meteorological grid

Kick-off Meeting on April 29, 2013. Teleconference between SFWMD and UF.
SFWMD – Detong Sun, Peter Doering, Yonghan Wan, and Ananta Nath
UF – Y. Peter Sheng, Vladimir Paramygin
Summary report
1. A review of the scope of work of the project which started on March 29, 2013 and will end on
March 31, 2014.
2. UF presented the CH3D model grid (Figure 1) which was used for our inundation study in the SW FL
region. That grid covers area which is much larger than the focus of this project.
3. UF also presented a model domain (Figure 2) which extends from Naples in the North to the South
of Marco island, and sufficiently offshore. UF plans to use this approximate domain to design the
grid for our
model test runs. Depending on the accuracy of model results and the efficiency of model runs, UF
may choose to enlarge or reduce the proposed model domain. The grid size may need to be as small
as 30m to resolve the narrow inlets in the region. Number of vertical layers will be between 4 and 8.
UF expects to complete Task 2 in the month of June. UF will test model running wall time to
estimate how efficiently the model performs on a newly developed grid.
4. UF and SFWMD discussed the data issue. UF has obtained bathymetry and topography data for the
SW FL previously. SFWMD has also obtained some bathymetry and topography data, particularly in
the vicinity of the Naples Bay and Rookery Bay. It would be good if SFWMD and UF could compare
data. UF would like to request SFWMD to share bathymetry and topography data with them soon.
For water level, current, and salinity data, UF will access the DBHYDRO database of the District. UF
will contact Rookery Bay for their data.
UF shows all the data stations in Figure 2 and Table 1. UF would appreciate the response to the
table and figure. UF would like to know if SFWMD has any additional data from local wind stations
or evaporation/precipitation/river flow data. UF expects to complete Task 3 in the month of
5. Based on the analysis of data in Task3, UF will select a period of at least 3-6 months to validate the
model and to measure the model performance. Exact time period will be selected once all data
sources are identified and time periods are known – to maximize the utilization of available data.
Presently the time period will likely to fall in between 2004-2006. UF will use the results of a large
scale Gulf of Mexico model to provide open boundary condition of water level and salinity. While
District expressed the desire to make a 10-year run in 12 cpu hours, this may or may not be
achievable. Grid resolution may need to be coarser to achieve that goal. Task 4 should be done by
6. Task 5 involves delivery of CH3D model input files – it should be done in October.
7. Draft technical report will be done in December for SFWMD review.
8. Final report will be done by February 2014.
Figure 1. Current SW FL coast grid for CH3D model
Figure 2.
Data type
Naples (NOAA-NOS)
Naples (NOAA-NOS)
Upper Henderson Creek (NERR)
Upper Henderson Creek (NERR)
Lower Henderson Creek (NERR)
Blackwater River (NERR)
Fakahatchee Bay
Big Marco Pass (NERR)
Faka Union Bay (NERR)
Middle Blackwater Creek (NERR)
Water level
Water quality
Water quality
Water quality
Water quality
Water quality
Water quality
Water quality
Table 1.
Approximate Time