2013 United Way of Allegheny County - Request for Proposal United for Women Preventing Short-term Crises from becoming Long-term Poverty BACKGROUND DOCUMENT Introduction United Way of Allegheny County has a long history of investing in the community’s safety net. Through funded initiatives, volunteer engagement, and advocacy, United Way addresses critical needs in our region’s communities. A 2007 United Way Community Needs Assessment and the update conducted in 2011 documented the needs of financially struggling adults and families and demonstrated the necessity to concentrate more strongly on the needs of the newly struggling – especially women and their families. Through its role in PA 2-1-1 Southwest, United Way fields calls from families in need. In 2012, PA 2-1-1 Southwest received over 31,600 calls from individuals needing help. Of these, 80% were women, and about 33% were seeking help for the first time. Callers sought help to maintain their housing and utility service, secure shelter to escape domestic violence, overcome hardship following military service, care for loved ones unable to care for themselves (such as an aging parent or a spouse or child with a significant disability), access counseling and mental health services, and secure employment. Many women and their children are just one step away from financial crisis due to significant life events or situations. At this critical juncture, small investments can help them prevent crises as they rebuild their strength and financial security. United Way of Allegheny County’s Women’s Leadership Council (WLC) has a long tradition of supporting critical needs in Allegheny County. WLC has more than 1,600 members and raised $6,772,870 in the past year. This year, WLC is raising additional dollars to create the United for Women initiative. The intent of this initiative is to support women and their families who are facing financial hardship due to a significant life event or situation, such as the death of a spouse, a divorce, loss of employment, a long-term illness, caring for a loved one with intense needs, rebuilding following military service, or other traumatic events. Services should focus on the woman. www.unitedwaypittsburgh.org 1 2013 United Way of Allegheny County - Request for Proposal United for Women Preventing Short-term Crises from becoming Long-term Poverty BACKGROUND DOCUMENT Proposal Process 2013 Request for Proposals (RFP) – United for Women The United for Women initiative aims to help women who are struggling due to a major life event or situation. Programs funded through this initiative will assist women who are financially struggling for the first time, or who have found themselves unable to regain financial stability. The initiative targets women who, through short-term and modest financial help and other supportive services, can overcome an event-induced barrier to financial stability. United for Women seeks to support programs that will: 1. Provide Programs and Services Services and resources will be supported to help women who have experienced an event-induced financial hardship overcome hurdles, prevent short-term crises from becoming a lifelong struggle with poverty, and provide tools to achieve long-term selfsufficiency and family stability; 2. Conduct Outreach Many women who are facing an impending financial crisis due to a life changing event are unaware of where or how to reach out for help. United for Women seeks projects that will, in addition to providing short-term assistance, engage in outreach to women who are experiencing event-induced financial hardship and either do not have the familial or social networks to overcome the financial hurdle or are unaware of the services and resources available to help them; and 3. Engage Volunteers Needs for the United for Women target population often extend beyond monetary and basic needs assistance. United for Women seeks proposals that engage corporate volunteers to mentor, coach, or assist women them with meeting their goals. United Way is seeking nonprofit health and human service organizations that currently serve the target population and have the capacity to provide high quality, integrative programs that address the above outcomes and achieve community impact. Lead agencies must demonstrate a record of service with the target population. United Way encourages applications that involve strategic and innovative collaborations with other organizations, in order to best meet the financial needs and emotional supports of women in or near crisis. The total expected to be available to invest in this RFP is approximately $600,000 for grants covering a period of no more than 12 months. United Way is not placing a limit on the amount that may be requested, but agencies should consider award amounts between $50,000 to $100,000 when developing proposals. Funding awards will be announced June 2013, to be effective for a one-year period of July 1, 2013 to June 30, 2014. Agency Eligibility A single agency may submit a proposal. Applications from partnerships and collaborations of multiple agencies are strongly encouraged. Agencies or lead agencies (in the case of a partnership or collaboration) submitting proposals must meet the following criteria: www.unitedwaypittsburgh.org 2 2013 United Way of Allegheny County - Request for Proposal United for Women Preventing Short-term Crises from becoming