European Economic and Social Committee TEN Brussels, 14 October 2015 To the members of the Section for Transport, Energy, Infrastructure and the Information Society _______________________________________________________________ The secretary-general of the European Economic and Social Committee is pleased to enclose the MINUTES of the 148th meeting of the Section for Transport, Energy, Infrastructure and the Information Society held at the Committee building in Brussels on 31 August 2015 _____________ EESC-2015-04426-00-00-PV-TRA (EN) 1/13 Rue Belliard/Belliardstraat 99 — 1040 Bruxelles/Brussel — BELGIQUE/BELGIË Tel. +32 25469011 — Fax +32 25134893 — Internet: EN The Section for Transport, Energy, Infrastructure and the Information Society held its 148th meeting at the Committee building in Brussels on 31 August 2015, beginning at 10.50 a.m. The meeting was chaired by Mr Buffetaut, president. ATTENDANCE LIST PARTICIPANTS Abildgaard, Ask Løvbjerg Abrahamsson, Thomas Adams, Richard Agudo i Bataller, Joana Almeida Freire, Pedro Augusto (Rule 62(3) from Lobo Xavier, Gonçalo - TEN/571) Present Apologies X X X X X Anča, Gunta Antoniou, Michalis Back, Stefan Balon, Krzysztof Baráth, Etele Barbadillo López, Rafael Batut, Laure Biermann, Egbert X X X X X X X Bischoff, Gabriele (Rule 62(2) from Kattnig, Thomas) Bredima, Anna Buffetaut, Stéphane Burada, Eugen Mircea X Buzek, Tanja Caño Aguilar, Isabel X X Carr, Liina Cavero Mestre, Lourdes X X Chwiluk, Andrzej Cingal, Georges X X Coldrick, Peter Confalonieri, Roberto X X X X X X Corey, John Coulon, Pierre Jean X Cser, Ágnes Csuport, Antal X X Curtis, Brian Danev, Bojidar X X EESC-2015-04426-00-00-PV-TRA (EN) 2/13 Absent X Dantin, Gérard (Rule 62(2) from Polyzogopoulos, Christos) Darmanin, Anna Maria X X de Brauer, Philippe Delapina, Thomas X X Demelenne, Anne Dittmann, Bernd X X Drakopoulos, Georgios (Rule 62(3) from Antoniou, Michalis TEN/565) Drbalová, Vladimíra Farrugia, Vincent (Rule 62(2) from Bredima, Anna) Fatovic, Emilio Federspiel, Benedicte Fornea, Dumitru Fried, Joachim Gavrilovs, Vitālijs Ghoreishi, Amir (Rule 18 from Delapina, Thomas) Gobiņš, Andris Golini, Flora Graf von Schwerin, Alexander Gūtmanis, Andris (Rule 18 from Strautmanis, Gundars) Hadjiysky, Lubomir Hencks, Raymond X Hernández Bataller, Bernardo Holst, Sif (Rule 18 from Abildgaard, Ask Løvbjerg ) Huvelin, Bernard Ioniţă, Sorin X X Iozia, Edgardo Maria Iuliano, Giuseppe Antonio Maria (Rule 62(2) from Abrahamsson, Thomas) Ivaşcu, Minel Jírovec, Ludvík Joost, Meelis (Rule 62(2) from Federspiel, Benedicte) X X Joris, Olivier (Rule 18 from Thomaes, Rudolf) Kallio, Seppo X Kamieniecki, Krzysztof Kargaard, Søren X Kattnig, Thomas Kekeleki, Evangelia Kinahan, Sally Anne King, Brenda EESC-2015-04426-00-00-PV-TRA (EN) 3/13 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Kittenis, Dimitris (Rule 62(2) from Hencks, Raymond) Kliś, Tadeusz Kokalov, Ivan Krawczyk, Jacek X X X X Krīgers, Pēteris Krzaklewski, Marian Kvedaraitė, Daiva Ladefoged, Anders Lambertz, Günter Libaert, Thierry Liolios, Nikolaos Lobo Xavier, Gonçalo Lohan, Cillian Longo, Antonio Lübberink, Werner (Rule 18 from Fried, Joachim) Luca, Liviu (CESE) X X X X X X X X X X X X Machyna, Emil Maciulevičius, Mindaugas X X Mačiulis, Vitas Maier, Ferdinand X X Malinowski, Andrzej Manoliu, Mihai X X Manolov, Dimitar Martinović Džamonja, Dragica McDonogh, Thomas Meier, Kurt Friedhelm (Rule 18 from Biermann, Egbert) X X X X Mitov, Veselin (Rule 62(2) from Graf von Schwerin, Alexander) Modrzejewski, Michal Grzegorz X X Morgan, Peter Morkis, Gintaras Morrice, Jane Nietyksza, Anna X X X X Nilsson, Staffan O'Donovan, Erik X Oravec, Ján (CESE) Ostrowski, Krzysztof X X Páleník, Viliam Pavlikkas, Andreas Peel, Jonathan Pegado Liz, Jorge X X X X EESC-2015-04426-00-00-PV-TRA (EN) 4/13 X Petersen, Volker Pezzini, Antonello X Pietkiewicz, Janusz (Rule 18 from