Weeds and Mindful Gardening: Alisha M’Lot and Alanna Vachon In general: Weeds are typically pioneer plants, actually arriving to save your disturbed, unhealthy soil! Weeds add minerals and nutrients to deficient soils, extensive root systems leave channels for drainage and build humus in the ground as they decay. Some also absorb excess salt from the soil. They stabilize soil, curb water loss and repair landscapes. Flowering weeds produce pollen to attract beneficial insects – especially helpful in early spring when vegetable beds are not yet in flower. They prevent erosion. Weeds act as a shelter for other plants and insects. They can indicate whether the soil is acidic, alkaline, compacted, or fertile. Let them wilt, then turn them into the soil, or add them to your compost pile. Weeds have important cultural history, having been used as food, fuel, medicines, dyes, and building material for hundreds, thousands of years, humans and animals alike. They are prominent occurrences in art, folklore, and literature in history, telling important cultural stories. Provided below is a chart of some common weeds in our Pacific Northwest region, and their edibility, medicinal uses, benefits to the garden, what they can tell you about the soil, and other notes. For clarification, the following terms are used: Ground Cover Plants: Maintain moisture, moderate soil temperature, and prevent absorption of nutrients by the sun, as well as soil erosion. They guard soil. Prevent crusting from hot and dry conditions, hence allowing water and air to enter and move around soil more easily. Miner (deep-rooted) Plants: They have a long, deep, single root – a ‘tap root’. The deep root ‘taps’ into, or mines the rich nutrient pockets from deep layers of the soil. This is partially why they grow first, in unhealthy, ‘dead’ soil - they can reach the nutrients further down. The deep roots bring up nutrients from deep, stores them in it’s leaves, and when it dies, deposits the nutrients on the surface, making the available to other plants without the deep roots. When you pull the weeds, you loose all these nutrients! They also bring up deep moisture to the surface. Improves drainage *Balance: Too much of any of these plants – taking over, acting as invasives, is simply an indicator that your system is out of balance! These plants getting out of control are flashing warning lights that you are not doing a good job building your garden. A healthy, balanced, ecosystem will not be taken over by weeds. By analogy – we all have quiet cancer cells in our body. They only become an issue when their numbers take over, FOR SOME REASON. The same with weeds. Ask yourself, why are they taking over? Why are there so many here? You weeds are trying to tell you something, whether it’s a comment on soil composition, quality, nutrition, hydration, bugs, other plants, etc – something is out of balance. In terms of edibility, essentially, all these herbs/weeds can happily be used in… Quiche, savory pancakes, omelets, herb jar, steamed, sandwiches, salad, stir-fry, pesto, add to fritters, add to soups, fillings for empanadas, cannelloni, lasagna, sauces, soups, etc. Plant Canadian Thistle Can I eat it?! Is it Medicinal? - Leaves can be eaten raw or cooked (remove prickles first) - rhizomes, stems, and roots can be peeled and eaten raw or steamed (like asparagus) - Leaves can be rolled up to smash the spines. - Source of fiber, vitamins, and - Infusions and extracts of root were used for mouth diseases, infections, and a general health tonic. - Leaves can be chewed to relieve tooth aches or sore throats due to antiinflammatory properties How does it help my garden? - An excellent source of nectar and pollen for honey bees (and given that they grow easily in poor soil, they do well in attracting pollinators to areas that need them!) - Miner plant - It’s incredibly deep roots help What can it tell me about my soil? - Balance* - Indicates heavier, compacted soils - Indicates dry soils Notes - Roots contain inulin, an indigestible starch, so may cause bloating/gas - The thistle became the national symbol of Scotland after a Norwegian arm mounted a surprise attack, taking off their minerals - Young spring shoots are considered most tasty – a delicacy in Scotland! - Use in salads, throw it in your green smoothie for extra nutrients, bake in a lasagna, try out Thistle chips, etc. break up subsoil - Roots bring up iron, in particular shoes to quietly cross the fields – their resulting cries of pain alerted defenders. - In Norse mythology, the thistle is the lightening plant – those who wore it were protected by Thor, God of thunder. - "I pick them in quantity when the plant is under 1 foot tall, then rinse them to remove dirt and bugs. I find that rinsing (under a stream of water) tends to disable the prickles to a noticeable extent. I cut the plant's stem with scissors via gloved hands, but rinse