Long-term Poverty BACKGROUND DOCUMENT 501(c)(3) organization located and providing a health or human service in Allegheny County (NOTE: arts, cultural, religious, recreational, political programs, government agencies and institutions providing formal education are not eligible) In full compliance with all federal, state, county and local requirements and laws pertaining to non-profits, including the USA Patriot Act and other counterterrorism laws Meets the requirements of the Solicitations of Funds for Charitable Purposes Act passed by the Pennsylvania General Assembly in December, 1990 Is able to provide all requested documentation It is strongly encouraged that: The lead applicant agency currently serves financially struggling women; The applicant agency can demonstrate the opportunity for meaningful volunteer experiences. These experiences include, but are not limited to, training, mentoring, and service. Proposal Timeline Date (2013) Deliverable March 1 RFP Materials Posted on United Way Website March 8 e-C Impact Webinar for “new” Agency Applicants March 13 Applicants Submit Completed Step 1 Forms electronically. March 22 Qualifying Providers Invited to Submit Full Proposals April 3 Applicants Submit Full Proposal April 23-24 Site Visits to Invited Agencies (Note: Site visits will be conducted only for agencies new to United Way or in instances when further clarification is needed.) June 21 Selected Agencies Notified of Award Application Process for Qualifying Agencies Step 1: Due via eC Impact March 13, 2013 Applicants will complete and provide preliminary agency and project information, including: Agency Cover Sheet (hyperlink on website with items included on the sheet) Agency Budget Summary Step 1 Proposal Summary Form (hyperlink on website with items included on the form) Step 2: Due April 3, 2013 [By Invitation Only] Applicants selected from step 1 will submit a full proposal through e-C Impact, including: www.unitedwaypittsburgh.org 3 2013 United Way of Allegheny County - Request for Proposal United for Women Preventing Short-term Crises from becoming Long-term Poverty BACKGROUND DOCUMENT All agencies a. Detailed program description b. Program Logic Model with outcome projections Select agencies Agencies who did not submit proposals through the following RFPs the 2012 Request for Proposals - Assisting Financially Struggling Adults and Families Achieve Long Term Self Sufficiency or the 2013-2016 Request for Proposals – Preparing Children and Youth to Succeed in High School and Life will complete and provide preliminary documentation including: a. b. c. d. - - Organizational Eligibility Tool Supporting documentation – IRS 501(c)(3) determination letter Agency Program Budget Form Supporting documentation including: audit(s) covering two years for agencies with contributions/revenues greater than $300,000; for those at or below $300,000, year-to-date Statement of Financial Position (Balance Sheet) and Statement of Activities (Income Statement) are required for FY 2011-12 or FY 2012. most recent IRS Form 990; Board list Stage 3: Site Visit target dates - April 23 – 24, 2013 [By Invitation Only] Finalists in the selection process may be invited to participate in a site visit if they are not currently funded by United Way or if there are questions related to their proposal. Site visits will be conducted by a team of community and corporate volunteers and United Way staff. www.unitedwaypittsburgh.org 4 2013 United Way of Allegheny County - Request for Proposal United for Women Preventing Short-term Crises from becoming Long-term Poverty BACKGROUND DOCUMENT Statement of Need The 2007 United Way Community Needs Assessment and the update conducted in 2011 have documented the critical needs faced by persons who are financially struggling, and in particular, the needs of those who for the first time find themselves unable to meet the financial demands for self-sufficiency due to economic and life crises. Many women are struggling financially due to a significant life event or situation, such as the death of a spouse, a divorce, loss of employment, a long-term illness, caring for a loved one with intense needs, rebuilding following military service, or other traumatic events. The following information provides key indicators of need that reflect the dangers these women face if they fall into the cycle of poverty: 26.8% of families headed by women experienced poverty in 2007. That figure is 53.6% for families headed by women when there were children in the home under the age of five.1 Recent research has shown that women have had a slower road to recovery than men from the economic crisis that began in 2007. As of 2011, women had regained just 11 percent of the 2.7 million jobs they lost during the recession, compared with the 25 percent of jobs that men have regained.2 Women are more likely to report “more hunger, more difficulty paying bills or affording health care, and more inability to meet their children’s needs.” Both single and married mothers with minor children report that they have gone hungry in the prior year because they could not afford to purchase food.3 Local statistics further support the need for expanding services for financially struggling women. In 2012, 2-1-1 received over 31,600 calls from individuals needing help. Of these, 80% were women. Given the high percentage of calls 2-1-1 received from women, we