22.09.2011 XML Schema Please note that the restriction types set in the xml schema take into account the needs for importing existing data into the software application. This does not repeal any indication given in the SDF for obligartory / optional fields. Database template DOC FIELD DOC_ID DOC_DESCRIPTION SDF INTERNAL DATA BASE MODEL ID 4.5,- Documentation (optional) DOC_LINK FIELD DOC_LINK_ID DOC_LINK_URL DOC_ID SDF INTERNAL DATA BASE MODEL ID 4.5,- Documentation (optional) INTERNAL DATA BASE MODEL ID HABITAT FIELD HABITAT_ID HABITAT_CODE HABITAT_PRIORITY HABITAT_NP HABITAT_COVER HABITAT_CAVES HABITAT_DATA_QUALITY HABITAT_REPRESENTATIVITY HABITAT_RELATIVE_SURFACE HABITAT_CONSERVATION HABITAT_GLOBAL SITE_CODE SDF INTERNAL DATA BASE MODEL ID 3.1,- Habitat types present on the site and site evaluation for them 3.1,- Habitat types present on the site and site evaluation for them 3.1,- Habitat types present on the site and site evaluation for them 3.1,- Habitat types present on the site and site evaluation for them 3.1,- Habitat types present on the site and site evaluation for them 3.1,- Habitat types present on the site and site evaluation for them 3.1,- Habitat types present on the site and site evaluation for them 3.1,- Habitat types present on the site and site evaluation for them 3.1,- Habitat types present on the site and site evaluation for them 3.1,- Habitat types present on the site and site evaluation for them INTERNAL DATA BASE MODEL ID 22.09.2011 HABITAT_CLASS FIELD HABITAT_CLASS_ID HABITAT_CLASS_CODE HABITAT_CLASS_DESCRIPTION HABITAT_CLASS_COVER SITE_CODE SDF INTERNAL DATA BASE MODEL ID 4.1,- General site character 4.1,- General site character 4.1,- General site character INTERNAL DATA BASE MODEL ID IMPACT FIELD IMPACT_ID IMPACT_TYPE IMPACT_RANK IMPACT_CODE IMPACT_POLLUTION_CODE IMPACT_OCCURRENCE SDF INTERNAL DATA BASE MODEL ID 4.3,- Threats, pressures and activities with impacts on the site 4.3,- Threats, pressures and activities with impacts on the site 4.3,- Threats, pressures and activities with impacts on the site 4.3,- Threats, pressures and activities with impacts on the site 4.3,- Threats, pressures and activities with impacts on the site SITE_CODE MAP FIELD MAP_ID MAP_INSPIRE MAP_PDF MAP_REFERENCE SDF INTERNAL DATA BASE MODEL ID 7,- MAP OF THE SITES 7,- MAP OF THE SITES 7,- MAP OF THE SITES MGMT FIELD MGMT_ID MGMT_STATUS MGMT_CONSERVATION_MEASURES SDF INTERNAL DATA BASE MODEL ID 6.2,- Managment plan (‘existance’) 6.3,- Conservation measures (optional) MGMT_BODY FIELD MGMT_BODY_ID MGMT_BODY_ORG SDF INTERNAL DATA BASE MODEL ID 6.1,- Body(ies) responsible for the site 22.09.2011 MGMT_BODY_ADDRESS MGMT_BODY_EMAIL MGMT_ID management 6.1,- Body(ies) responsible for the site management 6.1,- Body(ies) responsible for the site management INTERNAL DATA BASE MODEL ID MGMT_PLAN FIELD MGMT_PLAN_ID MGMT_PLAN_NAME MGMT_PLAN_URL MGMT_ID SDF INTERNAL DATA BASE MODEL ID 6.2,- Management plan(s) 6.2,- Management plan(s) INTERNAL DATA BASE MODEL ID NATIONAL_DTYPE FIELD NATIONAL_DTYPE_ID NATIONAL_DTYPE_CODE NATIONAL_DTYPE_COVER SITE_CODE SDF 5.1,- Designation types at national and regional level 5.1,- Designation types at national and regional level INTERNAL DATA BASE MODEL ID OTHER_SPECIES FIELD OTHER_SPECIES_ID OTHER_SPECIES_GROUP