the leaves with bare hands. Then I cook them in water or stock (the latter is tastier) and the prickles are fully disabled” Purple Dead Nettle - Leaves, stem, and flowers are all edible - Very nutritious, high in iron, vitamins, and fiber - Eaten as raw green, or cooked - Best collected when in flower for fresh eating - Make a tea, sweetened with honey - Salads, stir-fry, pesto, - Bruised fresh leaves can be used to staunch wounds/cuts - Used as a complimentary treatment for controlling and reducing allergies! - They are significantly antiinflammatory, and pain-reducing (inhibits the release of the hormone prostagladin-2, the main mediator for inflammation in allergies and chronic inflammatory conditions) - Has a range of antimicrobial and antifungal properties. - Natural source of immune system - Important nectar and pollen plants for bees, as they arrive in early spring (have been known as “bee nettle”) - Balance* - prefers moist, well-drained soil - Will grow just about anywhere! - Typically indicates less nutritious and shadier areas - Consult your doctor before combing purple dead nettle with prescription medications - A beautiful plant! Use in flower bouquets an enjoy their bright colours and purple shine! - called ‘deadnettle’ in reference to the fact that they are not a stinging nettle building Vitamin C - Concentrated tea can be a laxative Sheep Sorrel Gout Weed - Delicious lemon taste! - Used directly in cooking, salads, sauces, and soups - Used across the globe - Stewed leaves are popular with lamb and pork - Used as a garnish - Can be used to curdle cheese - Provides flavour with it’s tartness - Chop finely and cook on salmon - Make a lemony cordial, champagne, or wine with the leaves - Was used as a main salad ingredient and - Anti-inflammatory agent - Diuretic - Antibacterial - Immune system booster - Antioxidant - Has been used in treatment for cancer, fever, and scurvy - Vitamins A, B complex, C, D, E and K - Can help reduce inflammation and pain in sinusitis - Tannins in the plant help decrease mucus production - Can be used to quench thirst - Brings up calcium and phosphorus, mineralize that alkalinize the soil - *Balance - Indicates acidic, low lime soil (pH below 7.0) - EXCESSIVE use may lead to kidney stones if one is prone to them, due to high amounts of oxalic acid - Generally recommended children/breastfeeding women avoid this herb, due to lack of research - Called “azeda” in Portugal, meaning “sour” - All parts are a diuretic - Has been used to - Acts as a good ground cover plant - Will indicate - The veins of that your soil with Gout weed leaf healthy moisture ends at the tip of a pot herb in Europe - Older gout leaves are often cooked with cheese (think, spinach and artichoke dip? Gout and artichoke dip!) - In Northwest Germany, Gout is made into grune suppe, or green soup - Leaves eaten raw or cooked can have a tangy taste - For best taste, harvest before it flowers - Use anywhere you’d use spinach - This tends to be a love it or hate it plant, when it comes to taste! Give it a try! treat rheumatism, arthritis, and bladder disorders - People consumed and externally used gout, crushing the root and holding it at the join to fight the sickness gout - Stimulates digestion and metabolism - Good Source of Vit. C and A, iron, manganese, copper, and trace minerals such as boron and titanium - Part of the umbellifer family, which are great pollinators! levels - Balance* tooth on the underside of the leaf. Toxic hemlocks have veins that end between the teeth. - The genus, Aegopodium, is from the Greek words “agios” meaning goat, and “podion” which means little foot – the leaf shape resembles a little goat foot! - RHIZOMES ARE NOT EDIBLE - A good early season green Bindweed/ Morning Glory - Tea - Steam the stalks - In Turkey, leaves are used like spinach - Long known for its properties to purify and cleanse the body and calm the mind - Works to eliminate toxins/heavy metals from your body - A rich source of compounds such as tropine, aspartic acid, alanine, etc. - Indigenous Peoples used it as an antidote to spider bites - It exhibits actions similar to antidiabetic mediations, checking blood sugar levels - Flowers are believed to exhibit antibacterial and antifungal properties - Treating stress; can be used to soothe and calm mind and nerves - Can be used to purify and make cultivable chemical-laden, and overly used agricultural land (get rid of those pesticides, heavy metals, etc in your soil!) - Specifically works well to eradicate chromium, copper, and cadmium from the soil - works to restore the fertility and balance of the soil - Acts similar to nitrogen-fixing plants, enhancing soil fertility - Excellent ground cover plant - Roots contain minerals that are returned to the soil when - It thrives in nitrogen-rich areas, hence indicating highnitrogen soil (a result of chemical fertilizers or natural causes) - Balance* - Indicates