NCS Review Team details - National Curriculum Services

National Curriculum Services Peer Reviews
National Curriculum Services has been contracted by DET for all review types since 1996, making it the most
experienced of the review service providers. NCS completed 120 Peer and 30 Priority Reviews during 2014. The
consistent effectiveness and quality of NCS reviews over this period is attested to by DET and school level feedback.
Our successful track record is the result of NCS’s distinctive approach to reviews – a team of skilled reviewers using
evidence-based techniques to ensure a review is tailored to the individual school’s context and needs.
A team of expert reviewers
NCS reviewers are experts in all aspects of reviews. They are highly experienced in facilitating review panel meetings,
focussing conversations on school improvement while including the range of stakeholders involved. They are skilled in
data analysis with a detailed understanding of DET performance indicators and school-generated data. They support
schools to produce clear and focused recommendations matched to each school’s distinctive challenges. Our team
Peter Fotheringham
Christine Reid
Mike Rowland
Graham Bastian
Claire Bolster
Rob Casamento
Peter Cole
Peter Gannon
Helen Goode
David Gurr
John Marks
Garry Taylor
Pam Toose
Jan Volkman
Chris Wardlaw
Our reviewers will provide clear guidance for schools working through the new DET accountability framework.
The NCS approach
NCS methodology adheres to the specified DET process for peer reviews (see table below). The NCS approach is
evidence-based. It starts with the classroom and examines the range of direct and indirect factors that schools can
influence to improve outcomes. Recommendations are supported by research. Our goal is to provide effective and
highly valued review and improvement services to schools. The NCS approach will ensure a review service that will
add value to your school’s improvement endeavours.
Prepare for the review
Facilitate the review day
Undertake VRQA
registration check
Write review report
Post-review survey
Analyse school’s self-evaluation and other data. Confirm a review date and develop the
review terms of reference and agenda in conjunction with the principal. Preparation for the
review may include a pre-visit or a pre-review discussion.
Undertake the review panel day in accordance with the agreed terms of reference and
View all documentation supplied by the school to determine whether it complies with
registration requirements.
Using the agreed template complete and quality assure a written report and submit to the
school and peers within 7 business days of review date for verification.
DET post-review survey completed after each review.
6 hours
5 hours
2 hours
4 hours
1 hour
18 hours
Peer Review Fees
The NCS fee for a Peer Review is $3,510 (GST Excluded). This fee is based on the DET specified Peer Review services
totaling 18 hours. Travel and accommodation is additional when the school’s distance is 100km (or one hour’s travel)
or greater from the reviewer’s office, charged at DET specified rates. Other review related services, for example, more
time in the school, can be provided at additional cost.
Other Services
In addition to Facilitating Peer Reviews and Leading Priority Reviews, NCS offers a full suite of other school
improvement services including:
- Supporting School Self Evaluations
- Strategic Planning, including development of Strategic Plans and Annual Implementation Plans
- Building Alignment between Strategic Plans and other Performance Plans
- Preparing for VRQA registration requirements
More information
Contact Peter Fotheringham
T 03 9419 9622 | M 0417 347 264 | E | W
A Carringbush Business Centre, Suite 201, Level 2, 134-136 Cambridge Street Collingwood VIC 3066 | PO Box 361,
Abbotsford VIC 3067
NCS is wholly owned by a not-for-profit teacher professional association.
Our Reviewers
Schools reviewed during
Peter has an extensive background in Victorian education, ranging from classroom
teaching through to school leadership. He manages the NCS school review and
improvement programs, and is one of NCS's most experienced reviewers, having
completed over 250 reviews for DET since 1996. These reviews have included
diagnostic and extended diagnostic types and schools involved in the 2013-14 trials
of the new framework. These schools cover all stages of schooling from early
learning through senior secondary in all types of school year level range structures,
regional locations and sizes. He is an accredited VRQA reviewer regularly
completing reviews of schools and non-school providers against the Victorian
Minimum Standards. He has extensive local and international experience in
strategic thinking and planning, school review and improvement, instructional
leadership, curriculum, teaching and learning projects and school governance.
