here. -

Fiscal Years: FY08/FY09/FY11 (when applicable)
Focus on ecological zones:
Need to determine ecological zones (and Forests/Districts) contained within…
Southern Appalachians
Ozark-Ouachita Highlands
Cumberland Plateau
Upper Coastal Plains
Lower Coastal Plains
Additional data analysis to describe the current situation:
o What is the number of smoke management/air quality positions in the Region?
 What are the position titles / grades / series?
 Where are they?
 {Who do they serve? How are they used?}
o What are the age categories of all fire personnel?
o What is the number of fire employees in primary positions? Secondary positions?
o Focus groups focused on how to make transitions and challenges: [read & code]
 GS 5-7
 Fuels
 Dispatch
 Aviation
To help us describe future needs:
What are the total burnable acres in R8 by ecological zone?
What is the range of fire return intervals by ecological zone?
What is the number of burn days per ecological zone? {weather data}
How many burn sites have there been over the last three years per ecological zone?
How many burn sites have been monitored (beyond post-burn evaluation) over the last
three years per ecological zone? (may be a richer question – Beth B. or Erica T.)
How escaped fires have we had over the past three years per ecological zone?
Preparedness and Suppression
o How many hours are required for pre-suppression activities per ecological zone? (i.e.
caches, contracts, staffing guides, maintenance, inspection, etc.)
o What is the number of starts per ecological zones? (initial response)
How many extended response actions occurred over the last 3 years in each ecological
How many teams were mobilized over the last 3 years in each ecological zone?
(considering program support / not team preparation)
o How many dispatch points exist in the Region?
o How many dispatch actions occurred in each ecological zone over the last three years?
o What is the number of days per staffing class per ecological zone? (A-E)
o What is the number of aviation assets that exist in each ecological zone + Regional
ships? (helicopters, fixed wings, air attack platforms, air support modules platforms,
detection platforms, airtankers, lead planes)
o What infrastructure do we have to support aviation assets? Describe the number and
ecological zone location.
o Over the last 3 years which ecological zones have these assets been assigned to? For
how long? For what purpose?
Cooperative Fire
o How much money have the states received over the past 3 years through the Stevens
Act / Wyden Amendment per ecological zone? (treatments on private lands adjacent to
o How many CWPPs have been put in place over the past 3 years per ecological zone?
o How many serious accidents have we had over the past 3 years per ecological zone
within fire?