7th Grade Year at a Glance Curriculum

7th Grade Writing YAG
1st Nine Weeks
2nd Nine Weeks
Reading: Understanding Fiction, Drama Literary Nonfiction, and Poetry
Reading: Complete Literary Nonfiction, Poetry and Teach Persuasive Text/Media
Writing: Narrative, Poetry and Responses to Literature
7.14 A – E Students use elements of the writing process ( Plan, Draft, Revise, Edit, and Final
7.15Bi, ii, iii Write a poem using poetic techniques (rhyme scheme, meter); figurative language
(personification, idioms, hyperbole); and graphic elements (word position)
7.16A Write a personal narrative that has a clearly defined focus and communicates the
importance of or reasons for actions and/or consequences
7.17C Write responses to literary or expository texts that demonstrate the writing skills for
multi-paragraph essays and provide sustained evidence from the text using quotations when
Writing: Expository, Persuasive, and Responses to Literature
7.14 A – E Students use elements of the writing process ( Plan, Draft, Revise, Edit, and Final
7.14B Develop drafts by choosing an appropriate organizational strategy (sequence of events,
cause-effect, compare-contrast) and building on ideas to create a focused, organized, and
coherent piece of writing
7.17A Write a multi-paragraph essay to convey information about a topic that presents
effective introductions and concluding paragraphs, contains a clearly stated purpose or
controlling idea, is logically organized with appropriate facts and details and includes no
extraneous information or inconsistencies, accurately synthesizes ideas from several sources,
and uses a variety of sentence structures, rhetorical devices, and transitions to link paragraphs
7.17C Write responses to literary or expository texts that demonstrate the writing skills for
multi-paragraph essays and provide sustained evidence from the text using quotations when
7.18A Write a persuasive essay to the appropriate audience that establishes a clear thesis or
position, and includes evidence that is logically organized to support the author’s viewpoint
and that differentiates between fact and opinion
Skills/Grammar: Identify, use and understand the function of the following parts of speech in
the context of reading, writing and speaking for the following:
7.19Av Prepositions and prepositional phrases and their influence on subject-verb agreement,
7.19Ai verbs (perfect and progressive tenses) and participles
7.19C Use a variety of complete sentences (simple, compound, complex) that include properly
placed modifier, correctly identified antecedents, parallel structures, and consistent tenses),
7.20A Use Conventions of Capitalization, 7.20B Quotation Marks,
7.20B Apostrophes,
Revising: 7.14C Revise drafts to ensure precise word choice and vivid images; consistent point
of view; use of simple, compound, and complex sentences; internal and external coherence;
and the use of effective transitions after rethinking how well questions of purpose audience,
and genre have been addressed 7.19Aviii transitions for sentence to sentence or paragraph to
paragraph coherence
Editing: 7.14D Edit drafts for grammar, mechanics, and spelling (CUPS)
7.21A Use various resources to determine and check correct spellings
Assessment Window: October 14-16
Personal Narrative and Revising and Editing Questions
Skills/Grammar: Identify, use and understand the function of the following parts of speech in
the context of reading, writing and speaking for the following:
7.19Aii Appositives, 7.19Aiv conjunctive adverbs (consequently, furthermore, indeed) 7.19Avii
Subordinating Conjunctions, 7.19Aviii transitions from sentence to sentence or paragraph to
paragraph coherence, , 7.20Bii Semicolons, 7.19C Compound Sentences, 7.20B Recognize and
Use Punctuation Marks including all comma rules including using commas with 7.20Bi
Introductory Words, phrases, and clauses
Revising: 7.14C Revise drafts to ensure precise word choice and vivid images; consistent point
of view; use of simple, compound, and complex sentences; internal and external coherence;
and the use of effective transitions after rethinking how well questions of purpose audience,
and genre have been addressed 7.19Aviii transitions for sentence to sentence or paragraph to
paragraph coherence
Editing: 7.14D Edit drafts for grammar, mechanics, and spelling (CUPS)
7.21A Use various resources to determine and check correct spellings
Assessment Window: December 16-18
Expository and Revising and Editing
3rd Nine Weeks
4th Nine Weeks
Reading: Understanding Informational Text and Connections Across All Texts
Reading: Connections Across All Texts
Writing: Narrative and Expository
7.14 A – E Students use elements of the writing process ( Plan, Draft, Revise, Edit, and Final
7.14B Develop drafts by choosing an appropriate organizational strategy (sequence of events,
cause-effect, compare-contrast) and building on ideas to create a focused, organized, and
coherent piece of writing
7.16A Write a personal narrative that has a clearly defined focus and communicates the
importance of or reasons for actions and/or consequences
7.17A Write a multi-paragraph essay to convey information about a topic that presents
effective introductions and concluding paragraphs, contains a clearly stated purpose or
controlling idea, is logically organized with appropriate facts and details and includes no
extraneous information or inconsistencies, accurately synthesizes ideas from several sources,
and uses a variety of sentence structures, rhetorical devices, and transitions to link paragraphs
7.17C Write responses to literary or expository texts that demonstrate the writing skills for
multi-paragraph essays and provide sustained evidence from the text using quotations when
Writing: Imaginative Story, Poetry, Research (Career Cruising), Responses to Literature
7.14 A – E Students use elements of the writing process ( Plan, Draft, Revise, Edit, and Final
7.15Ai – v Write an imaginative story that sustains reader interest; includes well-paced action
and an engaging story line; creates a specific, believable setting through the use of sensory
details; develops interesting characters, and uses a range of literary strategies and devices to
enhance style and tone
7.15Bi, ii, iii Write a poem using poetic techniques (rhyme scheme, meter); figurative language
(personification, idioms, hyperbole); and graphic elements (word position)
7.22A,B Research Plan and Questioning (see TEKS)
7.23 A,B,C,D Research an Gathering Sources (see TEKS)
7.24 A,B Research and Synthesizing Information
7.25 Research and Organizing/Presenting Ideas
7.17D Produce a multimedia presentation involving text and graphics using available
Skills/Grammar: Identify, use and understand the function of the following parts of speech in
the context of reading, writing and speaking for the following:
7.19Aiii Adverbial and adjectival phrases and clauses, 7.19 Avi relative pronouns, 7.19B Write
complex sentences and differentiate between main versus subordinate clauses, 7.20Bii Colons,
7.20Bii Hyphens
Skills/Grammar: Identify, use and understand the function of the following parts of speech in
the context of reading, writing and speaking for the following: ALL Writing TEKS
Revising: 7.14C Revise drafts to ensure precise word choice and vivid images; consistent point
of view; use of simple, compound, and complex sentences; internal and external coherence;
and the use of effective transitions after rethinking how well questions of purpose audience,
and genre have been addressed 7.19Aviii transitions for sentence to sentence or paragraph to
paragraph coherence
Revising: 7.14C Revise drafts to ensure precise word choice and vivid images; consistent point
of view; use of simple, compound, and complex sentences; internal and external coherence;
and the use of effective transitions after rethinking how well questions of purpose audience,
and genre have been addressed 7.19Aviii transitions for sentence to sentence or paragraph to
paragraph coherence
Editing: 7.14D Edit drafts for grammar, mechanics, and spelling (CUPS)
7.21A Use various resources to determine and check correct spellings
Editing: 7.14D Edit drafts for grammar, mechanics, and spelling (CUPS)
7.21A Use various resources to determine and check correct spellings
Writing Checkpoint: February 10-11
Narrative and Expository with Revising and Editing