Patient information Document
What are Adenoids
The adenoids are similar to tonsils but lie at the very back of the nose. Their
function is to produce substances called antibodies whose role is to fight
infection. However, because there are many other similar structures at the
back of the nose and in the throat which also produce antibodies, removing
the adenoids does not lower the body's defences. Adenoids appear around
the age of 2 and are often quite large in children but have normally shrunk
dramatically by the age of 10.
What symptoms can they cause?
Blocked Nose
Large adenoids are only one of many causes of a blocked nose. In babies this
can cause difficulty feeding because the infant has to stop sucking periodically
to take a breath. The nose may also discharge or run excessively.
Snoring is common in children, but since the problem normally resolves
naturally with time as the adenoids start to shrink, snoring in itself is not a
reason for removing them.
Sleep Apnoea
Very occasionally some children with large adenoids and tonsils may
experience difficulty breathing at night and even stop breathing altogether for
a few seconds. This is called sleep apnoea. If your child stops breathing
during the night you should consult your GP.
Ear Problems
The ear is connected to the back of the nose by a tube called the Eustachian
tube. The adenoids lie close to the opening of this tube and can be the cause
of ear infections or a condition known as 'glue ear" which may result in sore
ears or dullness of hearing.
The size of the adenoids may be determined by examining them with a mirror
placed in the mouth or a small camera in the nose. However this is often not
possible in children. Sometimes an x-ray is done instead.
When will a surgeon decide to remove the Adenoids?
Adenoidectomy is performed if large adenoids are thought to be responsible
for a blocked runny nose, recurrent ear infections, "glue ear" or sleep apnoea.
What does the operation involve?
The adenoids are usually removed under a short general anaesthetic as a
day case in hospital. The operation takes around 10 minutes to perform.
Children are kept under observation for several hours afterwards to ensure
that the bleeding has stopped. It is advisable to keep your child indoors for a
couple of days after the operation and encourage them to rest and eat a
normal diet. If well, they may return to school or nursery after one week but
should avoid swimming for the first month to avoid getting an infection.