the good copy.
Skellig Essay Assignment
Structure and
presentation of
Use of T.E.E.L
Essay includes
at least 5
including an
introduction and
a conclusion.
Essay is well
presented. 4
Each body
contains a topic
evidence and link
to the main
contention. 4
Language is
always formal.
No slang or
contractions are
used. 4
Essay includes 4
paragraphs or is
missing an
introduction or a
Essay is well
presented. 3
Essay includes 3
paragraphs and
is missing an
introduction or a
Essay is well
presented. 2
Essay includes 2
paragraphs and
is missing an
introduction and
a conclusion.
Essay is poorly
presented. 1
T.E.E.L. has
been attempted
in each body
paragraph but
some elements
are missing. 3
T.E.E.L. has
been attempted
in one of the
body paragraphs
T.E.E.L. has not
been attempted.
Language is
mostly formal.
Slang or
contractions are
used once or
twice. 3
Writing style is
quite original and
quite interesting
to read.3
Language is
formal. Slang or
contractions are
often used. 2
Language is not
formal at all. 0
Writing style is
plain or lacks
flare. 2
Writing includes
sections which
have been cut
and pasted from
another source.
Argument is
confusing or
weak. 1
Writing style
Writing style is
very original and
interesting to
read. 4
Ideas put forward
are well
considered and
sound, and flow
logically. 4
Quotes have
been included
and correctly
formatted and
embedded in
essay. Quotes
are relevant. 4
Bibliography is
included and is
formatted. 4
Ideas put forward
are mostly well
considered and
sound, and flow
logically. 3
Quotes are
included and are
relevant but are
not formatted
correctly. 3
Some ideas are
compelling but
argument needs
more work. 2
Quotes are
included but are
not well chosen
and irrelevant,
and formatting is
poor. 2
Quotes are not
included. 1
Bibliography is
Formatting is
mostly correct. 3
Bibliography is
included but is
poorly formatted.
Bibliography is
not included. 1
Essay includes 5
or less grammar,
punctuation and
mistakes. 4
Essay includes
between 5 and
10 grammar,
punctuation and
mistakes. 3
Essay includes
between 10 and
15 grammar,
punctuation and
mistakes. 2
Essay includes
between 15 and
20 grammar,
punctuation and
mistakes. 1
Quotes and
and spelling