Malinowski, Andrzej) Pigal, Eric X X Pintér, Michal Plosceanu, Aurel Laurenţiu X X Polica, Antonio Polyzogopoulos, Christos X Preidienė, Inga Ranocchiari, Virgilio X Raunemaa, Pirkko Rebolj, Dušan Ristelä, Pekka Schröder, Ullrich Sears, David Sequeira, Victor Hugo X X X X X Sharma, Madi (Rule 62(2) from Wagener, Henri) Siecker, Martin (Rule 62(2) from van Wezel, Annie) X X Simons, Jan Sirkeinen, Ulla X X X X X X Stan, Sorin Cristian (Rule 18 from Luca, Liviu (CESE)) Stern, Juraj X Stoev, Georgi Stojan, Dare Strautmanis, Gundars Taylor, Monica X Teder, Reet Thomaes, Rudolf X Tiszbierek, Teresa Topolánszky, Ákos Trantina, Pavel Vadász, Péter X X X van Wezel, Annie Vardakastanis, Ioannis X X X X X X X X Vértes, János (Rule 62(2) from Petersen, Volker ) Vidan, Toni X Vrins, F.H. (Rule 18 from Simons, Jan) Wagener, Henri Wolf, Gerd Zbořil, Josef X EESC-2015-04426-00-00-PV-TRA (EN) 5/13 X X X X Zvolská, Marie (Rule 62(2) from Manoliu, Mihai) X EXPERTS Ballestero, François (rapporteur's expert Group II - TEN/565) (rapporteur's expert Group II - TEN/569) Boqvist, Per (rapporteur's expert Group I - TEN/575) Present X Absent Apologies X Maurer, Josef (expert Group II – TEN/569) Salcedo Aznal, Alejandro (rapporteur's expert Group III - TEN/560) (rapporteur's expert Group III - TEN/571) Schulte-Strathaus, Ulrich (rapporteur's expert Group I - TEN/569) X X Tilling, Cristine (rapporteur's expert Group II - TEN/575) X X Commission Ms Anania (DG CONNECT) Mr Dussart (DG MOVE) Mr Lagneaux (DG MOVE) Ms Hübner (DG MOVE) EESC secretariat Ms Fular Mr Giuffrida Ms Paulinova Mr Popescu Mr Quental Ms Ziecina * * 1. * Adoption of the draft agenda Mr Buffetaut opened the 148th meeting and outlined the draft agenda. 2. Approval of the minutes of the 147th meeting held on 16 June 2015 (EESC-2015-0342600-00-PV-TRA) The minutes of the 147th section meeting were approved. EESC-2015-04426-00-00-PV-TRA (EN) 6/13 3. Opinion on Cyberactivism and civil society organisations - TEN/571 - Own-initiative opinion - EESC 2015-01058-00-01-PA-TRA - rapporteur: Mr Hernández Bataller. The president, Mr Buffetaut, gave the floor to the rapporteur, Mr Hernández Bataller. The rapporteur presented the opinion, highlighting the collaborative and productive work approach of the study group. In the debate, the following members took the floor: Ms Batut, Mr Farrugia, Ms Holst, Mr Pegado Liz, Ms Raunema and Mr Sears. The main points raised were as follows: cyberactivism as a useful tool for reducing social and digital exclusion; online consultation reinforcing and complementing traditional consultation methods is crucial; the need to clearly distinguish between the normal and non-destructive use of the internet for a cause or objective, and other types of activities such as "hacktivism" or electronic civil disobedience. Mr Hernández Bataller reacted by affirming his agreement with the members' remarks, and by pointing out that the opinion is in favour of fundamental rights of all people. The draft opinion was put to vote and was adopted by 66 votes to 3 with 2 abstentions. 4. Opinion on Social innovation, networking and digital communication - TEN/560 - Owninitiative opinion - EESC 2014-04902-00-06-PA-TRA - rapporteur: Mr Hernández Bataller. The president, Mr Buffetaut, gave the floor to the rapporteur, Mr Hernández Bataller, who presented the draft opinion underlining that the topic was transversal and concerned many cross-cutting aspects. In this context he referred to the use of new ICTs, networking or digital platforms as tools to facilitate social innovation and benefits in relation to various areas, e.g. education, job creation, logistics and transport, social inclusion or participatory democracy. In the debate the following members took the floor: Ms Agudo i Bataller, Mr Coulon, Mr Longo and Ms Sirkeinen. The main points raised include: The issue of education