OTHER_SPECIES_CODE OTHER_SPECIES_NAME OTHER_SPECIES_SENSITIVE OTHER_SPECIES_NP OTHER_SPECIES_SIZE_MIN OTHER_SPECIES_SIZE_MAX OTHER_SPECIES_UNIT SDF 3.3,- Other important species of flora and fauna 3.3,- Other important species of flora and fauna 3.3,- Other important species of flora and fauna 3.3,- Other important species of flora and fauna 3.3,- Other important species of flora and fauna 3.3,- Other important species of flora and fauna 3.3,- Other important species of flora and fauna 3.3,- Other important species of flora and fauna 22.09.2011 OTHER_SPECIES_CATEGORY OTHER_SPECIES_MOTIVATION SITE_CODE 3.3,- Other important species of flora and fauna 3.3,- Other important species of flora and fauna INTERNAL DATA BASE MODEL ID OWNERSHIP FIELD OWNERSHIP_ID OWNERSHIP_TYPE SDF INTERNAL DATA BASE MODEL ID 4.4,- Ownership (optional) REF_BIOGEO FIELD BIOGEO_ID BIOGEO_NAME BIOGEO_CODE SDF INTERNAL DATA BASE MODEL ID REF_BIRDS FIELD REF_BIRDS_ID REF_BIRDS_CODE REF_BIRDS_NAME REF_BIRDS_ANNEXI REF_BIRDS_ANNEXIIPA REF_BIRDS_ANNEXIIPB REF_BIRDS_ANNEXIIIPA REF_BIRDS_ANNEXIIIPB SDF REF_DESIGNATIONS FIELD REF_DESIGNATIONS_ID REF_DESIGNATIONS_CODE REF_DESIGNATIONS_DESCR REF_DESIGNATIONS_CATEGORY SDF REF_HABITATS FIELD REF_HABITATS_ID REF_HABITATS_CODE REF_HABITATS_PRIORITY SDF 22.09.2011 REF_HABITATS_DESC_EN REF_HABITATS_DESC_FR REF_HABITATS_DESC_DE REF_HABITATS_DESC_ES REF_HABITATS_DESC_IT REF_HABITATS_DESC_NL REF_HABITATS_DESC_PT REF_HABITATS_DESC_DK REF_IMPACTS FIELD REF_IMPACTS_ID REF_IMPACTS_CODE REF_IMPACTS_DESCR REF_IMPACTS_REMARKS REF_IMPACTS_IUCN REF_IMPACTS_EUTROPHY REF_IMPACTS_OLDCODE SDF REF_NUTS FIELD REF_NUTS_ID REF_NUTS_CODE REF_NUTS_DESCRIPTION SDF REF_SPECIES FIELD REF_SPECIES_ID REF_SPECIES_CODE REF_SPECIES_NAME REF_SPECIES_GROUP SDF REGION FIELD REGION_ID REGION_CODE REGION_NAME SITE_CODE RESP SDF INTERNAL DATA BASE MODEL ID 2.5,- Administrative region code and name 2.5,- Administrative region code and name INTERNAL DATA BASE MODEL ID 22.09.2011 FIELD RESP_ID RESP_NAME RESP_ADDRESS RESP_EMAIL SDF INTERNAL DATA BASE MODEL ID 1.6,- Respondent 1.6,- Respondent 1.6,- Respondent SITE FIELD SITE_CODE SITE_TYPE SITE_NAME SITE_COMP_DATE SITE_UPDATE_DATE SITE_SPA_DATE SITE_SPA_LEGAL_REF SITE_SCI_PROP_DATE SITE_SCI_CONF_DATE SITE_SAC_DATE SITE_SAC_LEGAL_REF SITE_EXPLANATIONS SITE_LONGITUDE SITE_LATITUDE SITE_AREA SITE_MARINE_AREA SITE_LENGTH SITE_CHARACTERISTICS SITE_QUALITY SITE_DESIGNATION DOC_ID RESP_ID MGMT_ID MAP_ID SITE_BIOGEO SDF 1.2,- Site code 1.1,- Type 1.3,- Site name 1.4,- First Compilation date 1.5,- Update date 1.7,- Site indication and designation / classification dates 1.7,- Site indication and designation / classification dates 1.7,- Site indication and designation / classification dates 1.7,- Site indication and designation / classification dates 1.7,- Site indication and designation / classification dates 1.7,- Site indication and designation / classification dates 1.7,- Site indication and designation / classification dates 2.1,- Site-centre location [decimal degrees] 2.1,- Site-centre location [decimal degrees] 2.2,- Area [ha] 2.3,- Marine area [%] 2.4,- Site length [km] 4.1,- General site character 4.2,- Quality and importance 5.3,- Site designation (optional) INTERNAL DATA BASE MODEL ID INTERNAL DATA BASE MODEL