Gateway to Graduation Faculty Communities of Practice Application: (2015-2016) What is a community of practice? The Faculty Community of Practice (CoP) program adapts collaborative learning strategies to enhance faculty development and promote improved student learning. Community members meet on a regular basis to develop scholarly projects and best practices around an issue particular to first year students and the Gateway to Graduation program. The community is an opportunity to establish and develop interdisciplinary faculty support networks and to serve as knowledge incubators for scholarly research. Where do I submit my application? Completed applications should be returned to Kate Thedwall, director Gateway to Graduation program. The deadline for submitting complete application is October 2, 2015. You may submit via email or hard copy to Taylor Hall 3140C. Should you have questions during the application process, please contact Kate at: 317‐278‐6480 or What happens after I submit my application? Your responses and completed application information will be forwarded to the Gateway CoP review committee. This information will help the committee get a preliminary sense of your interests and background. Once the committee has selected ten members, the chair of the review committee will contact you within two weeks. He (she) will contact you regarding the community’s activities and scheduled meetings for the fall and spring semesters (2015-2016). IUPUI Faculty Communities of Practice Application Last Name: First Name: Primary Department/Unit Affiliation: Campus Mailing Address: (please include building and room number) University Status: (Please check one) Assistant professor Associate professor Professor Senior Lecturer Lecturer Clinical Faculty Associate Faculty Email address: Campus Phone: Cell Phone: Account #: Please list the account to which funds should be transferred when dispersed. Contact: Please list the name and contact number for the fiscal officer in your school/unit/department. Communities of Practice: Please indicate which CoP you are interested in. Critical Thinking Technology Information Literacy Academic Integrity Classroom Civility Teaching with iPads Bring Your Own Device Intercultural Learning COMMUNIT Community Roles: Please review the roles and responsibilities for CoP participation. (Co) Chairs are expected to: Establish vision for the direction of the community (in collaboration with community membership). Initiate and collaborate in scholarly projects with community members and disseminate results to internal and/or external audiences (e.g. teaching center resources, conference presentations, publications, departmental resources, websites, etc.). Frame the objectives of the CoP and keep the community on task, Coordinate community projects. Recruit new members as needed. Schedule, coordinate and facilitate regular community meetings. Allocate funds, maintain records and submit a brief annual report on the work of their community. Serve as a liaison between the community and the Gateway to Graduation director. General community members are expected to: Work with the community chair(s) to develop collective scholarly projects and create shared vision for the year. Attend meetings and volunteer for tasks. Work collaboratively with others. Disseminate results of Community scholarship and related projects to internal and/or external audiences, (e.g. teaching center resources, conference presentations, publications, departmental resources, websites, etc.). Assist chairs in recruitment of new members into the community. Please select your intended level of participation in your community for the current academic year. Community Co‐Chair Community member BACKGROUND Please complete sections A and B below. You may either type or cut/paste your responses. a. Attach your most recent statement on your philosophy of teaching. If you do not have a statement, please respond in 150 words or less how you would characterize your current approach to teaching. b. In 250 words or less, outline your interest in your selected community of practice and identify at least two areas in which you would like your work with the community of practice to advance your growth as a teacher and scholar. c. List any extended periods when you will be gone during the fall or spring semesters that may limit your participation in community activities. The Gateway to Graduation bears the expense of funding this community of practice. In return for access to Gateway funds, the Gateway program and UC ask that faculty participants affirm and commit to the following guidelines regarding use of Community of Practice (CoP) funds. 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) Community funds can be used only for expenses related to the work of the community to include: travel to conferences/workshops, conference fees, payment of research assistants for CoP‐related projects, professional development funds linked to the work of the CoP, Community‐sponsored events (e.g. venue rental, copying, speaker honoraria, etc.; general community funds cannot be used to cover hospitality expenses), software to support data analysis for community projects, etc. Only active community members are eligible to share in the distribution of funds to support the scholarly activities of the community. Active community members are defined as those that regularly attend meetings and engage in community‐sponsored projects. Community chairs bear the responsibility of tracking the use of community funds and reporting expenses to designated staff in the Gateway to Graduation Program and University College. Please mark the adjacent box to acknowledge that you have read and agree to abide by these guidelines. Applicant’s Signature: If submitting this application via email, typing your name in this box will constitute your electronic signature and acceptance of the above guidelines. Name: Date: Submitting your Application: Please return completed applications to the Gateway to Graduation program, c/o Kate Thedwall by October 2, 2015. If you have any questions please call Kate Thedwall at 317-278-6480.