is particularly important as highlighted in the opinion; in particular it is important to ensure that appropriate training is provided for young people so that they are well prepared for the new high quality jobs. The recommendation made in point 1.5 to monitor the implementation of the measures that can help advance social innovation within the framework of the European Semester is very pertinent. The rapporteur successfully reflects the very different views represented in the study group; the opinion represents an excellent example of the added value of Committee's work. EESC-2015-04426-00-00-PV-TRA (EN) 7/13 The objective of the opinion is to reach beyond what had been previously done on this topic and look into social innovation as a tool in terms of achieving personal and common societal goals. It is crucial to ensure that the objectives of the Europe 2020 strategy are pursued in agreement with gender equality and that women are integrated in the digital communication, networking and technologies sector. Ms Anania (from DG CONNECT) welcomed this EESC opinion and thanked the rapporteur and the study group for their work. In response to the points raised during the debate Mr Hernández Bataller replied that there had been many contributions from the study group, often representing very different points of view which posed a challenge in keeping the discussion and the opinion in balance and within the defined lines. The draft opinion was put to vote and was adopted by 61 votes to 4 with 8 abstentions. 5. Opinion on The internal market of international road freight: social dumping and cabotage TEN/575 - Exploratory opinion requested by the Luxembourg presidency - EESC 201503722-00-00-PA-TRA - rapporteurs: Mr Back and Mr Hencks (represented by Ms Demelenne) The president, Mr Buffetaut, gave the floor to the rapporteur, Mr Back and to Ms Demelenne. The rapporteurs presented the opinion and highlighted that it had been drafted under considerable time pressure, as the opinion ought to be adopted in good time before a conference to be organised with the Luxembourg Presidency of the Council. The subject was of particular complexity as there is no legal definition of social dumping, and members of the study group did not have a common understanding of it. The opinion therefore breaks new ground by proposing an official definition of social dumping. According to the rapporteurs, a key element in classifying an international road transport activity as social dumping is its illegality; otherwise, it is a matter of competition. Tackling social dumping is needed for social reasons (to ensure equal treatment of workers, e.g. equal pay for equal work) but also to prevent the fragmentation of the internal market by securing a level playing field for road transport operators. In the ensuing debate, the following members took the floor: Ms Batut, Mr Coulon, Mr Farrugia, Mr Fornea, Mr Hernández Bataller, Mr Krawczyk, Mr Maciulevicius, Mr Morkis and Mr Pigal. The following issues were raised: Drivers face a very high bureaucratic burden that needs to be addressed. Legal requirement for resting periods for drivers cannot always be met; for example, although hotel rooms are mandatory for that purpose, they are not always available. EESC-2015-04426-00-00-PV-TRA (EN) 8/13 The European Commission should clearly define social dumping; the EESC definition can be used as guidance. Some members were already of the opinion that social dumping is imprecise and a better wording would be "atypical employment conditions". At the same time, it was also mentioned that definition issues shall not deter policy-making. Competitiveness in the internal transport market must be guaranteed. First and foremost there is a need to know to what extent social dumping exists and how widespread it is. The opinion should contain more facts, which will