HISTORICAL SYNTHESIS RUBRIC OVERALL GOALS * OVERALL PROBLEMS Synthesis of evidence—in outline or paper form—is * well organized and thoughtfully proceeds from one point to the next Synthesis of evidence—in outline or paper form— does not have clear organizational structure because: There is no clear thesis statement in answer to the Broad Historical Question * Introduction is clear and concise and presents the * student’s chosen answer to the Broad Historical Question within the context of information drawn * from the 5Ps document description * Synthesis of evidence is clearly directed toward the * student’s chosen answer to Broad Historical Question Evidence is chosen from broad variety of primary * sources and reinforced with secondary-source information where necessary * * * Conclusion provides a clear answer—and the * limitations of the answer—to the Broad Historical Question. * Information does not flow in a logical manner Introduction does not clearly present student’s answer to the Broad Historical Question Introduction does not include contextual information from 5Ps necessary to properly situate the reader Evidence as a whole is not directed toward answering the Broad Historical Question via support of the student’s thesis statement Evidence is chosen from very narrow selection of primary source and does not represent source as a whole Evidence from primary sources is not properly reinforced by additional information from secondary sources Conclusion does not adequately answer the Broad Historical Question Conclusion does not state the limitations of the answer. Individual Evidence Presentation Goal * * Possible problem(s) Analysis of how evidence helps answer Broad * Historical Question is clearly presented Analysis of individual evidence is placed in context * using information from the 5Ps document description (and from secondary sources where necessary) * * * Analysis of individual evidence is accurate and * historically significant Analysis of individual evidence is not specifically directed at the Broad Historical Question Analysis of individual evidence is not effectively placed in context using information from 5Ps document description Analysis of individual evidence is placed in context using 5Ps, but chosen context is inaccurate Analysis of individual evidence needs additional information from secondary source Analysis is essentially descriptive / inaccurate / does not explain historical significance of evidence