Dear parent/carer, Wow… this year is flying by. I`ve never had as

Dear parent/carer,
Wow… this year is flying by. I’ve never had as much fun; I hope your children are saying
the same thing to you. There has been a lot going on in the Spring, but I don’t intend to
let up as we head into the summer term.
The topic this term is Greece and will involve a study of both modern day and the
ancient civilization. I am intending to do a lot of this in the form of a ‘project,’ which
will give your child chance to work independently and as part of a group. We will do a
full day drama workshop to compliment this, on our trip to the Lowry in Manchester on
the 18th of June.
In literacy we will be investigating the ‘London Eye Mystery,’ writing diary accounts
and continuing to use drama as a way to engage with the story. We will then be looking
at ancient Greek myths and legends and creating our own characters and biographies.
The new spelling scheme will continue on a two weekly basis and, as always, children are
encouraged to read to parents/carers each evening and indeed, vice versa.
In maths, Mr Hirst set the barrier high with his time of 2.19 in ‘speed tables.’ We have
heard rumours that other parents will come in and I would like to repeat my invitation
to you all to join us on a Wednesday at 11:15am.
Thank you for your continued support with Maths homework as we have had a high
percentage of completed homework. Please encourage your child to do as much as they
can independently.
Science continues to be practical wherever possible and the children are building up
key scientific facts. This term we are covering ‘Humans’ and ‘Properties and Changes of
PE will be on Wednesday and Friday. Please note: children will need a fully labelled PE
kit in school for these days in order to participate. As per the school policy, long hair
must be tied up and ear-rings removed or taped up during PE.
D&T: This term we will be working on Shelters, before we move onto Henry Moore
abstract sculptures, using modrock. We may need old shirts/tshirts for this activity, in
case you are about to throw any out.
Below you will see a complete table of the plan for the Summer term. Do not hesitate
to get in contact with us with any questions or concerns. Please be aware that you must
make an appointment to see teaching staff, ideally through the office. Mornings and
after school are busy times for preparing the day’s activities and marking/assessment
so a mutually agreed time must be arranged.
Summer 1
We are investigating the
‘London Eye Project’
working with drama and
writing diary accounts.
Summer 2
Ancient Greece
Studying Greek myths
and legends. Creating our
own myths and writing
biographies of our
Using estimation. Proportion and Ratio.
Fractions/Decimals and Percentages. Conversion
between the three and use in word problems.
Properties and Changes
of Materials
Greece Study
Greece Study
Modrock sculptures
French and Italian
French and Latin
We are bloggers
We are architects
What matters to most
Journey into Space
Drugs/Sex Ed
We are having a fantastic year and thank you for your continuing support.
Mr Clayton, Ms Cobb and Mrs Greenwell.