Constants. quantity acceleration due to gravity age of Universe symbol g t0 atomic mass unit, unified u astronomical unit Avogadro constant Bohr magneton Bohr radius au NA muB aoo Boltzmann constant k cosmic background energy density ργ cosmic background number density cosmic background temperature nγ T0 critical density of Universe ρc day, mean sidereal deuteron (2H) mass Earth mass Earth radius (equatorial) dsidereal md ME RE electron charge magnitude e electron mass me electron radius, classical electron Compton wavelength entropy density/Boltzmann constant fine structure constant re λe s/k α gravitational constant GN Hubble constant H0 Hubble constant, normalized jansky h0 Jy light year (deprecated) ly Naperian (natural) logarithm base e value 2 9.806 65 m/s 15(5) Gy 931.494 32(28) MeV/c2 = 1.660 540 2(10) x 10-27 kg 1.495 978 706 6(2) x 1011 m 6.022 136 7(36) x 1023 mol-1 5.788 382 63(52) x 10-11 MeV/T 0.529 177 249(24) x 10-10 m 1.380 658(12) x 10-23 J/K = 8.617 385(73) x 10-5 eV/K 4.647 7 x 10-34 (T/2.726 K)4 g/cm3 = 0.260 71 (T/2.726 K)4 eV/cm3 410.89 (T/2.726 K)3 cm-3 2.726 +- 0.005 K 2.775 366 27 x 1011 h02 MS Mpc-3 = 1.878 82(24) x 10-29 h02 g/cm3 = 1.053 94(13) x 10-5 h02 GeV/cm3 23h 56m 04s.090 53 1875.613 39(57) MeV/c2 5.973 70(76) x 1024 kg 6.378 140 x 106 m 1.602 177 33(49) x 10-19 C = 4.803 206 8(15) x 10-10 esu 0.510 999 06(15) MeV/c2 = 9.109 389 7(54) x 10-31 kg 2.817 940 92(38) x 10-15 m 3.861 593 23(35) x 10-13 m 2.892 4 (T/2.726 K)3 cm-3 1/137.035 989 5(61) 6.672 59(85) x 10-11 m3/(kg s2) = 6.707 11(86) x 10-39 h c/(GeV/c2)2 100 h0 km/(s Mpc) = h0/9.778 13 Gy 0.5 < h0 < 0.85 10-26 W/(m2 Hz) 0.306 6... pc = 0.946 1... x 1016 m 2.718 281 828 459 045 235 nuclear magneton parsec (au/arcsec) permeability of free space permittivity of free space pi Planck constant Planck constant, reduced Planck mass proton (1H) mass Rydberg energy Schwarzschild radius of Sun speed of light in vacuum Stefan-Boltzmann constant strong coupling constant Sun distance from Core Sun luminosity Sun mass Sun radius (equatorial) Sun speed around Core Sun speed to cosmic background Thompson cross section W+- boson mass Wien displacement law constant year, sidereal (fixed star to fixed star, 1994) year, tropical (equinox to equinox, 1994) Z0 boson mass 3.152 451 66(28) x 10-14 MeV/T 3.085 677 580 7(4) x 1016 m = pc 3.262... ly 4 pi x 10-7 N/A2 = mu0 12.566 370 614... x 10-7 N/A2 ε0 8.854 187 817... x 10-12 F/m pi 3.141 592 653 589 793 238 h 6.626 075 5(40) x 10-34 J s 1.054 572 66(63) x 10-34 J s = hbar 6.582 122 0(20) x 10-22 MeV s 1.221 047(79) x 1019 GeV/c2 = mP 2.176 71(14) x 10-8 kg 938.272 31(28) MeV/c2 = 1.672 623 1(10) x 10-27 kg = mp 1.007 276 470(12) u = 1836.152 701(37) me h c Roo 13.605 698 1(40) eV 2 2 GN MS/c 2.953 250 08 km c 299 792 458 m/s σ 5.670 51(19) x 10-8 W/(m2 K4) αs 0.118(3) Ro 8.0(5) kpc LS 3.846 x 1026 W MS 1.988 92(25) x 1030 kg RS 6.96 x 108 m θo 220(20) km/s 369.5 +- 3.0 km/s σT 0.665 246 16(18) barn mW 80.33(15) GeV/c2 b 2.897 756(24) x 19) x 10-3 m K ysidereal 31 558 149.8 s y 31 556 925.2 s mZ 91.187(7) GeV/c2 muN