2015 Scholarship Guidelines

Scholarships and Awards (2015)
STUDENTS APPLY: Please advertise the following award opportunities to students in your
Henry Kozicki Graduate Writing Award: An award of $750 given to the author of the best scholarly
essay on literature, linguistics, rhetoric, or folklore written by a graduate student. The winner’s name is
also added to a wall plaque displayed near the English department office.
Sylvia E. Bowman Award: Award of $750 given to the author of the best essay on literature or the
teaching of literature written by an undergraduate student. The winner’s name is also added to a wall
plaque displayed near the English department office.
Psi Iota Award for Writing: Award of $500 for the best short story by an undergraduate with at least
a 3.0 GPA in English courses. The winner may also have the winning piece published in Confluence.
Funded by the Psi Iota Xi Chapter.
FACULTY NOMINATIONS: Referring to the attached list of junior and senior students with a 3.0
GPA or higher, please submit the names of students whom you wish to nominate for one of the
following honors. The deadline for nominations is March 1, 2015.
Hollander Scholarship: An award of $750 for the undergraduate of junior standing or higher who
submits the best portfolio of professional writing. Faculty members nominate students, and all nominees
will be asked to submit a portfolio of professional writing to be judged by a committee of English writing
Rainn McPhail Memorial Scholarship: An award of $1000, available to undergraduate or graduate
students. Faculty members nominate students, and all nominees will be asked to submit a significant
project that demonstrates strong interdisciplinary or intradisciplinary merit with a 3.5 cumulative GPA.
Outstanding English Major Award: An award of $750 for a junior or senior major with GPA of 3.0
or higher. The winner’s name is also added to a wall plaque displayed in the English department office.
Faculty members nominate students based on such merits as GPA, publications, research-oriented
presentations, attendance at seminars, or other extra-curricular academic activities.
Arline R. Standley Scholarship: An award of $750 that goes to a student whose overall GPA is at least
3.0, whose GPA in the major is at least 3.5, who has a record of extracurricular activity, and who will be
enrolled as a senior in the summer or fall following the award. Faculty members nominate eligible
students, and nominations should include a representative list of the nominee’s extracurricular activities.
Georgiana Krzyminski Scholarship: $1000 scholarship for the academic year, and it is designed to
recognize academic excellence of our junior and senior English majors. Faculty members nominate
students, and candidates will submit a writing sample that demonstrates proficiency in one or more areas
of excellence. Preference given to female.
Rodney Farnsworth English Award: An award of $1000 for the academic year for graduate students
with a minimum 3.0 GPA. The award is designed to recognize those students who excel in comparative
literature studies devoted to the humanities, sciences, and mythology as well as queer or adaptive theory.
Faculty members nominate students, and candidates will submit a writing sample that demonstrates
proficiency in one or more of the areas of excellence.
Avon Crismore English Award: An award of $1000 for the academic year for undergraduate
returning adults students (those 25 years of age or older). The award is designed to recognize those
students who excel in in the field of composition and rhetoric. Faculty members nominate students, and
candidates will submit a writing sample that demonstrates proficiency in one or more areas of excellence.
Beverly Hume Memorial Award: An award of $1000 designed to recognize, in alternating years,
undergraduate or graduate students in the humanities whose research reflects their strong engagement
with the study of cultural, gender, or environmental issues. Faculty members nominate students, and
candidates will submit a writing sample demonstrating their proficiency. The Scholarship Committee will
determine the best submission.
The Department of English and Linguistics award for Ethics in Linguistics: An award of $1000
for an undergraduate or graduate student who has successfully completed at least one course in
linguistics and/or the language study concentration above the introductory level. The award is intended to
recognize the student who demonstrates the potential for promoting nonviolence and understanding
through linguistics. Faculty may nominate students, and students may nominate themselves.
Nominees submit:
1. one piece of linguistic coursework,, or presentation (in any media), documentation study,
course-related conference presentation, etc., demonstrating potential for promoting
nonviolence and understanding
2. a statement of support from a faculty member.
Amidon Service Award: An award of $500 for an undergraduate or graduate student who has
demonstrated excellence in service to the university (such as work in the writing center, the library,
student government, etc.) or to the community (such as work for the Urban League, the Jembe Ensemble,
the Dance Collective, the Community theatre, etc.). Students should submit a description of their service
during the academic year and/or service projects completed during the academic year.