Early College and Career & Technical Education (CTE) Pathways The following chart lists all JCHS “Early Career” Pathways alongside the college credential or associates program. The cells in the “College Credentials and Degrees” column are hyperlinked, so when you click on the hyperlink it takes you to the website of the college/university credential or associates degree and shows you how the classes you take at JCHS fit into the courses at Ivy Tech or Vincennes University. The second chart shows all JCHS pathways and the college courses in each pathway that lead to an Ivy Tech or Vincennes University Technical Certificate or Degree. JCHS Early Career Pathway Associates of Arts in Liberal Arts Nursing Biotechnology Electronics Advanced Manufacturing Robotics Machine Technology Agriculture Visual Arts Graphic Design Radio & Television Education Culinary Arts College Credentials and Degrees (CTRL + Click to follow link) Associates of Arts Clinical Support Ivy Tech Biotechnology Ivy Tech Electronics Fundamentals Vincennes Manufacturing Production and Operations Ivy Tech Advanced Automation & Robotics Precision Machining Technology Vincennes University Agriculture Ivy Tech Graphic Design Vincennes University Certificate or Degree Number of credit hrs for credential Number of Credits hrs that can be earned while at JCHS Associates Degree 60 52 Certificate (Credential) Associate of Science 30 18 60 30 Certificate (Credential) 26 15 Certificate (Credential) 31 31 Certificate (Credential) 21 6 Associates of Science 60 31 Associate of Science 60 31 Associate of Science 60 31 Multimedia Communications Vincennes University Education Ivy Tech Culinary Arts Vincennes Associates of Science 60 31 Associate of Science 60 54 Associates of Culinary Arts 60 31 Automotive Technology Fire and Rescue University Certificate in Automotive Technology Ivy Tech Homeland Security/Public Safety Certificate (Credential) 18 8 Certificate (Credential) 21 To Be Announced The Indiana College and Career Pathways provide an aligned sequence of secondary and postsecondary courses leading to an industry-recognized credential, technical certification, or an associate or baccalaureate degree at an accredited postsecondary institution for careers that are high wage and/or high demand in Indiana. Advance Manufacturing Agriculture-Agribusiness Agriculture-Animal Science Agriculture-Food Science Agriculture-Horticulture & Landscaping Management Agriculture-Horticulture & Landscaping Management Agriculture-Horticulture & Landscaping Management Agriculture-Natural Resources Agriculture-Plants and Soils Automotive Service Technology Jay County High School Career Pathways 2014-2015 (Green cells are college classes taught at JCHS) Prep Intro Adv Advanced Advance College/ Manufacturi Manufacturin Manufacturin Careers ng gI g II MPRO 100, MPRO 107, ADMF 112, 106, 102 122, 201 116 Prep Intro to Agriculture Agribusiness College/ Agriculture Power, Management Careers Structure AGRI 102 Prep College/ Careers Prep College/ Careers Prep College/ Careers Intro to Agriculture Animal Science Intro to Agriculture Food Science Intro Agriculture Horticulture Science AGRI 116 Prep College/ Careers Prep College/ Careers Intro Agriculture Plant & Soil Science Intro Agriculture Prep College/ Careers Prep College/ Careers Prep College/ Intro to Agriculture Intro to Agriculture Landscape Management I LAND 102 Natural Resources AGRI 115 Plants & Soil Science Automotive Services Automotive Services Tech Advance Life Science: Animals Advance Life Science: Foods Landscape Management I LAND 102 Horticulture Science AGRI 116 Landscape Management II Sustainable Energy Alt SUST 100 Advance Life Science: Plant & Soil Careers Tech I AUTC 101 Human Body Systems Principle of Business Manageme nt Principle of Business Manageme nt Principle of Business Manageme nt Graphic Design & Layout I DESN 155 II AUTC 113 Medical Interventions Biomedical Principles of Biomedical Business Administration Prep College/ Careers Business AdministrationEntrepreneurship Prep College/ Careers Business AdministrationEntrepreneurship Prep College/ Careers Commercial Photography Prep College/ Careers Commercial Photography Prep College/ Careers Computer Illustration & Graphics Comprehensive or Innovations Health Care Prep College/ Careers Nutrition & Wellness Comprehensive or Innovations Health Care (CNA) Prep College/ Careers Culinary Arts Prep College/ Careers Health Science Education I HLHS 100 HLHS 101 Nutrition & Wellness Education & Early Childhood Prep College/ Careers Electronics & Computer Technology Fire and Rescue Accounting I Biomedical Innovations BIOT 107 Financial Services Principles of Marketing Entrepreneur ship & New Ventures Accounting I Advanced Business Management Graphic Design & Layout II DESN 120 Graphic Imaging II Graphic Design & Layout I DESN 155 Interpersonal Relations Graphic Design & Layout II DESN 120 Child Development Human Develop ment Health Science Education II HLHS 107 Advance Nut & Well Culinary Arts and Hosp Child Developme nt Advance Child Dev REST 120 Educational Professions I EDUC 101 Prep College/ Careers Intro to Electronics Electronics & Comp Tech I Prep College/ Interperson al Relations Fire & Rescue I Adv. Electronics I & Electronics II ELEC 100 & 110 Adv. Culinary Arts REST 100 Educatio nal Professio ns II Adv. Electroni cs Tech II ELEC 130 Health Science Education I HLHS 100 HLHS 101 Careers Human and Social Services Precision Machine Technology Radio Television Visual Arts Prep College/ Careers Prep College/ Careers Prep College/ Careers Interperson al Relations Child Development Precision Machine I PMTD 110 Intro to Radio/TV Precision Machine II PMTD 117 Radio TV I Prep College/ Careers Introduction for Fashion & Textiles Fashion & Textiles Careers I Human Development & Wellness Human & Social Services I Adv. Radio & TV I Radio & TV II MDIA 120 MCOM 102 Fashion & Textiles Careers II Adv Radio & TV II MDIA 140