Peer Reviews
As NCS review manager he has developed the NCS approach to school review and
improvement through the use of evidence-based diagnostic tools. Peter is adept at
establishing productive working relationships with principals, review panels,
parents, teachers and other stakeholders. He has strong data analysis skills,
frequently engaged by schools to provide insights into school performance. With
his depth of experience he is able to assist schools identify strategies suited to their
context and to build their internal capacity for improvement in student outcomes.
Peter’s extensive international experience includes work with the National Institute
for School Leadership (NISL) in Washington DC since 2001. In this role he regularly
delivers professional learning programs, working with US school leadership teams
on strategic thinking, planning, instructional leadership and improvement in
student outcomes. Other recent work has included creation of Bastow Institute
Leadership Modules in leading literacy and numeracy instruction, leading
responsibly, and leading ethically, and managing national ATSI education programs
and curriculum development for other national systems.
Ascot Vale PS
Athol Road PS
Bacchus Marsh College
Belle Vue Park PS
Bethal PS
Clifton Hill PS
Diamond Creek East PS
Drouin SC
Fairfield PS
Glen Eira SC
Glen Katherine
Glenroy Central PS
Norris Bank PS
Portarlington PS
Preston West PS
Rosehill SC
Roxburgh College
Roxburgh Homestead PS
Roxburgh Rise PS
Priority Reviews
Collingwood P-12 College
Narre Warren South P-12
Gisborne Secondary
Bundoora Secondary
Christine Reid
Christine has been an accredited reviewer since the introduction of reviews in
1997. During this time she has reviewed a range of schools including metro and
non-metro, primary and secondary, large and small schools. These reviews have
included continuous improvement review, diagnostic and extended diagnostic
review. Feedback from schools and regions has always been positive with schools
commenting on the quality of data analysis, strategic report writing and excellent
inter-personal skills. She has reviewed over 70 schools over this period. Christine,
as the Executive Director of National Curriculum Services works nationally with
schools on their improvement agenda. Her knowledge of curriculum and effective
teacher practice has developed from working with a range of schools across
Australia. She is also an accredited VRQA reviewer and has been completing these
reviews since inception. As part of her role at National Curriculum Services she
manages a national Indigenous Education project for the Australian Government,
the What Works program, focused on improving outcomes for Indigenous
students. Christine is a well respected educator with extensive educational
experience to bring to the review process.
Peer Reviews
Mike Rowland has had a long, extensive engagement with education in many
dimensions ranging from teaching in schools and at University, to leading
curriculum and teacher development. He has comprehensive experience in school
review and improvement, and in strategic review and strategic planning for
improvement of a number of professional associations, both state and national.
School Reviews: Mike has been a member of the National Curriculum Services PL
school review team since the inception of the first reviews in 1996. Over this time
he has undertaken a large number of Continuous, Diagnostic and Extended
Diagnostic (EDR) reviews in metropolitan, regional and rural government schools.