can ascertain that assistance with housing, utilities, and meeting basic needs are major concerns. Statistics compiled between indicate 29% of callers struggling to avoid foreclosure or eviction, 25% to avoid utility termination, and 20% seeking basic needs referrals – such as emergency food. It is estimated that as many as one third of calls are from individuals and families seeking assistance for the first time. Of the 30,210 daytime calls answered in 2011-12, 66% were for basic-needs assistance. During the United for Women telethon, held September 6, 2012, PA 2-1-1 Southwest “received calls from women seeking help with a range of needs, from caring for aging parents and siblings [with disabilities], to mental health services referrals and utility assistance.” (2-1-1 CONNECTION, October 2012) The average length of an emergency shelter stay has doubled since 2006, in large part due to the lack of affordable housing options to refer to (Women’s Center and Shelter of Greater Pittsburgh, November 2011). 1 American Community Survey 2005-2007. Institute for Women’s Policy Research analysis of U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics data, July 8, 2011 3 IWPR/Rockefeller Survey of Economic Security (2011) 2 www.unitedwaypittsburgh.org 5 2013 United Way of Allegheny County - Request for Proposal United for Women Preventing Short-term Crises from becoming Long-term Poverty BACKGROUND DOCUMENT Jewish Family and Services reports several needs of women in financial crisis, including: rental assistance, utility assistance, childcare, transportation, clothing, and furniture, (SOS Pittsburgh Final Report, 2011-2012 Program Year) www.unitedwaypittsburgh.org 6 2013 United Way of Allegheny County - Request for Proposal United for Women Preventing Short-term Crises from becoming Long-term Poverty BACKGROUND DOCUMENT United Way Response: Through this RFP process, United Way seeks proposals from agencies in Allegheny County that include key strategies and partnerships aimed at the United for Women target population. Partnerships and collaborations are strongly encouraged as a means to achieving community impact through enhanced, expanded services. United Way encourages agencies to highlight opportunities to engage corporate leaders in meaningful volunteer experiences. Proposed projects should include approaches that seek to implement preventative strategies, in addition to direct assistance to meet basic needs. Project Outcomes: Proposals chosen for funding will focus on achieving and providing a comprehensive plan for measuring at least one of the following outcomes. Resolve short-term basic needs crises and prevent more serious situations from developing Potential strategies may include, but are not limited to: Partnerships that work together to connect women to resources that provide emergency food or shelter; utility termination to avoid an immediate crisis, coupled with strategies to achieve longer-term household stability Provide connections to healthcare and general health-related resources Provide financial and legal assistance Increase the number of women who secure and maintain employment Potential strategies may include, but are not limited to: Services to increase access to employment and employment training through supports such as volunteer mentors and short-term tangible supports o Example: Connecting a woman who has recently lost her job with a volunteer employment coach to help her identify and secure alternate employment. Prevent housing-induced crises Potential strategies may include, but are not limited to: Promote/build an early-warning system for connecting women at risk for eviction/ foreclosure with appropriate resources o Example: Providing a woman who is leaving a domestic violence situation with the upfront costs (e.g. first month’s rent, security deposit) necessary to secure safe and permanent rental housing. Provide assistance to female Veterans or the families of Veterans facing hardship following military service Potential strategies may include, but are not limited to: Provide direct assistance or counseling Provide job placement opportunities and workforce services Increase access to services for emotional and mental health Potential strategies may include, but are not limited to: Link women with existing organizations that provide respite care for primary caregivers who are caring for a loved one with intense needs www.unitedwaypittsburgh.org 7 2013 United Way of Allegheny County - Request for Proposal United for Women Preventing Short-term Crises from becoming Long-term Poverty BACKGROUND DOCUMENT Provide emotional and mental health supportive services Connect women with children to existing mentoring networks that serve children and youth Community Outcomes Strategies Proposals should be designed to achieve community level impact through comprehensive services and strong collaborations between agencies that are aligned toward a common goal. Proposed projects should involve at least two of the following community outcome strategies: 1) Increase access to relevant and time sensitive services to a woman in need or to her family; 2) Increase the number of formal partnerships among nonprofit and human service agencies, for improved efficiency and better service delivery; 3) Increase the number of formal partnerships between nonprofit or human service agencies and the business sector; 4) Engage