REVISION OF SPRING ALLIANCE MANIFESTO LIST OF RECOMMENDATIONS PROPOSED PILLAR I: ECONOMIC GOVERNANCE No. Proposed Summary of recommendations ranking by Paragraph 1: End austerity in Europe 1 ETUC Use horizontal clauses 9, 10, 11 TFEU 2 ETUC Use indicators that go beyond GDP 3 ETUC Prioritize investment in quality jobs and promote respect of autonomy of collective bargaining 4 ETUC Stop deregulation 5 ETUC Wider use of the safeguard clause inside the six-pack regulation 2° paragraph: revise the Better regulation Agenda 6 ETUC Strengthen compulsory sustainability assessment on environment, social, gender and equality objectives 3° paragraph: an internal market that serves people, sustainable development and preserve the general interest 7 ETUC Moratorium on liberalization of public services 8 ETUC Attach a Social Progress Protocol to the EU Treaties (same as recommendation 2 of employment pillar) 9 ETUC Base the free movement of workers Treaty provisions on the host country principle 10 ETUC Review public procurement rules to fully endorse sustainable development objectives (comment by Secretariat: no actual any more, as the new directive will soon be adopted) 11 ETUC Adopt a new approach concerning transports taking into account the general interest and public service obligation 12 ETUC Promote smart grid for European electricity and gas production and transmission 13 ETUC Take measures to prevent negative social impacts of rising energy prices and affordable low-energy alternatives for vulnerable consumer 4° paragraph: a strong social dimension for the EU 14 ETUC Stop cuts in public spending, social protection and wages 15 ETUC A new European Recovery Programme amounting to 1 to 2% of European GDP (to be merged with recommendation 22) 16 ETUC Wage setting is to remain a national matter (to be merged and negotiated with recommendation 17 ETUC All wage floors should respect Council of Europe standards on fair wages 18 ETUC Introduce minimum income in all member states on the basis of common European principles 19 ETUC Investments for sustainable growth and employment 20 ETUC Implement youth employment initiatives 21 ETUC Country Specific recommendations must promote the European social model and not challenge national social standards 22 Social A European Recovery Programme amounting to 2% of European GDP Platform (to be merged and negotiated with recommendation 15) 23 Social Introduce an Employment and Social Scoreboard 1 24 25 26 Platform Social Platform Use AGS and CSR to steer member states towards the delivery of Europe 2020 targets and the promotion of fairer re-distribution through tax justice The European Parliament to use co-legislative powers to support a European Social Agenda and to put it on equal footing with the economic agenda Social Platform (added by Eurochild) Social Put in place a more democratic and participatory process to decide Platform upon economic and social priorities throughout all EU governance processes PILLAR II: PRESERVE AND RESTORE ECOSYSTEMS No. 1 Proposed by EEB 2 EEB 3 EEB 4 EEB 5 6 EEB Social Platform 7 Social Platform 8 Social Platform 9 Social Platform Social Platform Social Platform Social Platform Social Platform 10 11 12 13 Summary of recommendations ranking Push for a post 2020 climate and energy framework that contains 3 ambitious and binding targets for gas emission reductions, energy savings and renewable energy Renew and strengthen Europe’s Biodiversity strategy in 2015 including in relation to CAP and fisheries policies Put in place by 2015 a product and waste policy framework to direct consumer spending from resource and energy intensive to efficient technologically advanced products and processes Adopt new policies to safeguard European citizens and wildlife from the harmful impact of chemicals Adopt new policies by 2015 to reduce overall levels of air pollution For the Commission to carry out ex-ante social and environmental impact assessment to ensure that measures promoting climate change do not hinder social objectives and poor people For the Commission to follow up on the Energy package requirements on national action plans on energy poverty and require member states to develop measures to support housing in energy efficient buildings Recommend member states to integrate social and environmental standards in the national programmes implementing EU funds related to CAP To the Commission to develop legislation to guarantee the right to access clean drinking water and sanitation as essential public services To simplify the chain of food packaging Develop joint activities and programmes with FAO to boost the implementation of the right