apparently be made available by a report soon to be published by a recognised consultancy firm. However, it was also mentioned that the Luxembourg Presidency required the EESC's opinion despite any data shortcomings. Absence of data should not therefore prevent the EESC from adopting a reasoned political stance on the matter. Initial positions in the study group were very far apart. The opinion became more balanced but some members revealed the intention of tabling amendments at the plenary. Different cost structures in haulage companies must not be considered social dumping: they are a sign of a functioning and competitive internal market. In this respect, data shows that wage differences between Eastern and Western Europe countries have been diminishing. There should be no stigmatisation between Western and Eastern Europe. It was stated notably that 25% of international road freight is carried out by Polish firms, which have invested vast amounts of money to achieve those results. Some members were therefore of the opinion that the focus on social dumping is a vested way for Western European companies to fight those highly competitive firms from Eastern Europe. The amendments were discussed as follows: amendment to point 1.3, tabled by Mr Pigal, was rejected (14 votes in favour, 37 against, and 1 abstention); compromise amendment to points 1.4 and 1.5, initially tabled by Mr Pigal, was accepted; compromise amendment to point 1.7, initially tabled by Mr Pigal, was accepted; compromise amendment to point 1.8, initially tabled by Ms Drbalová, was accepted; the corrigendum on the same point was also accepted; amendment to point 1.9, tabled by Mr Pigal, was accepted; the corrigendum on the same point was also accepted; compromise amendment to point 1.10 as amended by the corrigendum, initially tabled by Mr Simons, was accepted; the corrigendum on the same point was therefore replaced by the compromise amendment; amendment to point 1.11, tabled by Mr Pigal, was rejected (17 votes in favour, 37 against, and 2 abstentions); amendment to point 2.3, tabled by Mr Pigal, as well as the identical corrigendum, were accepted; corrigendum to point 2.4 was accepted; EESC-2015-04426-00-00-PV-TRA (EN) 9/13 compromise amendment to point 2.5, initially tabled by Mr Pigal, was accepted (37 votes in favour, 21 against, and 3 abstentions); corrigendum adding point 2.6 was accepted; compromise amendment to point 3.4, initially tabled by Ms Drbalová, was accepted; corrigendum to point 3.6 was accepted; the two amendments to point 4.1, tabled by Mr Pigal, were rejected (first amendment: 27 votes in favour, 28 against, and 8 abstentions; second amendment: 24 votes in favour, 33 against, and no abstentions); the corrigendum on the same point was accepted; amendment to point 4.2, tabled by Mr Pigal, was rejected (22 votes in favour, 37 against, and 3 abstentions); the corrigendum on the same point was accepted; compromise amendment to point 4.3, initially tabled by Mr Pigal, was accepted; amendment to point 4.8, tabled by Mr Pigal, was rejected (15 votes in favour, 34 against, and 8 abstentions). The accordingly amended draft opinion was put to the vote and was adopted by 42 votes to 9 with 6 abstentions. 6. Opinion on Integrated EU Aviation Policy - TEN/569 - Exploratory opinion requested by the Commission - EESC 2015-01083-00-01-PA-TRA - rapporteur: Mr Krawczyk. The rapporteur, Mr Krawczyk, outlined the importance of the aviation sector in the EU economy and the main challenges that the airlines are facing in a highly competitive environment. He also highlighted the need to take advantage of the strengths of the industry and maximise the potential of a strong EU aviation value chain. The missing link in achieving a fully integrated aviation policy is a coherent and well-defined vision for the European aviation sector that benefits both