Oxysol - Pesticide

Oxysol = a healthy soil
In late November, the representative of Oxybiotop, a French company, Martin Pamiseux
was in Romania. This company, through its Romanian representative, Valabri LLC, distributes
the product Oxysol. Martin Pamiseux and Alain Ladure(Valabri) held a series of seminars for
farmers in several locations in the western part of the country. In addition to the theoretical and
practical nature of these meetings the product Oxysol was presented.
The basic and the main element needed for a good harvest in agricultural production is a
good soil. Of course, the whole structure of the soil is important, but the most interesting aspect
for agriculture is the layer of fertile soil.
The structure of the soil can be improved by mechanical/physical and chemical
intervention. Although, the most efficient way to ameliorate the structure of the soil is to
optimize the action of soil organisms.
The role of bacteria
All soil organisms are interrelated. The basis of the food chain comprises the aerobic
bacteria, with a significant role in the ecosystem of the soil. The main role of the aerobic bacteria
is to decompose and transform organic matter into inorganic matter. Through this process the
superior part of the soil becomes alive, the soil is nutritional and the organic matter is
transformed into humus.
The aerobic bacteria need a nurturing environment to carry out their “work” in best
conditions. The available oxygen in the fertile soil layer can be reduced considerably by various
factors(excess water, soil compaction, agricultural works etc.). A reduction of the population of
aerobic bacteria in the soil leads to imbalance in the whole layer of fertile soil: biologically,
physically and chemically.
Soil aeration
A well-drained and aerated soil has an enhanced microbial activity, a reduced anaerobic
metabolism and a low degree of denitrification (loss of nitrogen) compared to a less-drained soil.
Drainage and soil aeration make the ground more "easy" to work on, provide better water
circulation and penetration, and also assure the proliferation of plant roots
Soil pH is another important factor influencing microbial and bacterial activity. The pH
of an ideal soil is between and 6.5 and 6.8. Optimum pH allows proliferation of beneficial
microbial species and inhibits the growth of pathogenic species, optimizing soil-plant nutrient
exchange and encourages the development of cultures.
Oxysol through its’ input of active oxygen, on a specific support, allows a high
availability and a regular renewal. Oxysol promotes and enhances the proliferation of aerobic
bacteria, which are a real shield against bacterial diseases, fungi and parasites. Oxysol also,
allows an increase in the soil’s capacity of cation exchange and promotes the development of the
root system, increasing the mineral exchange in the roots.
The advantages of Oxysol use
• replacement of soil amendment and mineral supplementation
• reducing the amount of pesticide
• better use of fertilizers
• strengthening the immune system
• Stimulate root growth
• increased mycorrhiza
• increased photosynthesis
• better soil with compost fattening residues
• increase in the amount of humus available for clay-humus complex
Administer 150-300 grams / ha of Oxysol, diluted in at least 120 liters of water. The optimal
recommended dose is 200 g / ha. It is administered by spraying it on the soil and on plants or
before any work is done on the soil (plowing). Its effects last for six months after application. It
is recommended to apply it twice a year for at least two successive years.
The product can be used in biological agriculture, according to the European regulations CEE
Practical results of Oxysol use
The conclusions of the meetings that we attended were numerous and diverse. There are
many products available now on the market, each with different uses and advantages, some of
which were confirmed and others not, which led the people not to believe hearsay. The product
is currently used by many Romanian farmers and is being tested in several experimental fields.
To "testify" about the beneficial effects of Oxysol Martin Pamiseux came to Romania with a
French farmer who has been using this product for many years. He has a pig fattening farm with
150 sows and works on 35 acres of farmland. Before using the product he encountered health
problems in livestock due to water quality (from drilling their own) that he used to water the
pigs. Following the use of Oxysol in the culture, the health problems of the pigs were eliminated.
Moreover, the nitrate content from the slurry was reduced. This product is a catalyst. Also, as a
result of using Oxysol, the farmer reduced or even eliminated in some cultures the use of