Lesson 3 What Influences Weather?

Unit 4 Weather and Climate
Lesson 3 What influences Weather? P. 180 - 191
Essential Question: How do the water cycle and other global patterns affect local weather?
air mass – a large body of air throughout which temperature and moisture are the same
front – the boundary between air masses of different densities and usually different temperatures
jet stream – a narrow band of strong winds that blow in the upper troposphere
Lesson 3 What influences weather?
A. How does the water cycle affect weather?
B. How do air masses affect weather?
C. Where do fronts form?
1. Cold Fronts Form Where Cold Air Moves Under Warm Air
2. Warm Fronts Form Where Warm Air Moves over Cold Air
3. Stationary Fronts Form Where Cold and Warm Air Stop Moving
D. What are pressure systems, and how do they interact?
E. How do different pressure systems affect us?
1. High-Pressure Systems Produce Clear Weather
2. Low-Pressure Systems Produce Rainy Weather
F. How do global wind patterns affect local weather?
G. How do jet streams affect weather?
H. How do ocean currents influence weather?
1. Cool Ocean Currents Lower Coastal Air Temperatures