to food in member states Develop short circuits of the production Stress corporate responsibility on waste collection and disposal 2 PILLAR III: ESTABLISH COHESIVE AND INCLUSIVE SOCIETIES No. Proposed Summary of recommendations by Paragraph 1: Sharing wealth and eradicating poverty 1 Social For the Commission to propose a EU Framework directive on Platform minimum income 2 Social For member states to increase investment in social protection Platform 3 Social For the Commission to establish a new Europe 2020 headline trget on Platform the reduction of wealth inequalities (added by EAPN) 4 Social For the Commission to develop an integrated anti-poverty and social Platform inclusion strategy at EU level to deliver on the poverty reduction target of the Europe 2020 strategy 2° Paragraph: Promoting equality for all and eradicating discrimination 5 Social For the Council: to speed up the conclusion of the agreement on the Platform accession of the EU to the European Convention on Human Rights 6 Social For all the EU institutions to ensure a comprehensive protection Platform against discrimination across Europe 7 Social Establish a new strategy on Equality between women and men in Platform 2015 (added by EWL) 8 Social For the Commission to propose legislation to combat all forms of bias Platform violence by means of criminal law 9 Social Promote systematic ratification and implementation of all key Platform international and European human rights instruments 10 Social For the Commission to propose an EU internal strategy on human Platform rights 11 Social For the Commission to reintroduce country moniroting of Platform fundamental rights ranking PILLAR IV: PROMOTE DECENT WORK AND QUALITY EMPLOYMENT FOR ALL No. 1 Proposed by ETUC 2 ETUC 3 ETUC 4 5 6 ETUC ETUC ETUC Summary of recommendations ranking European Investment Plan (1-2% of EU GDP) for economic recovery and quality jobs (same as recommendations 15 and 22 of economic governance) Add a Social Progress Protocol (same as recommendation 8 of economic governance) Promote fair and decent wages and respect the autonomy of the social partners and collective bargaining (similar to recommendation 3 under economic governance) Develop a EU initiative to protect employment Strengthen workers’ information and consultation rights Better involvement of stakeholders in the EU governance framework (same as recommendation 26 under economic governance) 3 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Social Platform Social Platform Social Platform (added by EAPN) Social Platform Social Platform Social Platform Social Platform Social Platform (added by PICUM) Social Platform (added by EWL) For the Commission to develop minimum standards for unemployment benefits to be introduced by all member states For the Commission to establish European minimum wage setting mechanisms that ensure decent wage for workers in all member states Support access to quality employment Promote decent work and tackle in-work poverty Invest in quality and sustainable job creation Strengthen stakeholder involvement through social and civil dialogue Promote reconciliation between work, family and private life for women and men Promote a reform of the EU labour migration regime For member states to move forward in the adoption of the revised maternity leave directive PILLAR V: ASSUME GLOBAL RESPONSIBILITY No. 1 2 Proposed by Social Platform Social Platform (added by YFJ) Summary of recommendations ranking Fully exclude public services from the scope of the Trade in Services Agreement and the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership For the Commission to include youth representatives as full delegation members when represented in UN and other global contexts PILLAR VI: IMPROVE DEMOCRACY No. 1 Proposed by Social Platform 2 Social Platform 3 Social Platform Summary of recommendations ranking For the 3 institutions to increase the role of European and national Parliaments in the decision-making processes of the EU by putting the Parliament on equal footing with the Council in all policy areas For the Parliament and the Commission to develop a programme to ensure sustainability and strength of the civil dialogue at all government levels Recommendations to ensure gender parity in internal decision-making positions and among “top jobs” in all institutions, in particular in view 4 4 5 Social Platform Social Platform of the renewal of the Commission Use UN participation methodology in the EU decision making processes For the 3 institutions, hold an annual thematic hearing of the Council and Commission in the Parliament to improve accountability of EU institutions 5