businesses and passengers. The rapporteur concluded by drawing attention to points 1.8 and 1.9 of the opinion, which recommend that the European Commission consults the EESC on the implementation of the aviation strategy and call for strong political leadership from the Commission along with stakeholders' full commitment. The following members took the floor in the debate: Ms Batut, Mr Coulon, Mr McDonogh and Mr Pezzini. The main points raised included: The competitiveness of EU aviation hubs is hindered by heavy taxation, compared to nonEU airports. The cost effectiveness of the European ATM network is too high. There is a strong link between airport connectivity and economic growth. One stop security, the concept of screening people for prohibited items at the beginning of their journey only, should be implemented as soon as possible. The digital aspects and the potential of new fuels should be further explored by the aviation industry. EESC-2015-04426-00-00-PV-TRA (EN) 10/13 The Sectoral Social Dialogue Committee should be involved not only at plenary level but also in working groups. The implementation of aviation legislation and policies could be further assessed by the EESC through the newly created evaluation framework. The impact of the free trade agreements and digitalisation on industry and passengers should be further investigated. Passengers and their level of satisfaction should be addressed in more detail. Further clarification is needed regarding point 1.8 – how the Commission will consult the EESC and what the Committee's role would be in the implementation of the aviation strategy. In his response, the rapporteur agreed that taxation should be further discussed in the framework of economic sustainability. He also mentioned that the EU has a solid legal framework on passenger protection, that regulations should be applied consistently and that the most important priority for digitalisation is actually the implementation of SESAR. The draft opinion was then put to the vote and was adopted by 81 votes in favour with one abstention. 7. Opinion on Social dumping in the European civil aviation sector - TEN/565 - Own-initiative opinion - EESC 2015-00417-00-01-PA-TRA - rapporteur: Ms Demelenne The president, Mr Buffetaut, gave the floor to the rapporteur, Ms Demelenne. The rapporteur presented the opinion, stating that the aviation sector employs 2.6 million people in the EU and that the fight against social dumping is a legitimate fight to make sure that the sector remains economically sustainable. Although there is no legal definition of social dumping, the term was recognised by the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) in the Laval judgement. Social dumping is about distortion of competition and is a result of legislation not being implemented. The proposals in the opinion are a necessary first step towards improving the situation. Mr Back and Mr Krawczyk took the floor in the debate, making the following points: Social dumping in aviation is not about safety but about a new culture emerging among some relatively new airlines which do not respect the standards and norms that have been long-established. The opinion should be endorsed because it will stimulate debate and further raise awareness of this issue. The text is well balanced and the study group's work had resulted in good compromises. The president opened the discussions about the proposed amendments and compromises. Three written amendments had been tabled by Mr Simons concerning points 1.1 and 1.2. EESC-2015-04426-00-00-PV-TRA (EN) 11/13 Compromises had been agreed on two of the amendments, while the third had been rejected and subsequently withdrawn. The compromises were read and adopted. The amendments submitted by Mr Krawczyk to points 1.4, 1.5, 2.5, 3.3 and 4.5 were accepted by the rapporteur. The following compromise on an amendment to point 1.9 tabled by Mr Krawczyk was put to vote and accepted by 42 votes in favour with 3 votes against and 1 abstention: "The EESC will launch a separate internal work to complete the social issues raised in this opinion". Compromises were also adopted for points 2.1 and 2.2, following amendments submitted by Mr Krawczyk. The draft opinion thus amended was put to the vote and was adopted by 50 votes in favour with one abstention. 