SIMULATION OF GROUND WATER CONTOUR AT COASTAL AREA SOUTH SULAWESI Ahmad Munir 1, Syamsuddin 2, C. Suhardi and Mahmud Achmad3 ABSTRACT: Groundwater intakes in Jeneponto coastal area which were not considering the existing groundwater potential. Therefore, in-depth studies of ground water potential in Jeneponto coastal areas are needed to describe in detail groundwater potential. The study aimed to identify groundwater level dynamics, to know and describe the change of groundwater level contour due to pumping and to visualize groundwater flow directions at Jeneponto coastal areas with a five-year prediction.To obtain the results according to the aims mentioned, groundwater modeling with the Visual Delphi 5.0 program was conducted. The inputs of the program were hydraulic conductivity, hydraulic head, recharge, pumping discharge scenario, evapotranspiration, time interval of observations and grid size. The outputs of the model were groundwater level change dynamics, groundwater level contour map and groundwater flow directions.The results shown that in Jeneponto coastal areas in the districts of Bangkala, Tamalatea, Binamu, Arungkeke, Batang and Tarowang, there were groundwater level fluctuations due to pumping. Some parts of the area had the risk of groundwater level declining from water table. From the analyses, the average of ground water level declining .Based on contour map, the directions of groundwater flows for all Jeneponto coastal area. The groundwater flow pattern majority moved toward the coast. The pattern of groundwater flow in some areas with wells moved to the wells, showing the high intensity of groundwater in takes in those areas. Keywords: Ground water, coastal and computer program 1 Vice Dean for Academic Affair, Faculty of Agriculture University of Hasanuddin Post Graduate Student at the Department of Civil Engineering, Univ. of Hasamnuddin 3 Department of Agriculture Engineering, University of Hasanuddin Makassar Indonesia date 2