the business and labor community as volunteers, leaders, and partners in efforts that improve outcomes for financially struggling women; and 5) Illuminate the issues faced by financially struggling women who have experienced trauma and identify subgroups with sensitive needs (such as victims of domestic violence, female Veterans, etc.). www.unitedwaypittsburgh.org 8 2013 United Way of Allegheny County - Request for Proposal United for Women Preventing Short-term Crises from becoming Long-term Poverty BACKGROUND DOCUMENT Scoring Criteria The following four criteria are applied by United Way staff and teams of trained review volunteers (the majority of which are United Way donors) to rank the proposals. The questions that follow each are used in this process to elicit if the criteria are met. The Project Serves the Target Population: Does the proposal address women who are financially struggling due to a life changing event or situation? The Project Utilizes a Sound Approach that will Achieve Measurable Results: Does the project clearly describe how the agency(ies) will provide short-term support to financially struggling women? Does the project track appropriate and measurable indicators? What indicates that the proposed plan is likely to achieve the project’s defined outcome? The Project Leverages Necessary Partnerships Does the proposed collaboration demonstrate a record of service or a meaningful extension of existing partnerships? Are the necessary partnerships in place to effectively carry out the aims of the proposal and reach the target population? The Project is Likely to Lead to Community Impact and is the Best Investment of United Way Donor Dollars: How will this effort implement preventive strategies, mobilize volunteers and corporate community leaders and employees (United Way donors) and/or provide a better model of services? What indicates this project is the best investment of United for Women’s donor dollars? www.unitedwaypittsburgh.org 9 2013 United Way of Allegheny County - Request for Proposal United for Women Preventing Short-term Crises from becoming Long-term Poverty BACKGROUND DOCUMENT Proposal Summary Questions (to be answered online - Program Section) Please note: These questions will be answered online and are provided here only for your review. The online answer box for each question is limited by a certain number of characters as noted below. If you choose to work first in a WORD document, use tools-word count to track the total characters used per each question. Step 1 Items 1. Purpose Statement: Provide a brief description of the project. (1500 character limit) If the project is a collaboration please list partners and explain how the collaboration accomplishes what would not be possible otherwise. Give a brief history of the partners working together and why they were selected. (1500 character limit) 3. Describe the ways in which the lead agency currently serves the target population and the record of effectiveness in working with them. (1000 character limit) 4. Choose the geographic area/s that this effort will serve. (There will be a drop down box in the online form.) Explain why these areas were selected, and describe the record of service within these areas. (1000 character limit) Step 2 Items 1. Describe the project and why it is the best investment of United for Women’s donor dollars. (2500 character limit) 4. Describe why the proposed project is likely to achieve the project’s defined outcome. (1500 character limit) 5. Describe how will this project implement preventive strategies, mobilize volunteers and corporate community leaders and employees (United Way donors) or provide a better model of services? (1500 character limit) 2. Describe the ways in which project provides an opportunity for meaningful volunteer experiences? These experiences include, but are not limited to, training, mentoring, and service. (1000 character limit) 3. Indicate how the proposed project aligns with the Community Impact Outcomes stated above. (Drop-down menu) 4. Logic Model (See the overview on page 10) Logic Model Overview State the overall project goal statement State the intended short-term, intermediate, and longer-term community level outcomes that will result from implementing the proposed project. State the intended program-level outcomes For each outcome, the agency will provide the following in the logic model: o Measurable indicator o Total number of participants to be tracked o Number of participants expected to meet the stated outcome Measurable Indicators that should, at the minimum, be included by program type o Basic needs www.unitedwaypittsburgh.org 10 2013 United Way of Allegheny County - Request for Proposal United for Women Preventing Short-term Crises from becoming Long-term Poverty BACKGROUND DOCUMENT o o o Number of participants who averted a crisis Housing related Number of evictions or foreclosures prevented Number of individuals or families who were provided with shelter and/or location of alternative safe housing Workforce development Number of job placements Number of participants connected with a job coach Number of participants who completed training, received certifications, or received other job readiness services Health related Number of participants who were provided with supportive services or referred to appropriate services or resources www.unitedwaypittsburgh.org 11