8. The section confirmed the work organisation set out below (letter of written procedure of 8 July 2015): The internal market of international road freight: social dumping and cabotage – exploratory opinion requested by the Luxembourg presidency – TEN/575 – (A15) GROUP I GROUP II GROUP III Mr Back, Rapp. Mr Corey Mr Hernandez Bataller, Pres. Ms Drbalová (Rule 62 - Mr Mr Coulon Mr Jirovec Zboril) Mr Fornea Mr Maciulevicius Mr Krawczyk Mr Hencks, rapp. Mr Pigal Mr Morkis Ms Kvedaraite Ms Tiszbierek (Rule 62 - Mr Mr Simons Trantina) 9. Activities of the section president and members Ms Rondinelli, Mr Confalonieri and Mr Schröder attended the Smart-City Tour – Europe introductory session and EXPO’s Tour, in Milan (IT) on 13 June 2015. Mr Buffetaut attended the general assembly of the Thomas More Institute, in Brussels on 17 June 2015. Ms Nietyksza attended the event on Strengthening Data Protection Standards in Europe, in Brussels on 18 June 2015. Mr Pezzini attended the conference on Comfort Technology organised by Università degli Studi di Catania (IT) on 18 June 2015. Mr Buffetaut, attended the conference on How to finance sustainable economy, in Paris (FR) on 18 June 2015. Mr Back, President of PSG IWPT, attended the TEN-T Days 2015 in Riga, (LT), on 22 and 23 June 2015. Mr Adams attended the Eurogas General Assembly in Berlin (DE) on 26 June 2015. Mr Adams attended the third European Nuclear Safety Conference, in Brussels on 29 and 30 June 2015. EESC-2015-04426-00-00-PV-TRA (EN) 12/13 10. Mr Balon, Mr Hencks and Ms Angelova (president and members of the PSG on SGI, respectively) attended a meeting with MEP Denanot, in Brussels on 30 June 2015. Mr Coulon attended the Union Energy Conference organised by Genshagen Foundation in Berlin on 2 July 2015. Mr Coulon attended the Board of ELISAN and the ELISAN conference on Fighting against the non-use: a European challenge, in Marseille (FR) on 3 July 2015. Mr Pezzini gave a speech about energy at the inauguration of a green house in Zogno (Bergamo, IT) on 3 July 2015. Ms Nietyksza attended as speaker at the Eurocloud and Cloud Expo, in Paris (FR) on 7 and 8 July 2015. Mr Simons rapporteur of TEN/305, attended the TRAN Committee meeting in Brussels (EP) on 13 July 2015. Ms Nietyksza attended the conference on Challenges of the digital transition and training of the work-force: role of the social dialogue, in Brussels on 15 July 2015. Mr Coulon attended as speaker the summer Training on COP21, in Brussels on 17 July 2015. Mr Pezzini, attended as speaker the conference How to implement energy efficiency projects in the AP: FTT, EPC and MEPA, in Palermo and Messina (IT) on 21 and 22 July 2015. Mr Pezzini, attended two Going Local conferences, in Palermo and Catania (IT) on 28 and 29 July 2015. Ms Darmanin, the rapporteur for TEN/558, attended a meeting with Mr Chatzimpiros of Islands Commission CPMR, in Brussels on 30 July 2015. Mr Buffetaut and Mr Hencks (rapporteur for TEN/484 - Issues with defining social housing) attended the conference The interviews of d'INXAUSETA, in Bunus (FR) on 28 August 2015 as speakers. The 149th section meeting will be held on 24 November 2015 starting at 10 a.m. The agenda will include the following opinions: Digital Single Market Strategy for Europe – TEN/574 – Mr Hencks, Mr Morgan E-freight communication - TEN/563 – Mr Back, Ms Darmanin. _____________ EESC-2015-04426-00-00-PV-TRA (EN) 13/13