Harrison High School: Lesson Plans Week-At-A-Glance WEEK: Spring Sem Week 9 (3.5 – 3.9) Monday Essential Question: How well have I mastered composition and inverse? Math 2 with Support Teacher: Parker Tuesday Essential Question: What is a piecewise function? How do I evaluate pw functions? How do I graph piecewise functions? Standard MM2A1 Students will investigate step and piecewise functions, including greatest integer and absolute value functions. Wednesday Essential Question: How do I graph piecewise functions? Thursday Essential Question: How do I write a piecewise function from a graph? Friday Essential Question: How do I write a piecewise function from a graph? Standard MM2A1 Students will investigate step and piecewise functions, including greatest integer and absolute value functions. Standard MM2A1 Students will investigate step and piecewise functions, including greatest integer and absolute value functions. Standard: MM2A1 Students will investigate step and piecewise functions, including greatest integer and absolute value functions. Objectives: Assess mastery of composition and inverse Objectives: Students will graph piecewise functions. Objectives: Students will graph greatest integer functions. Objectives: To determine the current level of mastery of the standard Objectives: To determine areas of weakness for EoCT review Activities: - Go over review #2 - TEST – Comp and Inv Activities: - Notes on pw functions -Notes/examples – graphing pw functions -Worksheet 2.7A work w/ students -CW/HW: 2.7B Activities: Activities: -pop quiz – graphing and evaluating pw -notes-review writing the equation of a line, find slope and y-int -notes-writing pw from a graph -CW/HW: worksheetwriting pw functions Activities: - Go over hw - More writing pw (whtiteboards) - Begin step functions – handout for notes - HW: workbook p.53 #9-11 Standard MM2A1 Students will investigate step and piecewise functions, including greatest integer and absolute value functions. -Go over hw -more examples with graphing. -use graphing whiteboards for more practice -CW/HW: workbook p. 52 #1-8 *Template created by AVID.