
Makes Sense Strategies

TM s

Ocean Unit

5.6 The student will investigate and understand the characteristics of the ocean environment.

Hierarchic: 3 Main Ideas


© 2007 Edwin Ellis, All Rights Reserved Published by Makes Sense Strategies, LLC, Lillian, AL


70% of the earth’s surface is covered with water

Ocean floor- study ocean floor diagram.

Abyssal plains- broad, flat areas on the ocean floor.

Mid ocean ridges undersea mountain changes

Continental shelf - flat, shallow areas at the edges of the continents.

Continental Slope - a steep hill and drop off at the end of the continental shelf.

Seamont- is a mountain that is completely submerge underwater

Guyot underwater mountain with a flat top.

Islands- seamounts that extend above the sea.

Trenches the narrow rifts that form the deepest part of the ocean floor.

Salinity- the amount of dissolved salt in ocean water. Warmer climates higher levels of salinity, colder climates lower levels of salinity.

Waves- An up and down movement of surface water caused by wind. Ocean water will always have the largest waves because of the area.

Tides- the rise and fall of ocean water daily. Caused by the gravitational pull of the sun and the moon. 2 low tides and 2 high tides daily.

Water temperature: As the depth of the ocean increases the water temperature decreases. Surface water will always have the highest temperature because it is closest to the sun.

Currents: caused by wind patterns and differences in water density . Currents are formed by temperature, wind and water density

OCEAN FOOD WEB: Phytoplankton is considered to be the base of most ocean food webs.

Study the food web attached. Be able to follow it and know which animals eat what.

Water Pressure-

the weight of water pressing on an object.

As the depth of the ocean increases water pressure



Tidal Zone: Where the water hits the continents.

SUNLIGHT ZONE: from the surface of the ocean down to 200 meters, the sun’s ray and nutrients in the waters combine to make it ideal conditions for plants, algae and fish.

Twilight Zone- 200 meters- 1000 meters deep.

Little sunlight.

Midnight Zone- 1000 meters-4000 meters.

Pitch dark. Creatures have adaptations to survive

Abyssal Zone- 4000 meters – 6000 meters. The water temperature is near zero degrees Celsius.

Trenches- not much life found here, but there are some amazing creatures. Food chain here doesn’t depend on plants and sunlight, but instead on bacteria that

Extract energy from chemicals.