Grade 12 M: Research Essay Rubric Criteria Level 4 Knowledge/Understanding Knowledge of -demonstrates research topic thorough knowledge and understanding of research topic Level 3 Level 2 Level 1 -demonstrates some knowledge and understanding of research topic -demonstrates limited knowledge and understanding of research topic -demonstrates thorough understanding of research topic and Church teaching -demonstrates considerable knowledge and understanding of research topic -demonstrates considerable understanding of research topic and Church teaching -demonstrates some understanding of research topic and Church teaching -demonstrates limited understanding of research topic and Church teaching - interprets and evaluates information gathered through research with a high degree of effectiveness - interprets and evaluates information gathered through research with considerable effectiveness - interprets and evaluates information gathered through research with some effectiveness - interprets and evaluates information gathered through research with limited effectiveness Effective employment of research and inquiry skills -employs research and inquiry skills with a high degree of effectiveness - employs research and inquiry skills with considerable effectiveness - employs research and inquiry skills with some effectiveness - employs research and inquiry skills with limited effectiveness Use of critical and creative thinking skills - use of critical and creative thinking skills with a high degree of effectiveness - use of critical and creative thinking skills with considerable effectiveness - use of critical and creative thinking skills with some effectiveness - use of critical and creative thinking skills with limited effectiveness Forming connections and conclusions -forms insightful connections and conclusions -forms logical connections and conclusions -forms flawed connections and conclusions -forms illogical connections and conclusions -communicates information and ideas with a high degree of clarity and confidence -communicates information and ideas with considerable clarity -communicates information and ideas with some clarity -communicates information and ideas with limited clarity -communicates with effective use of voice and persuasion - communicates with strong sense of audience and purpose -communicates with good use of voice and persuasion -communicates with some use of voice and persuasion - communicates with a clear sense of audience and purpose - communicates with some sense of audience and purpose -communicates with a limited sense of audience and purpose -communicates with limited sense of audience and purpose -uses conventions, vocabulary, & terminology with a high degree of effectiveness -uses conventions, vocabulary, & terminology with considerable effectiveness -uses conventions, vocabulary, & terminology with some effectiveness -uses conventions, vocabulary, & terminology with limited effectiveness Understanding of research topic and Church teaching Thinking/Inquiry Ability to interpret and evaluate information gathered through research Communication Communication of information and ideas (through logical organization, use of transitions) Establishment of voice and persuasive technique Sense of audience and purpose (choice of language, style of writing) Use of conventions, vocabulary & terminology in written form Comments Criteria Application Making connections between Church teachings and arguments Use of the persuasive essay style and format Demonstration of ability to document sources accurately in APA format Level 4 Level 3 Level 2 Level 1 -makes connections between Church teachings and arguments with a high degree of effectiveness -thorough understanding of the persuasive essay and format - documents sources in APA format with a high degree of effectiveness -makes connections between Church teachings and arguments considerable effectiveness -considerable understanding of the persuasive essay style and format - documents sources in APA format with considerable effectiveness -makes connections between Church teachings and arguments with some effectiveness -makes connections between Church teachings and arguments with a limited effectiveness -some understanding of the persuasive essay and format - documents sources in APA format with some effectiveness -limited understanding of the persuasive essay and format - documents sources in APA format with limited effectiveness Comments