ID INTERNAL DATA BASE MODEL ID INTERNAL DATA BASE MODEL ID 22.09.2011 FIELD SITE_CODE BIOGEO_ID BIOGEO_PERCENT SDF INTERNAL DATA BASE MODEL ID 2.6,- Biogeographical Region(s) 2.6,- Biogeographical Region(s) SITE_OWNERSHIP FIELD OWNERSHIP_ID SITE_CODE OWNERSHIP_PERCENT SDF INTERNAL DATA BASE MODEL ID INTERNAL DATA BASE MODEL ID 4.4 Ownership SITE_RELATION FIELD SITE_RELATION_ID SITE_RELATION_SCOPE SITE_RELATION_CODE SITE_RELATION_CONVENTION SITE_RELATION_SITENAME SITE_RELATION_COVER SITE_RELATION_TYPE SITE_CODE SDF INTERNAL DATA BASE MODEL ID 5.2,- Relation of the described site with other sites 5.2,- Relation of the described site with other sites 5.2,- Relation of the described site with other sites 5.2,- Relation of the described site with other sites 5.2,- Relation of the described site with other sites INTERNAL DATA BASE MODEL ID SPECIES FIELD SPECIES_ID SPECIES_GROUP SPECIES_CODE SPECIES_NAME SDF INTERNAL DATA BASE MODEL ID 3.2,- Species referred to in Artcle 4 of Directive 2009/147/EC and listed in Annex II of Directive 92/43/EEC and site evaluation form them 3.2,- Species referred to in Artcle 4 of Directive 2009/147/EC and listed in Annex II of Directive 92/43/EEC and site evaluation form them 3.2,- Species referred to in Artcle 4 of Directive 2009/147/EC and listed in 22.09.2011 SPECIES_SENSITIVE SPECIES_NP SPECIES_TYPE SPECIES_SIZE_MIN SPECIES_SIZE_MAX SPECIES_UNIT SPECIES_CATEGORY SPECIES_DATA_QUALITY SPECIES_POPULATION SPECIES_CONSERVATION SPECIES_ISOLATION SPECIES_GLOBAL Annex II of Directive 92/43/EEC and site evaluation form them 3.2,- Species referred to in Artcle 4 of Directive 2009/147/EC and listed in Annex II of Directive 92/43/EEC and site evaluation form them 3.2,- Species referred to in Artcle 4 of Directive 2009/147/EC and listed in Annex II of Directive 92/43/EEC and site evaluation form them 3.2,- Species referred to in Artcle 4 of Directive 2009/147/EC and listed in Annex II of Directive 92/43/EEC and site evaluation form them 3.2,- Species referred to in Artcle 4 of Directive 2009/147/EC and listed in Annex II of Directive 92/43/EEC and site evaluation form them 3.2,- Species referred to in Artcle 4 of Directive 2009/147/EC and listed in Annex II of Directive 92/43/EEC and site evaluation form them 3.2,- Species referred to in Artcle 4 of Directive 2009/147/EC and listed in Annex II of Directive 92/43/EEC and site evaluation form them 3.2,- Species referred to in Artcle 4 of Directive 2009/147/EC and listed in Annex II of Directive 92/43/EEC and site evaluation form them 3.2,- Species referred to in Artcle 4 of Directive 2009/147/EC and listed in Annex II of Directive 92/43/EEC and site evaluation form them 3.2,- Species referred to in Artcle 4 of Directive 2009/147/EC and listed in Annex II of Directive 92/43/EEC and site evaluation form them 3.2,- Species referred to in Artcle 4 of Directive 2009/147/EC and listed in Annex II of Directive 92/43/EEC and site evaluation form them 3.2,- Species referred to in Artcle 4 of Directive 2009/147/EC and listed in Annex II of Directive 92/43/EEC and site evaluation form them 3.2,- Species referred to in Artcle 4 of 22.09.2011 SITE_CODE Directive 2009/147/EC and listed in Annex II of Directive 92/43/EEC and site evaluation form them INTERNAL DATA BASE MODEL ID