Table S1. Standardized a2, c2, e2 estimates (95% confidence interval) for testosterone, DHEA, and pubertal status from fitting a univariate qualitative sex differences model. Comparison to fixing opposite-sex DZ correlation to 0.5 Males opposite-sex Testosterone χ2diff df p DZ correlation 1.6 1 .21 0.0 (0.0-.5) DHEA 0.22 1 .64 .3 (0.0-.5) Pubertal Status 0.0 1 1.0 .5 (.14 - .5) Females a2 c2 e2 a2 c2 e2 .18 .65 .16 .47 .23 .29 (0.0-.45) (.39-.82) (.10-.29) .59 .17 .24 (.18-.82) (0.0-.50) (.15-.39) .10 .72 .17 (0.0-.28) (.55-.83) (.12-.24) (.20-.74) (0.0-.47) (.21-.40) .41 .23 .24 (.02-.78) (0.0-.70) (.17-.34) .41 .44 .15 (.25-.57) (.29-.58) (.10-.21) Note: a2, c2, e2 refer to the standardized genetic, shared environment and non-shared environmental variance respectively. Table S2. Standardized a2, c2, e2 estimates (95% confidence intervals) of variance/covariance in pubertal timing, testosterone, DHEA and estimated genetic and environmental correlations from fitting a trivariate Cholesky model. Males a2 c2 Pubertal Status .55 (.05-.70) .06 (0.0-.51) Testosterone .13 (0.0-.46) DHEA .52 (.16-.73) Females e2 a2 c2 e2 .39 (.28-.53) .77 (.47-.84) .02 (0.0-.29) .21 (.15-.29) .65 (.35-.79) .21 (.13-.32) .33 (.34-.75) .42 (.02-.73) .24 (.17-.36) .22 (.05-.54) .25 (.16-.43) .32 (.05-.69) .47 (.10-.71) .22 (.15-.33) Puberty-Testosterone .55 (-.23-1.0) .40 (-.20-1.1) .03 (-.13-.28) rA = .55 Puberty-DHEA .70 (-1.0-1.9) .42 (-.4-1.9) rA = .70 Testosterone-DHEA rC = .88 rC = .92 .19 (-.12-.58) .60 (.25-.86) rA = .19 rC = .96 1.0 (-.10-1.9) -.06 (-.90-.90) .02 (-.20-.25) rE = .06 rA = .53 -.12 (-.90-.90) .91 (.12-1.8) rE = -.12 rA = .53 .21 (.09-.39) rE = .54 rC = .34 .01 (-.8-.74) rC = .65 .11 (-.20-.71) .65 (.06-.95) rA = .23 rC = .72 rE = .02 .07 (-.14-.28) rE = .10 .23 (.15-.38) rE = .67 Note: Proportion of phenotypic variance accounted for by A, C, and E are shown in the top panel; proportion of phenotypic covariance accounted for by A, C, and E are shown in the bottom panel; a2, c2, e2 refer to the standardized genetic, shared environment and non-shared environmental variance; rA, rC, and rE refer to the genetic, shared environment, and non-shared environment correlations.