poor drainage, often hard soil with a crusty surface - Grows in neglected areas, does not like cultivated soil - *Balance - Strong twining vine can be used for weaving or making good rope (stems were commonly used as pack rope for carrying bird and marmots home after hunting) - A green dye can be made from the whole plant - Brought for medicinal and ornamental values - Many European superstitions about the plant: if a young woman picks the flowers of Field bindweed, the object of her affections will die. If you pick the flowers there will be a thunder storm – often called “thunder Daisy - Leaves have been used as a cooked green, boiled or as a pot herb - Flower petals eaten in salads - Typically more bitter taste - Flower buds eaten in sandwiches, soups, stews, - Pickle and use flower buds or green shoots like capers! - It was a medieval delicacy to have a salad of young leaves with sorrel leaves and dandelion - Flowers, before - Research is being conducted on Bindweed and fighting cancer tumors - A strong purgative - Leaves are especially rich in Vitamin C in early spring (comparable to that of lemons!) - Infusion of leaves can make a mosquito repellent - In folk medicine, flowers are macerated in water to make a cough remedy - Daisy preparations have been used to help heal wounds, and treat bruises - Slows bleeding - Tea has been used to treat asthma and whooping cough decomposing - Attracts pollinators - Attracts pollinators - Popular with honeybees and hoverflies flower” for this reason. - Whole plant produces a green dye - Loves welldrained soil – often indicate drier soil - Tends to thrive in low nutrient soils – grows in ‘worn out’ soils - Low tolerance for shade, so indicates highly sunny areas - Enjoys more neutral soils - *Balance - ‘Daisy’ is from ‘Day’s Eye’, meaning open only during the day - A daisy is not a flower but an inflorescence, being composed of many, tiny flowers, yellow, arranged in a flower head or floral disc - Can be used to make a yellow dye - Christianity told this flower came from the tears of Mary Magdalene - Found everywhere on Earth except opening give a pleasant taste similar to that of walnut Dandelion - Dandelion tea - Flowers make wine, cordial - Leaves, flowers, and roots are all edible - Can have a slightly bitter flavour, which is lessened by spring or fall - Rich source of beta-carotene (we convert into Vit A) - Source of Fiber, Potassium, Iron, Calcium, Magnesium, Zinc, Phosphorus, and more! - Contains more protein than spinach - Miner plant (excess numbers are typically a sign of nutrientlacking soil) - A pollinator plant – early spring flower - Strong roots loosen hardpacked soil, - Require sun and disturbed soils – where they grow, is likely to have good access to sunshine, and have a history of human disturbance - Typically indicates heavier, Antarctica - Introduced intentionally as an ornamental and accidentally imported - Use in flower bouquets! - In the Middle Ages, the knight who wore two daisies on his shield was the “Lady’s” choice. If a woman wore a crown of daisies, it meant she had not yet chosen her suitor. - Those allergic to ragweed, chrysanthemum, marigold, chamomile, yarrow, or daisy should avoid dandelion - Early colonists brought the dandelion to harvest - Cooking lessens bitter flavour - Leaves / flowers make great addition to salads - Milk of the stem is incredibly bitter! - Eat fresh, In food preparations, dried, in teas or other beverages, dried, crushed and used in capsules for health benefits, etc - Roast and grind the roots as a coffee-like substitute - Dandelion ice cream - Has been used to treat anemia, scurvy, skin problems, blood disorders, and depression - Acts as a mild laxative that promotes digestion - Stimulates appetite - Balances the beneficial bacteria in the intestines - A diuretic that helps the kidneys clear out waste, salt, and excess water - Has been shown to remove liver toxins - Rich in antioxidants - Helps regulate blood sugar and insulin levels - Contains fatty acids and phytonutrients that reduce inflammation in the body (relieves pain and swelling) - Tea to treat upset allowing other plants to grow there more easily - Roots aerate the earth, and reduce erosion - They are natural fertilizers! - If left alone, a plant can live for years, with the root growing deeper and deeper, up to 15 feet even! Imagine the wonderful nutrients being brought up for your other plants to enjoy! - Roots in particular bring up calcium and iron clay-y, compacted, acidic soil (however, true, will grow just about anywhere!) - Thrive in ‘sour’ acidic soil (pH below 7.0) - *Balance America from Europe - ‘Dandelion’ comes from the French ‘Dent de Lion’, meaning “lion’s tooth” – referring to the jagged points on the leaves reminding you of sharp lions teeth - The French grow dandelions to eat as we would grow lettuce in our garden - Best flavoured dandelions are