Peer Reviews
NCS School Self Evaluation, Review & Improvement Services
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Carlisle River PS
Bendigo (Violet Street) PS
Quarry Hill PS
Priority Reviews
Epsom PS
Box Hill SSC
Mildura PS
Harcourt Valley PS
Eppalock PS
Axedale PS
Maryborough Ed Centre
Schools have ranged from 2 or 3 teacher primary schools to very large secondary
colleges and all sizes in between, including F – 12 colleges. In recent years he has
completed a number of EDR Follow up Reviews. He is also a reviewer of schools for
the VRQA. In 2013 he was a reviewer in the DET Peer Review Pilot Program. Mike
has taught in Victorian metropolitan and rural secondary schools; developed,
convened and taught pre service teacher education programs at La Trobe
University for more than 10 years; and worked as a Regional Curriculum Consultant
in the DET. He was Executive Director of the Victorian Commercial Teachers
Association 1994 – 2005, has had a long and strategic association with the Victorian
Curriculum and Assessment Authority (VCAA) and its predecessors as Convenor of
the Business Studies area and Deputy Convenor of the Humanities/SOSE Learning
Echuca College
Pyramid Hill
Wedderburn College
Priority Reviews
Gisborne SC
Robinvale P-12
Ballarat SC
Chaffey SC
Crusoe 7-10 College
Koroit and District PS
Rushworth P-12
Since retiring as Principal at Bendigo Senior Secondary College, Graham has
provided consultancy services to schools and the Department of Education and
Early Childhood Development (DET), especially in areas of strategic planning, policy
development, school leadership and resource management. Graham has reviewed
and supported a range of Primary, Primary/Secondary and Secondary schools and
has a thorough, up to date knowledge of the Victorian Education system and
school operations in a broad range of settings. He has led schools from different
provision models (P-12, Years 7-10 and Senior SC) and through these roles along
with a Regional Educator role gained valuable skills, insights and networks within
the Victorian education system. Graham has completed a number of school
reviews together with re-registration reviews on behalf of the Victorian
Registration and Qualifications Authority (VRQA). In addition he has been a
member of the external review team for several schools in South Australia and
Queensland seeking accreditation under the Council of International Schools (CIS).
Peer Reviews
Beechworth PS
Beechworth SC
Tallangatta SC
Reservoir East PS
Tempy PS
Corryong College
Upper Sandy Creek PS
Buckley Park HS
Fountain Gate SC
Mitta Mitta PS
Tallangatta Valley PS
Alexandra SC
Priority Reviews
Ballarat SC
Collingwood College
Crusoe 7-10
Mooroopna SC
Managatang P-12
Bundoora SC
Claire Bolster
Peter Cole
Claire Bolster is strongly committed to tailored school improvement and review
through collaborative, practical and strategic processes. Her commitment is
underpinned by 38 years of broad and successful experience in Victorian
Government School education. Specifically, Claire has been a Principal Class Officer
in Melbourne and regional schools, a DET-accredited School Reviewer undertaking
different types of reviews for a range of schools and she has been a Senior
Manager in DET's Central Office managing the development and delivery of State
and Federal Government-funded teaching and learning resources, professional
learning programs, strategies and research (focussed on literacy, numeracy, whole
school curriculum planning, coaching, the middle years of schooling, science and
health and physical education). In addition, Claire has been a Regional consultant
leading schools and their communities to evaluate their programs and policies and
implement a range of Prep - Year 12 school improvement initiatives. She has also
taught in Melbourne and regional schools. In recent years, Claire has provided
consultancy support to various areas within DET, the VCAA, subject associations
and universities. Her ongoing work in education enables her to remain cognisant of
current issues addressed by school leaders, their staff and communities, as well as
by the wider education system.
Peer Reviews
Peter has been consulting within the education sector both in Australia and
internationally for over fifteen years. He is a former senior executive of the
Victorian Department of Education and teacher. Major clients in education have
included most government education systems in Australia, a range of international
agencies and governments and private sector providers of education. Peter is an
accredited and experienced school effectiveness reviewer and over the last decade
Peer Reviews
NCS School Self Evaluation, Review & Improvement Services
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Kennington PS
Ringwood North PS
Old Orchard PS
Ballarat Specialist
Mornington Park PS
Colac Specialist
Priority Reviews
Whittelesea SC
Robinvale SC
Narre Warren South P-12
Chaffey College
Lalor North SC
Bendigo Senior SC
Marysville PS
Northern College of the
Peter Gannon
has undertaken over 100 school improvement reviews in primary and secondary
schools as well as providing advice to the government on ways to improve school
accountability and performance. Peter is an accredited executive coach and has
been involved in coaching experienced principals since 2004. From 2002 to 2006
Peter co-delivered a leadership team improvement program to leadership teams in
both the Government and Catholic systems in Victoria. Peter’s writing on a range of
education topics, and especially professional learning, school governance,
performance reviews, curriculum, pedagogy and leadership, has been published in
national and Victorian education journals. Examples of past projects include:
Review of Targeted School Improvement Strategies, DET; Review of senior
secondary education, Hong Kong; Review of teacher professional learning
strategies, Catholic Education Office; Development of implementation strategies to
introduce a devolved education system, Republic of Azerbaijan, Evaluation of the
Wannik tutoring project, DET, Advice on developing a School Charter, DET,
Establishment of School Centres for Teaching Excellence, DET and Options for
improving pre-service teacher education, DET.
