Cultivation guide Aster General information The Royal Van Zanten Aster varieties are short day plants, suitable for greenhouse culture. Aster can be used both as a houseplant and a garden plant. In the garden, Aster can be used in pots or as a bedding plant, where it flowers beautifully for several weeks. The plant demands little maintenance. Cultivation can be started from week 5 using assimilation lighting and from week 12 using cyclic lighting (15 watts per m2). Royal Van Zanten has two series available: Aster Crown® and Aster Tiara®. The Crown® series is a single flowered vigorous series; the Tiara® series is a compact growing single flowered well branched series which requires little growth regulator (PGR)). The following varieties are available: Crown® series Aster Crown® Duke Aster Crown® Diamond - pink white Aster Crown® Dynasty Aster Crown® Fortuna - purple dark pink Aster Crown® Comtessa - white Tiara® series Aster Tiara® Orchid Pink - pink Aster Tiara® Azure - light blue Aster Tiara® Indigo Aster Tiara® Royal Purple - dark blue purple blue Aster Tiara® Royal Pink - pink Cultivation The instructions below are based on greenhouse culture under Dutch climatic conditions. Starting material Aster cuttings are supplied unrooted. They are delivered in units of 250 with 50 cuttings per bag. 1 Pot size Aster Crown® and Aster Tiara® can be cultivated in different pot sizes. Most commonly used are 12 cm pots in which 3 cuttings per pot are stuck. However, it is also possible to grow them in packs and in larger pot sizes and dishes. A new type of cultivation is the Carnaval mix with 3 different varieties per pot. By selecting the right combination of the number of cuttings per pot, the number of times the plants are pinched back and the use of growth regulator, the desired model can be created. We can supply you with specific advice on this. Rooting Depending on the season, the Asters are illuminated up to a day length of 18 hours. Aster Crown® and Tiara® are stuck in an airy water permeable compost mixture to which a slowrelease fertilizer is added, e.g. 5 kg Dolokal and 1 kg PG-mix per m³. After sticking, the plants are covered until week 15 with a transparent foil and after this with a milky white foil which does not touch the cuttings. Rooting takes +/- 7 days. It is not necessary to treat the cuttings for botrytis immediately after sticking. Once the cuttings have rooted, the foil can be removed. This is preferably done in the evening. Pinching Plants grown in a 12 cm pot are pinched back to 5-6 leaf pairs after 13-14 days. As soon as they are spaced out at their final distance, they are pinched/mowed once more or if necessary twice. Plants grown in a 17-19 cm pot (with 3 cuttings per pot) are usually pinched back 4 times. Spacing Spacing takes place 5-7 days after pinching and immediately in the short day. At this stage, the plants have had a long day period of 18-21 days. The final distance is as follows: 10.5 cm pots are spaced at a density of 24-28 per m² 12 cm pots are spaced at a density of 22-26 per m² 2 Climate For Aster Crown® and Tiara®, a day temperature of 19ºC and a night temperature of 21ºC are maintained. The venting temperature is 1ºC higher. The automatic ventilation temperature can be supplemented with a 4-6ºC light dependent temperature control. In connection with the susceptibility to mildew it is advisable to keep the relative humidity below 85%. Because mildew may also occur as a result of too much ventilation, it is recommended to limit ventilation on the side where the wind prevails in cases of windy weather. Growth regulators Inhibition takes place for the first time one week after pinching in a dosage of 200-300 gram Alar per 100 litres of water. You need to inhibit maximally 3-4 times during the cultivation period. Crown® series Crown® Diamond is the most vigorous variety, followed by Duke and next Dynasty, Fortuna and Comtessa. The target height of Aster Crown® varieties is 25-30 cm (bottom pot to flower). Tiara® series In general, the Tiara® series is more compact than the Crown® series. Orchid Pink is the most compact Tiara® variety. The other varieties are of similar vigour. Fertilization Supplementary fertilizer is given in a K-N proportion of 1 : 2. The EC is set to 1.5 – 2.0. Target values for the fertilization of Aster Crown® in mmol: EC 0.8 PH 5.8 SO4 HCO P 3 0.5 0.5 0.8 NH4 <0.1 K 1.6 Na <1.0 Ca 1.2 Mg 0.5 NO3 4.0 Fe Mn Zn B Cu 8.0 2.0 2.0 15 0.7 Cl <1.0 Blackout Aster Crown® and Tiara® are both short day series, meaning that the plants only form flowers when nights are longer than days. In order to achieve bud formation, a blackout of 13 hours per day is required. For example from 6 pm until 7 am. If 3 necessary, a moisture gap can be created. This has to be done 1.15 hrs after sundown and 1.15 hrs before sunup. The standard reaction time of these varieties is 5.5 weeks. Variety Crown® Diamond forms the exception with a reaction time of 6.5 weeks. Crop protection As is well-known, Asters are susceptible to mildew and preventative spraying is required. Good results have been achieved with Kenbyo (kresoxim- methyl). Please note: Asters are sensitive to Euparene (tolyfluanid) Apart from this, you have to be attentive to aphids, thrips and leafminers. Marketing Aster Crown® and Tiara® can be sold with as well as without sleeve. In conclusion Royal Van Zanten wishes you every success in the cultivation of Aster Crown® and/or Tiara® This cultivation description is only intended for your information. Royal Van Zanten cannot be held responsible for any problems resulting from said advice. More information: Royal van Zanten Van Zanten Cuttings B.V. Rijshornstraaat 205 1435 HH Rijsenhout The Netherlands Telephone +31(0) 297 389 600 Fax +31(0) 297 389 610 Email Website: 4