RAPPORT DE LA MISSION EXPLORATOIRE DE LA MISE EN PLACE DU PROGRAMME D’EDUCATION ENVIRONNEMENTALE AUTOUR DU PARC NATIONAL DE LA LOMAMI PROVINCE DE MANIEMA Saturnin Régis IBATA INCEF 2012 This report presents the results of the exploratory mission of the implementation of environmental education around the National Park Lomami, conducted from 23/11/2012 to 01/12/2012. The National Park Lomami is straddling two provinces, namely the Eastern province and Maniema, the results presented in this report are those of the outlying villages Park in the province of Maniema. A second mission will take place in the current Eastern Province in early 2013. Public meetings, interactive and participatory around environmental themes were organized in some villages on the outskirts of the park, to identify environmental problems and community development, which local communities are facing the daily and made to the frame messages to produce video support public awareness. Reminder of the objectives Main objective of the mission The mission that we have made, and which is in collaboration with the project TL2 main objective is the exploration and identification of environmental problems inherent in the National Park Lomami to develop specific messages for environmental education program in local communities devices. specific objectives Specifically the mission is coupled to: - Hold meetings of participatory and interactive discussions on issues of natural resource management and environmental law in the chiefdom of Bangengele in the territory of Kailo, Maniema Province, as well as in villages along the Lomami Province Kasai Oriental. - Identify potential resource persons for the filming of movies based themes to remember; - Identify sites location. Composition of the mission team The mission team was composed in the villages of: - Mrs. Terese Hart, TL2 Project Director, Foundation Lukuru - Mr De BYA God 'OMBE, Provincial Director of ICCN / Maniema; - Mr Régis IBATA Saturnin, Environmental Education Coordinator INCEF - Mr Leon Salumu, TL2 Project Focal Point in Kindu Photo 1: Equipe de la mission en séance Villages explored. Our exploratory mission led us in the following villages: - Katopa, the western edge of the Park, - Oleke in eastern suburbs - Makoka in eastern suburbs - Ngondo, on the southern outskirts East - Mangambuzu, on the southern outskirts East Topics of discussion The following themes have formed the subject for discussion with people from different villages: - Hunting; Hunting remains a predominant activity around the National Park with an emphasis Lomami trade of bushmeat to feed the market Kindu and poaching of protected species. Illegal hunting and irrational, will inevitably lead to the decline of animal populations in the periphery and in the park. He had to understand the magnitude of this activity in order to detect problems (such as seen by the population) and causes. - Importance and interest of Lomani National Park; The forest block of Lomami is in the process of being classified as National Park. And for its protection, the involvement and commitment of local communities is necessary. It goes without collecting the views of local communities on the importance and significance of the park. - The laws governing the management of natural resources The exploitation of all natural resources of the DRC, are governed by texts. From this theme we sought to assess the level of knowledge of people on issues of laws regulating hunting and protected areas. - Community Development. The existence of a protected area, forcing local communities devices to observe a number of laws governing the exploitation of natural resources and restricting them to a number of rights of use. Hence the need for local communities to develop alternatives to the predominant activities has strong negative impact on wildlife and habitat. This theme, we wanted to know the capacity of local communities to identify other income generating activities other than the trade in bushmeat and imagine scenarios appropriate for local development. Methodological approach to public meetings to identify problems The methodology used for identifying problems, was as follows: - Ask a series of key questions at the hearing about each topic. - Participants meet at any liberty to questions according to their knowledge. - For each response, the names and responses of respondents noted - The evidence given by the participants were recorded on camera. The meaning of interactive discussions was about to better understand the causes of the problems listed and the ability of participants to suggest approaches and solutions. Photo 2: Séance publique au village Katopa Makoka Photo3: Enregistrement d’un témoignage village the results * Problems, causes and possible solutions identified. The results of the public meetings in five (5) villages explored on four (4) topics discussed are compiled in the table below. Problems, causes and solutions approaches presented in the table were identified by local communities themselves and are major issues that they face. These results reflect the general opinion of almost all communities explored. Villages Thèmes Problèmes Causes - Diminution en gibier dans les terroirs de chasse ; - Braconnage des espèces intégralementprotégées du Parc ; - Chasse dans le Parc de la Lomami. - Katopa Chasse Oleke Très faible connaissance sur Importance et intérêt du l’importance et l’intérêt du Parc Parc National de Lomami National ; - Très faible niveau de connaissance desLoi régissante la gestion des lois réglementant la chasse et les AP ; ressources naturelles Makoka - Commerce de viande de brousse. Ngondo Mangazumbu Développement Communautaire - L’activité économique est centrée sur le commerce de viande de brousse ; - - Absence des activités économiques locales compétitives au commerce de viande de brousse. - Absence des structures associatives locales de développement communautaire ; Non respect et insuffisance de connaissances sur les dispositions légales réglementent la chasse ; Usage abusif des engins de chasse ; Absence d’autres activités économiques que la chasse, Forte demande en bushmeat au niveau de Kindu Facteurs sociaux Satisfaction des besoins vitaux Surexploitation et établissement illégale des terroirs de chasse villageois par des revenants d’autres communautés lointaines. Commerce de viande de brousse Faible niveau de sensibilisation et d’information Approches de solution - - Faire respecter la loi Expulsions des occupants illégaux venant d’autres communautés des terroirs de chasse Faible niveau de sensibilisation et d’information Mauvais état des ponts sur les pistes d’accès au grand centre urbain ; Absence d’encadrement et d’accompagnement des communautés locales dans les modèles de développement communautaire approprié ; - Retour à l’agriculture - Renforcement de capacité de communauté * Contacts and filming sites identified Resource persons for shooting filmages were identified according to the relevance of answers and testimonies data on each topic. Those resources will be supplemented by experts and public authorities intervene in the filming of movies. Filming sites are villages and urban centers where resource persons were identified. other activities * Film Screening of public consciousness. During our stay in the villages, we organized screenings of educational films produced Salonga through its environmental education program in the landscape Salonga-Lukeni-Sankuru. Photo 4: Séance de projection au village Ngondo Photo 5 : Séance de projection au village Oleke * Open House on the management of the National Park Lomami At the end of our mission in the villages, TL2 project, GTZ and ICCN / Maniema organized an open day on the management of the National Park Lomami, which we took part in the hearing and projected the film Why the Salonga National Park? unfortunately that has not been completed due to lack of power outage. This conference organized by the steering committee of the future National Park Lomami (TL2, ICCN and GIZ), aimed to present to the provincial and local officials, the results of monitoring work and the future vision of management of the area protected. The court said three conference presentations were followed and presented in turn by: - Mrs. Terese Hart on the results of monitoring of the Park; - Mr Udo GIZ on the management strategies of complex Lomami - Mr De Bya'Ombe God of the ICCN management overview PN Lomami. Photo 6 : Présentation du Projet TL2 Photo 7 : Présentation de l’ICCN conclusions The report of the exploratory phase, the scripts to produce film content will be developed.