Arts & Technology
Peter Gannon has been a school reviewer and consultant with National Curriculum
Services for the past four years. In that time he has undertaken Continuous
Improvement Reviews and a Diagnostic Review of a range of schools including
Primary and Secondary and rural and city. His work has been very well received and
his feedback reports have been excellent. Peter has also undertaken consultancy
work as part of the What Works Program, a program aimed at improving outcomes
in indigenous schools. He worked recently with Menindee Central School in NSW
and Catholic schools in Broome and outback Balgo Hills on developing strategic
plans and effective organizational structures. Peter has a sound knowledge of what
constitutes effective teaching and learning practices as well as a strong practical
knowledge of issues like resource allocation, timetabling, professional learning and
student management, all of which add to his credibility in schools. Peter has
undertaken consultancy roles for the Central Office of DET, the Northern Regional
Office of DET and for schools and networks of schools. He also advises schools as a
Workforce Bridging Officer for the Central Office of DET. Prior to joining NCS, Peter
was Principal of the high performing Viewbank College for ten years. At Viewbank
College, he was noted for growing a strong and positive learning culture, for his
student data analysis and reporting work, for his financial and resource
management, for his work in developing an effective student leadership program
and for his work with his Primary School colleagues on transition.
Peer Reviews
Priority Reviews
Derrimut PS
Manorvale PS
Westbreen PS
Myrniong PS
Watsonia North PS
Streeton PS
Powlett River PS
Oberon High School
Bundoora PS
Doreen PS
St Helena
Darraweit Guim PS
Priority Reviews
Robinvale P-12
Chaffey 7-10
Laverton P-12
Whittlesea College
Manorvale PS
Helen Goode
David Gurr
Helen is a former primary and secondary teacher and Senior Education officer who
now works as an educational consultant, research assistant and sessional lecturer
at The University of Melbourne. Contracts with both the DET and the Catholic
Education Office include school reviews for more than 15 years, VCAL and VRQA
audits, P&D Culture accreditations, and programs such as Capacity Building of
School Leadership Teams. She has undertaken school reviews in Hong Kong. her
consultancy in government, catholic and independent schools includes strategic
planning, change management, development of school improvement plans,
performance management, induction programs, mentoring, appraisal and
performance reviews, processes for giving and receiving feedback, executive
coaching, leadership support and development and facilitation of leadership
programs. Helen is a trained facilitator of the Myers Briggs Type Indicator,
Workplace Conferencing, MLQ(Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire) Full Range
Leadership Development and Team Leadership and Stephen Covey's Seven Habits
of Highly Effective People. As part of the University of Melbourne she teaches in
the MEd program and the CEOM sponsored 'Foundations of Literacy Leadership'
and 'Coaching for Literacy Improvement'. She is currently developing a program for
the CEO Bendigo on 'Leading and Coaching for Transformational Leadership'. She is
a member of the International Successful School Leadership Project (ISSPP) and
frequently presents at conferences both in Australia and overseas. her current
research focus as part of her PhD is 'Successful School principal ship: From Success
to Sustainability'. She is a director on several school councils and Boards of
Peer Reviews
David Gurr has over thirty years work experience in education. For 15 years (1980
to 1994) he worked in government secondary schools in various leadership roles. In
1995 he worked for the Office of School Review on a school charter research
Peer Reviews
NCS School Self Evaluation, Review & Improvement Services
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Elsternwick PS
Falls Creek
Tawonga PS
Alfredton PS
Mill Park PS
Toorak PS
Bourchier Street PS
Fitzroy PS
Big Hill PS
Priority Reviews
Meadow Heights PS
Westgarth PS
Dederang PS
Newlands PS
Elsternwick PS
John Marks
Garry Taylor
