MEMO To: Deans of Schools Associate Deans (Learning and Teaching) Heads of Department School and Departmental Secretaries and Administrators School Examination Officers Chairs of Boards of Examiners Ms S Congdon, Pro-Vice Chancellor (Learning and Teaching) Ms H Preston, Student Administration and Support Ms J Sture, Graduate School Ms A Hughes, Complaints and Appeals Manager Professor G Bradshaw, Director of Quality Enhancement & Standards Ms C Moran, Director of Academic Quality and Partnerships Staff in AQPO FROM: Alison Carass, Assistant Registrar, Academic Quality and Partnerships Office DATE: 1st October 2014 QUORACY OF ASSESSMENT COMMITTEES AND BOARDS OF EXAMINERS I write to inform you of an addition to Sections 4 and 7 of the Academic Regulations Relating to Assessment which will take effect from the 2014/15 academic session. As you will be aware, the need to introduce a quorum for both Assessment Committees and Boards of Examiners was a requirement of the QAA, following the recent Higher Education Review. The following quorum has, therefore, been introduced to standardise processes and to ensure that there are sufficient members of staff in attendance to carry out the function of the committees. It was felt that the previous practice of such a decision being at the discretion and academic judgement of the Chair was not appropriate. Assessment Committee 4.2 The Membership of an Assessment Committee shall comprise all those members of academic staff and those others who have been approved by the School Board as Internal Examiners for the modules to be considered by the Assessment Committee. 4.3 To be quorate, the Assessment Committee must be attended by the Chair and the module leader, or their nominee, of all modules under consideration. Board of Examiners 4.2 The Membership of a Board of Examiners shall comprise all those members of academic staff and those others who, having been nominated by the Schools concerned have, on the recommendation of the appropriate School Board, been appointed by the Senate as Internal Examiners for the assessments in question, together with the programme leaders and/or personal academic tutors of the students under review and the External Examiner(s) for the programme of study. 4.3 To be quorate, the Board of Examiners must be attended by the Chair, the programme leader, or their nominee, of all the programmes under review, and the External Examiner(s). A representative from the Academic Quality and Partnerships Office must also be in attendance. Please note that whilst there is the facility to appoint a nominee to attend in place of the module leader or programme leader, it is expected that this would be done only in exceptional cases where the module/programme leader was unable to attend. In addition, the nominee representing a programme would need to be a member of staff from the programme team who could speak authoritatively about the students on the programme in question. It is expected that a nominee representing a programme leader would not normally represent more than one programme. The standard agenda for the meetings now includes an item asking that quoracy be confirmed. This should include consideration and confirmation of any nominee as a suitable alternate. The QAA Reviewers were concerned at the low numbers of staff recorded at some Assessment Committees and Boards of Examiners. I am sure you will appreciate the importance of full attendance at these meetings and the University will be monitoring this during 2014/15. I would be grateful if you could disseminate the above information to all appropriate staff within your School. If you have any queries or require any further information please do not hesitate to contact me on Ext 3897 or at A copy of this memo can be found on the AQPO website at the following link: under the letter ‘M’ for Memo.