Passport to College Parent/Student Timeline 2013-2014 Immediately Apply for Admission and Take the Assessment Test If you are a Passport student who has not yet completed the Application for Admission and the Delta College Assessment Test, YOU MUST DO IT NOW. Failure to complete these requirements immediately could cause you to lose your Passport scholarship! Immediately If Applying to UC or CSU Register Now for SAT and ACT If you are planning on attending a UC or CSU in Fall 2014 (not required for community college), you must take the SAT and/or ACT test by December, 2013. Final date to register for both is November 8, 2013. Register online for the SAT at or for ACT at For more information, check with your high school counselor and the college of your choice. January 1, 2014 FAFSA, Cal Grant and California Dream Act Applications Now Open File your 2014/2015 FAFSA application NOW at: Okay to use parents/students estimated income for 2013. For Cal Grant consideration, apply for financial aid by March 2, 2014. Check with your college/university of choice for priority filing deadlines. AB 540 students - File the 2014/2015 CA Dream Act application at January 26, 2014 Bilingual Financial Aid Fair – University of the Pacific For information, contact the University of the Pacific at: January and February Cash for College Workshops Delta College Financial Aid Staff will be conducting a series of financial aid workshops at area high schools to offer hands-on help and support to parents/students in filing the FAFSA or California Dream Act application. Check the website for a list of meeting dates and registration instructions. February/March, 2014 Retest If Assessment Test Scores Are Low Students who tested below the assessment levels required for college level courses are strongly urged to retest. Low test scores require additional course work that prepare the student for entering college transferable courses. The higher the score means fewer remedial courses, better use of your Passport scholarship, and more transferable units in less time. Understanding the assessment results and a list of the courses that are associated with each level/score are available at the website under the tab “Delta College Assessment Information.” If you have any questions, please call the Assessment Center (954-5051 x 6112) for additional information. First Week of February, 2014 Summer Applications Open – “Reapplication” Begins! All Passport to College Students, including Early Start Students attending schools that require/allow course work at Delta College must reapply NOW! Applying under the Summer term allows you to attend either Summer or Fall 2014. You will log back into your CCCApply account and update critically important information. You will not be registering for classes, just updating your application. Instructions for how to complete the “reapplication” process, and what questions must be updated, will be posted on the website under the tab “Reapplication Information.” DO NOT complete this step anytime before the Summer Applications open! If you update your student record under the Spring term, before the Summer Applications open, you will have to do it again after that date. February/March/April Delta College Advantage Workshops for Seniors Group presentations will be held at your high school highlighting the enrollment process, important registration dates and timelines, and success strategies for starting out right at Delta College! Sign-up for the workshop with your counselor and check the school website and bulletin board. March 2, 2014 Cal Grant Deadline All Passport to College students should complete the FAFSA or California Dream Act application by this date! FAFSA or CA Dream Act application and GPA Verification must be submitted for Cal Grant consideration. Check with your high school counselor for submission of your GPA. March, 2014 Dates for Opening of Fall Registration Posted Delta College will post the dates that Fall Registration will open. This is a “heads-up” to when that date will be, not the beginning of registration for classes. Be prepared and pay close attention to these dates! April/May, 2014 Financial Aid Follow-Up The Financial Aid Office from the individual colleges to which you have applied will contact you to complete your financial aid application. Any verification forms need to be provided. First Part of April, 2014 Sign-Up for New Student Group Advising (NSGA) Students will meet in a group setting with a counselor to develop 1st semester course plan. 10 priority registration points are awarded for attending this orientation. To view the schedule for these meetings and sign-up for your appointment for New Student Group Orientation (NSGA), go to: April 15, 2014 Federal Tax Forms must be filed by April 15, 2014 Mid-April, 2014 Fall Applications Open By this date, you should have completed updating your Application for Admission. If you have not, DO IT NOW! You will have the choice of applying for “Summer” or “Fall 2014.” You will not be registering for classes, just updating your application! You may choose either “Summer” or “Fall” 2014 and be current for Fall 2014. Mid-April, 2014 Check Appointment Times for Summer 2014 If you are planning on attending Delta for summer school, and have updated your application, you will be assigned a registration date and time. This information is NOT sent to you, instead you must log-in to Online Registration to check this information. Pay close attention to this date! Late April, 2014 Start Registration for Summer Classes 2014 If you will be attending Delta College during the Summer 2014 term, be sure to register on your assigned date and time in order to have the best chance of getting the classes you need. June, 2014 Check Appointment Times for Fall 2014 If you plan on attending Delta College during the Fall term, and have updated your application, you will be assigned a registration date and time. This information is NOT sent to you, instead you must log-in to Online Registration to check this information. Pay close attention to this date! June, 2014 Start Registration for Fall Classes 2014 If you will be attending Delta College during the Fall 2014 term, be sure to register on your assigned date and time in order to have the best chance of getting the classes you need. August, 2014 Fall Semester 2014 Begins! Congratulations! Eight years in the making and planning, and NOW you are a high school graduate and a student at Delta College! We are all very proud of the work you have done to make this day possible!!! Mid-September, 2014 Make Counselor Appointment and Develop SEP It is now time to make your appointment to see a counselor to develop your Student Educational Plan (SEP). This plan will be based on the students long-term goals, major, and is more prescriptive and detailed than what was done at the New Student Group Advising (NSGA). To schedule your counseling appointment, go to