
Name:________________________________________Topic: __________________________________
10 Honors Argumentative Research Project Rubric
Presentation Component
during Work
Speaking Skills
10-9 points
During work time
student is actively
engaged in researching,
writing or creating.
Additionally, student
takes the initiative to
make sure all group
members are involved.
8 points
During work time
student is mostly
engaged in
researching, writing
or creating, and does
not distract others at
any point.
7 points
During work time
student may at times
become distracted in
the process, but still
information to the
6 points-below
During work time
student is repeatedly
off task and often
times distract others
or contributes no
information to the
group poster.
Student is exceptionally
well prepared for
presentation and
utilizes excellent
speaking skills during
Student is well
prepared for
presentation, but may
be nervous and
forgets to use some
speaking skills.
Student is only
prepared for some of
the presentation,
stumbles while
speaking, or may read
from visual aid.
Student does not
speak during
presentation or only
reads from visual aid.
Presentation is between
7-10 minutes long.
Presentation is
between 5-6 minutes
or 11-12 minutes.
Presentation is
between 3-4 minutes
or 13-14 minutes.
Presentation is less
than 2 minutes long
or more than 15
Presentation Component Grade: _____/30
Written Component
25-23 points
The abstract is
exceptionally well
written. It evaluates the
entirety of the issue
from multiple angles
and specifically
discusses any opposing
viewpoints. The
abstract ends with a
concise, argumentative
thesis which guides the
essay as a whole. It is 23 well developed
paragraphs in length
and free of grammatical
The body paragraphs
are exceptionally well
written. They are very
well organized in that
they successfully
discuss a specific sub
topic in relation to the
groups’ overarching
thesis. Additionally,
strategies are effectively
employed in which case
the author’s mode of
22-20 points
The abstract is nicely
written. It evaluates
most of the issue and
generally discusses any
opposing viewpoints.
The abstract ends with
an argumentative thesis
that may not
necessarily guide the
essay as a whole or may
not be strong. It is 2-3
paragraphs in length
and may contain some
grammatical errors.
The body paragraphs
are nicely written. They
are well organized in
that they discuss a
specific sub topic but
the relation to the
groups’ overarching
thesis may be weak.
Additionally, most
strategies are employed
in relation to the mode
of discussion. The use
19-18 points
The abstract is
sufficiently written. It
briefly evaluates the
issue and mentions
some opposing
viewpoints. The abstract
ends with a thesis that
may not necessarily
guide the essay as a
whole or may not be
argumentative in nature.
It contains significant
lapses in length
requirements and
frequent grammatical
The body paragraphs are
sufficiently written. The
organization may be
weak in that it discusses
a specific sub topic but
the relation to the
groups’ overarching
thesis may be completely
unclear. Additionally,
some strategies are
employed in relation to
the mode of discussion.
17 points-below
The abstract is
insufficiently written. It
barely evaluates the
issue and does not
mention significant
opposing viewpoints.
The abstract ends with
a thesis that may not
necessarily guide the
essay as a whole or may
not be argumentative in
nature. It contains
serious lapses in length
requirements and many
grammatical errors.
The body paragraphs
are insufficiently
written. The
organization may be
unclear in that the
relationship between
the sub topic and thesis
is difficult to discern.
Additionally, not many
strategies are employed
in relation to the mode
of discussion. The mode
discussion is readily
apparent. The use of
source material is well
balanced given the
author’s voice (3-4
quotes). Quoted and
paraphrased material is
correctly cited
according to MLA. It is
2-3 well developed
paragraphs in length
and free of grammatical
of source material is
mostly well balanced
given the author’s voice
(3-4 quotes). Most
quoted and
paraphrased material is
correctly cited
according to MLA. It is
2-3 paragraphs in
length and may contain
some grammatical
The conclusion is fully
developed by restating
the argumentative
thesis, concisely
revisiting the
opposition, and
evaluating and
discussing the future
implications of the
argument. Additionally,
the conclusion leads to
a power abstraction
(insight), bringing
closure to the piece.
Annotations succinctly
and comprehensively
describe the source
material. Annotations
offer great insight into
the source material.
Evaluation clearly
explains why the
sources were chosen;
demonstrates a clear
understanding of
research process: offers
insight into source.
Each sources has a
proper citation; All
citations are complete;
All are in the proper
MLA format.
The conclusion brings
the essay to a
satisfactory close.
Although it may restate
the thesis, revisit the
opposition, and
evaluate and discuss
the future implications
of the argument, it does
not provide any insight
to the piece.
Most annotations are
succinct; Most
describe the source
material; Some offer
insight into the source
material. Most
evaluations explain why
the sources were
chosen; Understands
the process of source
acquisition. Most
sources have proper
citation; Most citations
are complete; Most are
in the proper MLA
The mode of discussion
may be somewhat vague.
The use of source
material is slightly well
balanced given the
author’s voice but
inclusion of research
material may be lacking.
Some quoted and
paraphrased material is
correctly cited according
to MLA. It contains
significant lapses in
length requirements and
frequent grammatical
The conclusion brings
the essay to a close.
Although it may restate
the thesis, revisit the
opposition, or evaluate
and discuss the future
implications of the
argument, it is missing
one requirement and
lacks the focus and detail
needed to adequately
close the piece.
of discussion may be
completely unclear. The
use of source material is
not well balanced given
the author’s voice. The
majority of quoted and
paraphrased material is
not correctly cited
according to MLA. It
contains serious lapses
in length requirements
and many grammatical
Some annotations may
be too short or too long;
Annotations adequately
describe the source
material, but lack
insight. Evaluation
sometimes explains why
the sources were chosen;
demonstrates some
understanding of
research process. Some
sources have proper
citation; Some citations
are complete; some are
in the proper MLA
Few annotations meet
the length
requirements, few
annotations adequately
describe the source
material; annotations
offer little insight.
Evaluation mostly
lacking in explaining
why the sources were
chosen; demonstrates
little understanding of
research process. Few
sources have a proper
citation; Few citations
are complete; few are in
the proper MLA format.
The conclusion does not
fully bring the essay to a
close. It is missing two
or more of the
requirements, simply
repeats ideas from the
introduction, or lacks
any insight into the
Cover Page: title, names in alphabetical order, teacher name, class name, due date
Table of Contents: title, section titles, authors, page numbers, roman numerals
Format: Times New Roman, 12 point font, double-spaced, 1” margins, MLA header
Written Component Grade: _____/115
Visual Component (see additional rubric)