Nate Week 5 Monday Math Handwriting Latin Memory Science Reading Mama class -Do Lesson 20 -Do your verse. -Do Lesson 5 -Go over poem/spelling list. -Do Chapter 2.9 -Read 30 min: F&L 5 then GWW 210-220, 223-224, 228-251 -Do this with me. Tuesday Math Handwriting Latin Memory Science Reading Mama class -Do Lesson 21 -Do your verse. -Do Lesson 1 -Go over poem/spelling list. -Do Chapter 2.10 -Read 30 min: BC 5 then GWW 210-220, 223-224, 228-251 -Do this with me. Wednesday Math Handwriting Latin Memory Science Reading Mama class -Do Lesson 22 -Do your verse. -Do Lesson 1 -Go over poem/spelling list. -Do Chapter 2.11 -Read 30 min: GWW 210-220, 223-224, 228-251 -Do this with me. Math Handwriting Latin Memory Science Reading Mama class Thursday -Do Lesson 23 -Do your verse. -Do Lesson 1 -Go over poem/spelling list. -Do Chapter 3.1 -Read 30 min: GWW 210-220, 223-224, 228-251 -Do this with me. Math Memory Science Reading Drawing Geography Mama class Friday -Do Lesson 24 -Review for spelling for test -Do Chapter 3.2 -Read 30 min: GWW 210-220, 223-224, 228-251 -Do Lesson 10 -Do ¼ “Map-it” exercise p. 160. -Do this with me. Nate Week 6 Monday Math Handwriting Latin Memory Science Reading Mama class -Do Lesson 25 -Do your verse. -Do Review Lesson 1 -Go over poem/spelling list. -Do Chapter 3.3 -Read 30 min: F&L 6 then GWW 252-258, 261-263, 277-288, 312-315, 328-329, 342, 345-349. -Do this with me. Tuesday Math Handwriting Latin Memory Science Reading Mama class -Do Lesson 26 -Do your verse. -Do Review Lesson 1 -Go over poem/spelling list. -Do Chapter 3.4 -Read 30 min: RIA 1 then GWW 252-258, 261-263, 277-288, 312-315, 328-329, 342, 345-349. -Do this with me. Wednesday Math Handwriting Latin Memory Religion Science Reading Mama class -Do Lesson 27 -Do your verse. -Do Review Lesson 1 -Go over poem/spelling list. -Do F&L activity page. -Do Chapter 3.5 -Read 30 min: GWW 252-258, 261-263, 277-288, 312-315, 328-329, 342, 345-349. -Do this with me. Math Handwriting Latin Memory Science Reading Mama class Thursday -Do Lesson 28 -Do your verse. -Do Review Lesson 1 -Go over poem/spelling list. -Do Chapter 3.6 -Read 30 min: GWW 252-258, 261-263, 277-288, 312-315, 328-329, 342, 345-349. -Do this with me. Math Memory Science Reading Drawing Geography Mama class Friday -Do Test 4 -Review for spelling for test -Do Chapter 3.7 -Read 30 min: GWW 252-258, 261-263, 277-288, 312-315, 328-329, 342, 345-349. -Do Lesson 11 -Do “Map-it” exercise p. 162. -Do this with me. Nate Week 7 Monday Math Handwriting Latin Memory Science Reading Mama class -Do Lesson 29 -Do your verse. -Do Lesson 6 -Do this with me. -Do Chapter 3.8 -Read 30 min: F&L 7 then Ben Franklin CH 1-4. -Do this with me. Tuesday Math Handwriting Latin Memory Science Reading Mama class -Do Lesson 30 -Do your verse. -Do Lesson 6 -Go over poem/spelling list. -Study for test -Read 30 min: RIA 2 then Ben Franklin CH 1-4. -Do this with me. Wednesday Math Handwriting Latin Memory Science Religion Reading Mama class -Do Lesson 31 -Do your verse. -Do Lesson 6 -Go over poem/spelling list. -Test -Do F&L activity page. -Read 30 min: P&P 24 then Ben Franklin CH 1-4. -Do this with me. Math Handwriting Latin Memory Science Reading Mama class Thursday -Do Lesson 32 -Do your verse. -Do Lesson 6 -Go over poem/spelling list. -Do Chapter 4.1 -Read 30 min: Ben Franklin CH 1-4. -Do this with me. Math Memory Science Reading Drawing Mama class Friday -Do Lesson 33 -Review spelling for test -Do Chapter 3.2 -Read 30 min: Ben Franklin CH 1-4. -Do Lesson 12 -Do this with me. Nate Week 8 Monday Math Handwriting Latin Memory Science Reading Mama class -Do Lesson 34 -Do your verse. -Do Lesson 7 -Go over poem/spelling list. -Do Chapter 4.3 -Read 30 min: F&L 8 then Ben Franklin CH 5-8. -Do this with me. Tuesday Math Handwriting Latin Memory Science Reading Mama class -Do Lesson 35 -Do your verse. -Do Lesson 7 -Go over poem/spelling list. -Do Chapter 4.4 -Read 30 min: RIA 3 then Ben Franklin CH 5-8. -Do this with me. Wednesday Math Handwriting Latin Memory Religion Science Reading Mama class -Do Lesson 36 -Do your verse. -Do Lesson 7 -Go over poem/spelling list. -Do F&L activity page. -Do Chapter 4.5 -Read 30 min: Exodus 7:14-12:50 then Ben Franklin CH 5-8. -Do this with me. Math Handwriting Latin Memory Science Reading Mama class Thursday -Do Lesson 37 -Do your verse. -Do Lesson 7 -Go over poem/spelling list. -Do Chapter 4.6 -Read 30 min: Ben Franklin CH 5-8. -Do this with me. Math Memory Science Reading Drawing Geography Mama class Friday -Do Lesson 38 -Review spelling for test -Do Chapter 4.7 -Read 30 min: Ben Franklin CH 5-8. -Do Lesson 13 -Do ½ “Map-it” exercise p. 164. -Do this with me.