
DHSI/GCDH Course Equivalences 2016
DHUM 502 - Core Concepts and Skills
Week One (6-10 June 2016):
 Text Encoding Fundamentals and their Application
 Digitisation Fundamentals and their Application
 Fundamentals of Programming/Coding for Human(s|ists)
 Understanding The Predigital Book: Technology and Texts
 Out-of-the-Box Text Analysis for the Digital Humanities
 Introduction to Electronic Literature in DH: Research and Practice
Week Two (13-17 June 2016):
 Introduction to Computation for Literary Criticism
DHUM 503 - Remediation and Curation
Week One (6-10 June 2016):
 Understanding The Predigital Book: Technology and Texts
 Digital Documentation and Imaging for Humanists
 Text Processing - Techniques & Traditions
 3D Modelling for the Digital Humanities and Social Sciences
 Digital Humanities Databases
 Drupal for Digital Humanities Projects
Week Two (13-17 June 2016):
 Wrangling Big Data for DH
 Conceptualising and Creating a Digital Edition
 Text Mapping as Modelling
 XML Applications and Databases for Historical and Literary Research
 TEI XML, XSLT, and the Web
DHUM 504 - Creation, Communication, and Dissemination
Week One (6-10 June 2016):
 Digital Storytelling
 Visualizing Information: Where Data Meets Design
 Digital Documentation and Imaging for Humanists
 Text Processing - Techniques & Traditions
 Creating LAMP Infrastructure for Digital Humanities Projects
 Palpability and Wearable Computing
 Introduction to Electronic Literature in DH: Research and Practice
Week Two (13-17 June 2016):
 Web Development / Project Prototyping with Ruby on Rails
 Conceptualising and Creating a Digital Edition
 Sounds and Digital Humanities
 Physical Computing and Desktop Fabrication
Games for Digital Humanists
Advanced Criticism and Engagement of Electronic Literature
DHUM 505 - Analysis, Teaching, and Administration
Week One (6-10 June 2016):
 DH For Department Chairs and Deans
 Out-of-the-Box Text Analysis for the Digital Humanities
 Geographical Information Systems in the Digital Humanities
 CloudPowering DH Research
 Visualizing Information: Where Data Meets Design
 Digital Humanities Pedagogy: Integration in the Curriculum
 Text Processing - Techniques & Traditions
 Issues in Large Project Planning and Management
 3D Modelling for the Digital Humanities and Social Sciences
 Creating LAMP Infrastructure for Digital Humanities Projects
 RDF and Linked Open Data
Week Two (13-17 June 2016):
 Models for DH at Liberal Arts Colleges (& 4 Yr Institutions)
 Stylometry with R: Computer-Assisted Analysis of Literary Texts
 R, Interactive Graphics, and Data Visualization for the Humanities
 Online Collaborative Scholarship: Principles and Practices (A CWRCShop)
 Sounds and Digital Humanities
 Accessibility & Digital Environments
 Critical Pedagogy and Digital Praxis in the Humanities
 Text Mapping as Modelling
 Professionalizing the Early Career Digital Humanist: Strategies and Skills
 Digital Humanities with a Global Outlook
 Understanding Topic Modeling
 Feminist Digital Humanities: Theoretical, Social, and Material Engagements