Groundwater Pollution 지하수오염 자연과학대학 Spring 2014 Colin Browne 1 Groundwater Pollution Course Name Course Code/ Section 지하수오염 531206/01 Major Professor's Name Colin Browne Course Category 전선 Office Number Class room 8101 E-mail Hours 수 56 목 7 Credit-Classroom Hours3-3-0 Lab Hours Prerequisite None 자연과학대학 Home-page 7318 Office Hours for 월 6,7 화 7,8 수 8,9 목 2,3 Students Phone Number 033-248-2157 Ⅰ. Course Objectives & Course Summary This unit gives an overview of what groundwater is, and how it can be polluted. Groundwater is water that either fills the spaces between soil particles or is in the cracks in rocks. Groundwater can be polluted in many ways. The pollution can be measured and treatment of the groundwater can take place. How can we treat groundwater pollution? Ⅱ. Teaching Method The unit will be delivered by 3 hours of lectures and classroom activities per week. The subject will be for one semester. 숙제 You can read some material before class and then do other activities in class. Ⅲ. Textbook A teacher prepared book will be available to download or buy. Ⅳ. Additional Materials Many references will be given. These will usually be freely available on the Internet. Additional lecturer prepared notes will be supplied to students through the subject website. 2 Ⅴ. Evaluation Breakdown Grading Policy (%) How Attendance Policy 중간시험 : 10% 기말시험 : 20% 기타 (classroom tests): 60% 출석: 10% The exams (시 험) will consist of short response questions and longer written questions based on the lectures. 기타 – There will be three Classroom tests. Classroom tests may be repeated to improve the points. Attendance is 10% - 1% lost for every absence. Ⅵ. Weekly Lesson Plan Week Date Hours Weekly Lesson Plan Page Activities 20140305 수 5,6 Introduction to the course. How we will work. Exams and tests. Learning the words. 20140306 목7 Water Cycle 20140312 수 5,6 Introduction to Ground Water Zones Surface water and ground water are connected Water Balance Equation 20140313 목7 Flow of Groundwater Direction of flow. 20140319 수 5,6 Continuity and Flow Nets Aquifers, Porosity, and Permeability 20140320 목7 Darcy's Law 20140326 수 5,6 Sources and Types of Pollution Point source and non-point source pollution 20140327 목7 Types of Pollution - characteristics 20140402 수 5,6 Contaminant Type and Movement Effects of pollutant. Classroom Test 20140403 목7 Investigating the Site and Monitoring General purpose Exercise 20140409 수 5,6 Investigating the Site and Monitoring Site characterization Bores, wells and direct push 20140410 목7 Lab analysis, field analysis, remote sensors. 1 2 3 4 Diagram Exercise Exercise 5 6 3 20140416 수 5,6 An Example of Site Investigation Cape Cod Military base 20140417 목7 Site Investigation. Exam revision. 20140423 수 5,6 중간고사 20140424 목7 중간고사 수 5,6 Remediation Principles Source Control Management of Movement Pumping wells and trees Barriers, impermeable 20140501 목7 Natural attenuation Dispersal Chemical Immobilisation 20140507 수 5,6 Monitored natural attenuation 20140508 목7 Enhanced attenuation 수 5,6 Removal of Pollution – Physical Heat Removal Immobilization Air Sparging 20140515 목7 Removal of Pollution – Chemical Solvent Vapor Extraction, Soil Flushing 20140521 수 5,6 비봉축전(보충일:6 월 11 일) 20140522 목7 비봉축전(보충일:6 월 12 일) 20140528 수 5,6 Removal of Pollution – Chemical Oxidation and reduction techniques 20140529 목7 Pump and treat systems 20140604 수 5,6 지방선거(보충일:6 월 13 일) 20140605 목7 Funnel and Gate Systems, Permeable Treatment Walls and Wells 20140611 수 5,6 Bioremediation - With oxygen, and not. 20140612 목7 Bioremediation 20140613 금 5,6 Review of examples Course summary 7 8 20140430 9 10 20140514 11 12 13 14 보충기간 15 Classroom Test Classroom Test 기말고사 4 Retest policy and class behavior. 1. Study and prepare to get to a high level. 2. If you do not get a high score on the first test, then I can give you a chance to retest. 3. Score will be determined by the average of the first classroom test and the highest score. TRY TO GET A HIGH SCORE THE FIRST TIME YOU TAKE A TEST. No mobile phone use in class, unless there is a class activity. Using a phone in class, in the first case, will result in the student being restricted to only one retest, and the formula for the score calculated from ((2x First score ) + (Second score) ) / 3. Use of a phone in class, in the second case, will result in the student not being able to have a retest. Concentrate to understand what the lecturer is saying. Concentrate on classroom activities. Sit close enough to the front of the room so you can hear and understand what the teacher is saying. Your test will be timed and your retest can only be done within that time. This means if you finish the test in 10 minutes then you will only have 10 minutes for the retest. You cannot test the same test 2 times within 7 days. All retesting will be finished by the time of the final exam. There will be no retesting after the final exam. ALSO: please use your Hallym email account when arranging for a retest. Learning the words There are many words to learn in this course. Even if you ware an English speaker there are still many words. I have some ways of helping you with those words. Memrise Memrise is a learning program which is a little different, and some fun. Go to this webpage at 5 Scroll down and you can see where you can download a mobile app. You need to sign up. When you sign up, please use GW and your Student ID as a Username. So if you Student ID is 20119876, then use the Username of GW20119876. Then put in your Hallym email address. Choose any easily remembered password. Agree to the terms of use. The press Sign up After you have signed up you can enter a course. This is the course we will use for Groundwater Pollution. undwater-pollution/ You should be able to see this page. Then you can Start learning. 6