project. From 1996 to the present he has lectured in educational leadership at The
University of Melbourne, teaching in the Masters of Educational Management,
Masters of School Leadership, Master of Instructional Leadership and Doctor of
Education programs, working on various teaching and research consultancies, and
researching in the areas of successful school leadership, school supervision
(accountability), technology impact and performance and development culture. He
has more than 120 publications including four authored or edited books, 27 book
chapters, 39 refereed journal articles, 26 professional article, seven conference
publications, and 15 contract reports. He has written a book, several journal
articles and contract reports concerned with the Victorian school accountability
system. David coordinated an eight-year contract to review all government schools
in the Northern and Western metropolitan regions and for the past eight years as
worked with NCS as a reviewer. He has completed more than 50 reviews including
special reviews, diagnostic reviews and normal reviews. He has supervised the
completion of several hundred reviews. He led the contract to accredit all
government schools in the performance and development culture program in
Victoria. He has conducted school reviews in South Australia, the ACT, NSW and
Hong Kong. He has conducted VET provider and school inspections for the VRQA.
Falls Creek
The professional background of John Marks covers over 25 years in Education and
Human Resources Management. John has reviewed over 180 government schools
as part of DET's formal school review process (bring a member of the original pilot
group back in 1997). He has worked closely with independent schools as a reviewer
(RSB and VRQA) and a consultant and he is an accredited Catholic school reviewer
having reviewed over 40 schools since 2006. John was a member of the P&DC
Verification team (2004-2009) and he is currently assessing Catholic schools for
P&DC. John is regularly contracted by schools to facilitate experiential workshops
on Leadership and Management, Health and Wellbeing, P&DC, building quality
feedback mechanisms, staff selection and succession planning. John established a
teacher/non-teacher placement agency in 1998, servicing Government,
Independent and Catholic metro and country schools. Scope of services include
short and long-term recruitment, performance appraisals, coaching principals and
APs, professional learning and workforce planning. When facilitating a workshop,
John is aware that each participant has his or her own unique style of learning. He
takes into account the varying styles when preparing and delivering. He is able to
assess participants' competencies and identify and cater for their needs. He sets
realistic objectives and he ensures that outcomes are realised by the end of the
workshop. He provides constructive feedback to each participant and he seeks
feedback from them re: the value of the workshop. John has worked, and
continues to consult, with the Country Education Project.
Peer Reviews
Secondary College Principal 10 years large regional college. Principal Class Officer
for 20 years. Accredited School Reviewer working with both secondary and primary
schools . Extensive experience in school organisational, leadership and school
climate change. Currently employed as a Field of Officer (past 4 years) working with
principals throughout Victoria for VASSP. Trained coach for school leadership
teams and organisational change. Recipient of the DET School Leadership Team
Award as Principal.
Peer Reviews
Tawonga PS
Alfredton PS
Mill Park PS
Toorak PS
Bourchier Street PS
Fitzroy PS
Big Hill PS
Priority Reviews
Whittlesea College
Westgarth PS
Bayswater West PS
Brunswick South West PS
Shepparton HS
Mont Albert PS
Brauer College
Wanganui Park SC
Knox Gardens PS
Little Bendigo PS
Priority Reviews
Meadow Heights PS
Mooroopna SC
Lorne-Airey’s Inlet P-12
Ballarat HS
Fairhills HS
Colac SC
Eaglehawk SC
Belmont HS
Haddon PS
Urquhart Park PS
Yuille Park P-8 CC
Priority Reviews
Gisborne SC
Crusoe 7-10 College
Pam Toose
Pam’s background, firstly as a teacher and over the past seven years has involved
working with School Leaders and Communities focusing on School Improvement.
