Session Title: Light a School Topic: Teaching Group: Date: Duration: 1 hour Number of students: Aim of Session: To inspire interest in global issues and to motivate students to lead an enter-prising fund-raising campaign in their school. Learning outcomes – most pupils will: 1 Understand the positive impact solar energy can have for children in Africa through learning about SolarAid’s work. 2 To motivate students to take action and recognise their ability to contribute to positive change through establishing achievable but substantial goals. 3 To begin planning an innovative and enterprising school campaign through offering a creative environment in which to explore ideas. 4 To develop skills in confidence, communication and group work through encouraging students to take ownership of the project. Assessment of outcomes: 1 Presenting back information in Activity 2.Answering the questions in the plenary quiz. 2 Accepting the challenge to raise £1000 and demonstrating empathy with other peoples situations in Activity 2. 3 Contributing to group and class brainstorms in Activity 3 and beginning to plan their campaigns on the worksheet. 4 Expressing their ideas in pair and share, groups or during class presentations and discussions. Subject specific language/key words: Solar, kersosene lamp, campaign, fund-raising, Africa, photovoltaic, Resources and equipment: Classroom: Blu-tack Videos x 2 Rays & Clouds Blindfolds Solar panel quiz Power-Point Build a campaign sheet Timing Outdoors: Solar lamps Kerosene lamps Case study cards Session leader activity Student activity Introduction Watch Meet John 5 minutes Introduce ourselves What SolarAid do and where: clean, renewable energy for the world’s poorest people in Africa. Aim for the session: understand benefits of solar and plan a school campaign. Incentive: to see Finn’s video! Monitoring and assessment Activity 1 15 minutes Imagine the lights went out for an hour, day, week, year – what if they never came back? Blindfold Activity – try and complete a piece of homework with no light. The world by night satellite picture – 2billion people have no access to electricity. Power point – satellite pictures and Eliza. Advantages and disadvantages of solar energy and kerosene lamps. Some students to help demonstrate solar lamps and kerosene lamps. Answering questions in discussion. Divide into groups of 5/6. Each group takes a title: Health, Education, Finance, or Environment. Must complete their rays & clouds according to their category and add to the sunshine and lamp on the wall. Contribution to group discussion & task. Groups should present back the advantages (rays) and disadvantages (clouds) they recorded for their category. Presenting information back to the class. Quickly pair and share and then do a class brainstorm for the first two questions. Contribution to pair & share and class discussion. Split into groups and distribute one people category to each group (e.g. Yr 1, parents, MP). Complete the Light a School Campaign worksheet. Completing the worksheet and taking part in group planning. Empathise with the difficulty of the situation. Clarify the huge problem but also the exciting solution. Activity 2 25 minutes (divided between planning & presenting) Meet John: a case study. Re-cap the character from the film. Clarify terminology e.g. Finance. Distribute Rays & Clouds, solar kerosene lamps amongst groups. & Encourage groups to be creative e.g use a tableaux, drama, quick poster, song or short presentation when feeding back to the class. Completing the rays & clouds. Activity 3 20 minutes Building a Fund-raising Campaign Goal = £1000 to Light a School. 1) Who can help us? 2) How will we reach each group? 3) What different information might each group want to know? 4) When could you carry out these ideas? Share ideas with the class if time. Plenary 10 minutes Re-cap learning of the day and celebrate their new solar knowledge as demonstrated by the quiz! Re-cap their goals and the positive change they’re contributing to. Show Finn’s video! Quiz: Class teams – Sun Shine! vs Sun Bright! Answering questions. Evaluation