those not cut often – instead look for those where the grass grows long and freely - Best time to gather is before the last frost of spring, before the flower blooms – stomach - A spring tonic, after lack of vitamins in the winter - A one cup serving has as much calcium as half a glass of milk - More nutritious that most of the veggies in your garden! the further in their lifestage, the more bitter they are - Believed to be some of the oldest plants on the planet - have found fossils dating back 30 million years ago - Have been used by ancient Egyptians, Greeks and Romans, and Chinese traditional medicines - Famous for their beauty – a common subject for poetry! - a one-inch bit of dandelion can grow a new dandelion - They are among the most expensive items in the grocery store! Clover - Try clover flowers sprinkled over rice, or cooked in soy sauce - White clover is not as nutritious or flavorful as red, but just as edible! - Every bit, from blossom to root, is edible, though flowers are the most tasty. - Have a clover flower tea - Pan roast the flowers until crispy - Young leaves are good to supplement salads raw (1/2 cup or so) - Older leaves should be cooked - Typically seen as a ‘survival food’, as aside from the - Flowers are high in protein - has beta carotene, vitamin C, most of the B vitamins, and more - Red clover is more nutritious than white - Red clover is a good source of calcium, chromium, magnesium niacin, phosphorus, potassium, thiamine - Obtains nitrogen from the air and fixes it into the soil when decomposed into it - An excellent ground cover crop - Brings lots of bees as a pollinator! (So many that in the US clover is legally discouraged in lawns and people might get stung from the bees. “Frankly, I think we need less lawyers than less clover.” - Indicates low fertility soil, low nitrogen levels - Indicates sunny areas and typically moist soils - Red clover indicates high potassium - *Balance - Clover is a member of the pea family, and its blossom is actually a bunch of little pea-like blossoms, called “wings and keels” - Clover grows essentially everywhere in the world - Careful if you are commonly allergic to plants. - NEVER FERMENT AND EAT ANY PART OF IT. Either completely fresh, or completely dried. If too warm in climate, or in fermentation, can produce small amounts of cyanide. - Dried leaves have hint of flower, it’s not particularly tasty, so why not add to a smoothie or soup pot to get their nutrients instead? - Use leaves like spinach when cooked - dried seed pods and flowers can be ground into powder and used as a flour - dried leaves can add a vanilla flavour to baking vanilla aroma - Has much folklore and religious symbolism - Remember to look for those four leaf clovers! Remember, what we consider weeds, were often brought here because they were so incredibly valuable. These are the priceless plants first immigrants brought with them in their few possessions. Consider the ‘weeds’ in your garden as a plant like any other, it’s there for a reason – listen to whet it tells you! NOTE: NEVER EAT ANY PLANT YOU ARE NOT 100% SURE OF!!! Now that you’re excited about weeds, check this other resources out! Books: Weeds: In Defense of Nature’s Most Unloved Plants, by Richard Mabey Handbook of Edible Weeds by James A Duke The Uvic Library has a whole section on weeds! Floor 2, in the ‘S’ stacks. They also have enormous numbers of books on gardening, plants, soil biology, farming, and more! Go get lost and spend hours there – we did! Websites: Eat the Weeds Website http://www.eattheweeds.com Edible Wild Food: Edible Plants, Foraging and Recipes Website http://www.ediblewildfood.com/blog/ Organic Gardening Website: http://www.organicgardening.com/learn-and-grow/listen-to-your-weeds Sierra Worm Compost Website (about soil Fertility and weeds) http://www.sierra-worm-compost.com/soil-fertility.html (A few to get you started, but easily Google, ‘edible weed recipes’, ‘benefits of weeds’, ‘permaculture’, or ‘biodynamic gardening’, and find enormous quantities of information! This is a vibrant, full, and exciting topic, with lots going on around it!) Sources: http://www.sustainablelivingmagazine.org http://www.globalhealingcenter.com http://www.sunwarrior.com http://umm.edu http://www.backwoodshome.com http://www.mofga.org http://nwfarmsandfood.com http://pss.uvm.edu http://www.eattheweeds.com http://joanhall.hubpages.com (recipes) http://store.msuextension.org http://www.seedaholic.com http://herbs-treatandtaste.blogspot.ca http://www.livestrong.com http://www.sierrapotomac.org http://www.wildflowers-and-weeds.com http://www.columbia.edu http://www.ehow.com http://www.botanical.com http://pathtosustainableliving.com http://blogs.poughkeepsiejournal.com http://www.eattheweeds.com http://www.sacredearth.com http://www.home-remedies-for-you.com http://thislivelyearth.com http://www.anniesremedy.com http://montana.plant-life.org