Created by Rick Stoddart – Oregon State University A. Instructor Topic Standard(s) Capstone (Select level of effort) 4 Keyword ACRL Brainstorm Construction and Use S2. Access keywords and Information use them o Demonstrated effectively in ISTE NETS.S search o Mentioned 3. Research & strategy. Information o Unmentioned Fluency 2012 ILAGO Conference B. Student or Class Milestones 3 2 Understand Use keywords how to in search construct strategy but keywords in ineffectively. search strings and within information resources. Benchmark 1 Demonstrate minimal use of keyword construction in search strategies. C. Evidence 1. Observation of search terms 2. # of questions about keyword construction. 3. # of instructor interventions involving keyword use/construction. o N/A Printing in Library o Demonstrated o Mentioned o Unmentioned o N/A Email/Attach Article o Demonstrated o Mentioned ACRL S4. Use Information Effectively ISTE NETS.S 6. Technology Operations & Concepts. ISTE NET.S 2. Communication & Collaboration 6. Technology Operation & Concepts. o Unmentioned Are able to manipulate print jobs, print in the library, and print from a database (or website). Accomplish only two of these: print in the library, print from a database (or website), or manipulate a print job. Accomplish only one of these: print in the library, print from a database (or website), or manipulate a print job. Can do both tasks as well as understand why a researcher might want to do one or the other. Can email an article from a library database or attach a PDF article to an email message Can do one of the following: email an article from a library database or attach a PDF article to an email message o N/A Class:_______________________ Date:__________________ Librarian:________________ Are unaware of how to print in the library, print from a database (or website), or manipulate a print job (e.g. print twosided). Are unclear how to email an article from a library database or attach a PDF article to an email message. 1. Observation of student printing habits. 2. # of questions about keyword construction. 3. # of instructor interventions involving keyword use/construction. 1. Observation of student interaction with database articles. 2. # of questions about emailing articles. 3. # of instructor interventions helping to email articles. Created by Rick Stoddart – Oregon State University A. Instructor Topic Standard(s) (Select level of effort) Html vs. PDF Formats ACRL S4. Use o Demonstrated Information Effectively o Mentioned ISTE NETS.S o Unmentioned 6. Technology Operations & o N/A Concepts. Journal, Magazine, ACRL Periodical, Article S1. Understand Terminology Information Need o Demonstrated ISTE NETS.S o Mentioned 6. Technology Operations & o Unmentioned Concepts. Capstone 4 Understands the advantages/ differences between formats and seeks out preferred format. Understand all of these terms and can distinguish between them. 2012 ILAGO Conference B. Student or Class Milestones 3 2 Seeks out Understand preferred the format when advantages of applicable. one format over another. Benchmark 1 Demonstrate minimal understanding of differences between html/PDF formats. o Demonstrated o Mentioned o Unmentioned o N/A ACRL S1. Understand Information Need ISTE NETS.S 6. Technology Operations & Concepts. Class:_______________________ Demonstrate appropriate use of these information sources. Student can articulate what tools search. Date:__________________ 1. Observation of student selection of fulltext access. 2. # of questions about full-text access. 3. # of instructor interventions about formats. Understand a majority of these terms. Understand a few of these terms but remain uncertain of others. Cannot distinguish with certainty between a database, journal, magazine, periodical, or article. 1. Observation of student research and citation construction. 2. # of questions concerning information formats (e.g. Where is journal title?). 3. # of instructor interventions helping determine what item is. Understands the strengths and weaknesses between databases and search engines (or websites). Uncertain why to use a database over a search engine (or website). Cannot distinguish with certainty between a database or search engine (a website). 1. Observation of computer and database use. 2. # of questions about where to search, or what databases to use. 3. # of instructor interventions directing students back to databases o N/A Database vs. Search Engine (or website) C. Evidence Librarian:________________ Created by Rick Stoddart – Oregon State University A. Instructor Topic Standard(s) (Select level of effort) Background ACRL Information vs. S1. Understand Research Article Information Need o Demonstrated ISTE NETS.S o Mentioned 6. Technology Operations & o Unmentioned Concepts.. o N/A Attitude Toward Technology o Promoted o Modeled o Unmentioned o N/A Boolean Operators o Demonstrated o Mentioned ACRL S4. Use Information Effectively ISTE NETS.S 2. Communication & Collaboration 2012 ILAGO Conference Capstone 4 Demonstrate appropriate use of these information sources. Student can articulate choices made. B. Student or Class Milestones 3 2 Incorporates Incorporates both type of both types of information information sources into into research research process but process and unsure how to paper. incorporate into a paper. Demonstrate enthusiasm toward computers, library resources, and technology. Display interest toward computers, library resources, and technology. Remain cautious in using computers, library resources, and technology. Display indifference to computers and library resources, and technology. Demonstrate appropriate use of Boolean operators in search strategies. Understand how to use Boolean operators in search strings and within information resources. Use Boolean operators in search strategy but ineffectively. Demonstrate minimal use of Boolean operators in search strategy. Benchmark 1 Cannot distinguish with certainty differences between background info or research article. 5. Digital Citizenship ACRL S2. Access Information ISTE NETS.S 3. Research & o Unmentioned Info Fluency 6. Technology o N/A Operation & Concepts. Class:_______________________ Date:__________________ Librarian:________________ C. Evidence 1. Observation of student information use 2. # of questions about peer-review, info format, etc. 3. # of instructor interventions directing students to appropriate resources. 1. Observation of computer and database use. 2. # of questions about how to use new resources or technology. 3. # of instructor interventions pointing out library technology and new resources. 1. Observation of search terms 2. # of questions about Boolean searching. 3. # of instructor interventions addressing Boolean searching. Created by Rick Stoddart – Oregon State University A. Instructor Topic Standard(s) (Select level of effort) XXX o Demonstrated 2012 ILAGO Conference Capstone 4 B. Student or Class Milestones 3 2 Date:__________________ Librarian:________________ o Mentioned o Unmentioned o N/A XXXX o Promoted o Modeled o Unmentioned o N/A XXXX o Demonstrated o Mentioned o Unmentioned o N/A Class:_______________________ Benchmark 1 C. Evidence