This encapsulates identifying appropriate stakeholders and building capacity
through the analysis of data, identifying problems of practice and designing
appropriate strategies to improve. Pam’s work ensures schools are supported in
their improvement foci as well as accountable at the local, regional and system
level. Pam is a creditable operator with proven experience and results in both
teaching (33 years) and leadership. This work requires high level leadership skills in
all areas: Technical, Human, Educational, Symbolic and Cultural. Pam has a
NCS School Self Evaluation, Review & Improvement Services
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Peer Reviews
Mt Macedon PS
Little River PS
Malmsbury PS
Woorinen PS
Queenscliff PS
Rollins PS
Bachelor of Commerce and Diploma of Education from Melbourne University and a
Masters of Business from La Trobe University Bendigo. She has completed her
Workplace Assessor certification and has Achieve Global accreditation as a
presenter in ‘Giving and Receiving Constructive Feedback’.
Point Lonsdale
Maiden Gully PS
Gleneagles SC
Lara SC
Anakie PS
Avoca PS
Leitchville PS
Mandama PS
Priority Reviews
Narre Warren South P-12
Derrimut PS
Rushworth P-12
Warracknabeal PS
Lorne-Airey’s Inlet P-12
Ballarat SC
Balomoral K-12
Apsley PS
Jan Volkman
Jan Volkman has had extensive experiences in school review and improvement,
having reviewed a number of schools for DET. She has been a teaching and learning
coach at Charles La Trobe College. Her previous roles have included Northern
Metropolitan Region RNL, and Principal at Debney Park and Peter Lalor Secondary
Colleges and more recently at Penders Grove primary School. She has worked
extensively with principals and their leadership teams to utilise school
effectiveness frameworks as evaluative tools to identify school strengths and
opportunities for improvement. She has worked with schools on improving
performance and development processes and supported schools through programs
focused on improved organisational health.
Peer Reviews
Northcote PS
Lalor Gardens PS
Newtown PS
Merriang SDS
Thomastown PS
Pender's Grove PS
Distance Education Centre
Ainslie Parklands PS
Priority Reviews
Collingwood College
Mr Chris Wardlaw works in a variety of consultancy roles with the DET, including as
Project Director for the National Partnerships initiative. Chris served as Deputy
Secretary for Education (Curriculum and Quality Assurance) for the Hong Kong
Government from 2002 to 2008. He was responsible for curriculum, assessment
and quality assurance for pre-primary, basic education and senior secondary
education. He led the implementation planning for the comprehensive learning
reform set out by the Hong Kong Government in 2000. In particular this involved
the reform of Basic Education, the introduction of competency assessments and a
new quality assurance model combining internal evaluation with external review. A
major component of the work was the reform of senior secondary and university
education. During this time Hong Kong further improved its already high standing
in a range of international assessments, including PISA and PIRLS. Prior to his
appointment to Hong Kong, Chris had a long career in the Victorian Education
Department, during which he took a leading role in the implementation of the
Schools of the Future reforms, the process of Quality Provision and development
and implementation of a new school review framework. He managed the
Department contribution to the partnership with Principals associations and the
University of Melbourne in the Cooperative Research Project: Leading Victoria's
Schools of the Future. Chris began his career as a university tutor and then
secondary school teacher in economics and history, prior to moving into regional
consultancy and central policy roles.
NCS School Self Evaluation, Review & Improvement Services
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Peer Reviews
Melbourne High School
Mount Waverley SC
Pakenham Consolidated
Hallam Senior Secondary
University HS
Priority Reviews
Laverton P-12 College
Derrimut PS