كلية االقتصاد واإلدارة Faculty of Economic & Business Syllabus Business Ethics (BUS 327) 1st Semester 2014-2015 Dr. Francesca Mariotti Assistant Class Details: Monday, Wednesday Section GAR from 11 to 12:20, Building 420, Room B202 Contact Details: Email: fmh.teaching@gmail.com Building/Office: 2/2209. Office Hours: S.Tue.T 8-10 & 12-1or by appointment by an email to make an appointment) Course Description: The aim of this course is to introduce students to the social responsibility of organizations towards the community. It focuses on some ethical issues facing organizations and what the effects of such issues on the decision makers in their dealing with society. This course, also, encourages students to behave according to the required ethical standards as employees and managers in their organizations. Course Objectives: 1. To sensitize the students to the ethical dimensions of business and to train them to identify ethical dilemmas, analyze them systemically and resolve them based on ethical principles and moral theory. 2. To examine the ethical dimensions of business from different perspectives and to introduce tools of ethical analysis of management decisions involving difficult choices between right and wrong. 3. To convey the importance and functionality of core values, codes of content and a source of trust and reputation in the marketplace. 4. To help participants evaluate the social responsibility standards of companies, identify socially responsible initiatives and convey tools for their effective implementation and evaluation. 1 Learning Outcomes: The students completing the course should be able to readily identify ethical dilemmas in business, analyze them based on ethical principles, and resolve them in a defensible direction or vigorously evaluate the ‘ morality’ of others’ decisions, again based on alternative moral theories. They will also be able to understand corporate social responsibility both as an ethical obligation to society and as an opportunity for business thereby creating value for both. More specifically the participants of the course are expected to learn: 1. How to respond to society’s changing ethical values and rising expectations for business to be more transparent, accountable and socially responsible. 2. How to identify, diagnose, analyze and resolve ethical dilemmas that managers are confronted with. 3. How to identify and resolve conflicts of interest before they damage the organization. 4. How to anticipate and pre-empt emerging threats to the image and reputation of the company. How to use core values and codes of conduct as a management tools to maintain employees motivation and customer loyalty. 5. How to gain competitive advantage and goodwill by building trust and reputation for ethical behavior. 6. How to strategically select socially responsible initiatives and how to implement them as to create shared value for business and society. 2 Course Topic Outline: * (this is a tentative schedule only and may be subject to change) Week Assignment* Course Topic 2 3 Course Overview 4 Social Responsibility Chapter 2 Managing ethical business concerns Chapter 3 1st Mid Term Exam Responding to compliance and social responsibility opportunities Understanding and supporting ethical conduct in the organization Midterm Break Organizational dimensions of ethical decision making Organizational approaches to ethical decision making 2nd Midterm Exam 20 Points Chapter 1 Business ethics in a global economy 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Implementing and evaluating program effectiveness Final Exam ethics Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 7 Chapter 8 20 points Chapter 9 40 Points Note: There will be some case studies given during the course and it will be determined later. Required Text Book: Ethical decision making in business: A managerial approach. Fraedrich, J., Ferrell L. and Ferrell O. C. South-Western Cengage Learning (9th edition), 2011. Grading and evaluation: The overall performance of the student(s) will be assessed while using the following criteria; 1st Mid Term Examination 2nd Mid Term Examination Final Term Examination Class Participation and Homework assignment Total 3 30 points 20 points 40 points 10 points 100 points Final grades will be based on the following scale: Marks Grade 95-100% 90-94% 85-89% 80-84% 75-79% 70-74% 65-69% 60-64% 0-59% A+ A B+ B C+ C D+ D F Examinations: Exams will consist of short answer questions, multiple choice questions, true and false etc., reflecting material presented in the textbook, outside readings, class lectures, discussions, and videotapes. Attendance: It is important that you attend all class sessions, as exam questions will reflect material presented in both the text and during lecture/discussion. I value class participation. Your presence and participation during each and every class period contributes to everyone's overall learning. Persistent absence, tardiness or chatting in class will harm your grade. If you must be absent for any reason, you are still responsible for any materials covered or assignments given during the session you missed. Please notify me in advance of your absence (including for work assignments), so we can make arrangements for make-up work/exams, if necessary. Keeping in touch with me: First, ask questions in class (it helps you and may help others). Alternatively, visit me during my posted office hours or send me an e-mail. 4