Registered charity number 1090453
In Hand entries close 20 March 2016.
Please send your entries to arrive by this date
Ridden entries taken on the day CASH ONLY please
This show is a qualifier for the National Welsh Championship show.
Entries To
To ensure that entries arrive by the closing date of 20 March please post your entries early.
This Show is a 'Points Accumulator' for the Tudor Rose Welsh Pony & Cob Association
Welsh section A Ring 1 - 10 AM
Class 1 Yearling Filly or Gelding
Class 2 Yearling Colt
Class 3 Two year old Filly or Gelding
Class 4 Two year old Colt
Class 5 Three year old Filly or Gelding
Class 6 Three year old Colt
Championship 1 st & 2 nd prize winners to compete for WPCS Bronze Medal
Welsh Section B (To follow Section A)
Class 7 Yearling Filly or Gelding
Class 8 Yearling Colt
Class 9 Two year old Filly or Gelding
Class 10 Two year old Colt
Class 11 Three year old Filly or Gelding
Class 12 Three year old Colt
Championship 1 st & 2 nd prize winners to compete for WPCS Bronze Medal
Welsh Part Bred (To follow Section B ) –
Class 13 Yearling Filly or Gelding
Class 14 Yearling Colt
Class 15 Two year old Filly or Gelding
Class16 Two year old Colt
Class 17 Three year old Filly or Gelding
Class 18 Three year old Colt
Championship 1 st & 2 nd prize winners to compete for WPCS Bronze Medal
Welsh Section C Ring 2 – 10 AM
Class 19 Yearling Filly or Gelding
Class 20 Yearling Colt
Class 21 Two year old Filly or Gelding
Class 22 Two year old Colt
Class 23 Three year old Filly or Gelding
Class 24 Three year old Colt
Championship 1 st & 2 nd prize winners to compete for WPCS Bronze Medal
Welsh Section D (To follow Section C)
Class 25 Yearling Filly or Gelding
Class 26 Yearling Colt
Class 27 Two year old Filly or Gelding
Class 28 Two year old Colt
Class 29 Three year old Filly or Gelding
Class 30 Three year old Colt
Championship 1 st & 2 nd prize winners to compete for WPCS Bronze Medal
Supreme Youngstock - all Champions and Reserves to compete --
Ridden classes Not before 12.30pm
Class 31 Introductory First Ridden - Walk and Trot Only - For competitors still eligible for lead rein. A helper may enter the arena with the rider to give help and encouragement in this class. (T he rider not to have attained their 9 th birthday before 1 January in the current year)
Novice Ridden – Snaffle bridles only. Not to have won a first prize in an open class.
Class 32 Novice Lead Rein and First Ridden (T he rider not to have attained their 9 th birthday before 1 January in the current year)
Class 33 First ridden 12.2h & under (The rider not to have attained their 12 th birthday before 1 January in the current year)
Class 34 4 Year old not exceeding 13.2hh
Class 35 4 year old exceeding 13.2hh (may be split if sufficient entries)
Cl ass 36 Novice Not exceeding 13.2hh
Class 37 Novice Over 13.2hh (may be split if sufficient entries)
Novice Championship – 1 st & 2nd prize winners classes 32 - 37 to compete
Class 38 Lead Rein 12hh and under – Open to sections A, B and P/B
The rider not to have attained their 9 th birthday before 1 January in the current year
Class 39 First Ridden 12.2hh and under – Open to sections A, B and P/B
The rider not to have attained their 12 th birthday before the 1 January in the current year.
Mini Championship – 1 st & 2nd prize winners classes 38 & 39 to compete for WPCS Performance Medal
Class 40 Section A (No lead reins)
Class 41 Section B (No lead reins)
Class 42 Welsh Part Bred (No lead reins)
Class 43 Section C
Class 44 Section D
Welsh Open Ridden Championship - 1 st & 2 nd prize winners classes 40 to 44 to compete for WPCS performance Medal
NWAWPCS In-hand Rules
1 All exhibits MUST be registered with the Welsh Pony & Cob Society
2 No telephone or email entries will be accepted
3 All entries must be paid before the animal will be allowed to enter the ring
4 Animals and property will be considered as being in the exhibitors charge
5 All colts and stallions 2 years and over must be suitably bitted and led by a handler who has attained their 14 th birthday before the 1 st January in the current year.
6 Dogs must be kept on a lead at all times and children must be supervised.
7 The Committee will not be responsible for loss, damage or injury owing to accident or other cause
8 The Committee reserves the right to postpone, alter, cancel, revise or combine without notice, any or all events
9 Any objections must be lodged in writing with the secretary within 30 minutes of the class accompanied by a deposit of £25, which shall be forfeit if the objection is over-ruled
10 Any exhibit considered not to be under adequate control will be asked to leave the ring
11 It is the responsibility of the exhibitor to ensure that they enter the ring at the correct time.
NO refunds will be given to exhibitors who miss their class
12 Classes will not be held up for exhibitors showing in more than one section
13 Clipping of youngstock to be in accordance with the WPCS rules
14 Prize money as stated on the schedule only
15 The judge’s decision is final
WPCS Ridden Rules
1 All exhibits in the performance medal classes MUST be registered with the Welsh Pony &
Cob Society
2 Exhibitors may not win more than one medal on the day of the show
3 Spurs may not be worn in any class
4 Show canes/whips must not exceed 75cm. In lead rein classes only plain or leather covered canes may be used
5 Hard hats to the approved BSI standard must be worn and correctly fasted at all times whilst mounted
6 Any exhibit considered not to be under adequate control will be asked to leave the ring
7 Animals must be 4 years old or over
8 Riders must have attained their 3 rd birthday on the day of the show
9 Section A, B and Part Bred stallions 13.2h and under – riders must have attained their 12 th birthday on the 1 January in the current year
10 Section C, D and Part Bred stallions 13.2h and over – riders must have attained their 14 th birthday on the 1 January in the current year
11 Lead rein ponies must be shown in a snaffle bridle only, with the lead rein attached to the noseband
12 First ridden ponies may be shown in any suitable bridle
13 Snaffle bridles only in novice classes
14 Prize money as stated on the schedule only
15 The judge’s decision is final
Members’ Rosettes
NWA members’ special rosettes will be awarded to the highest places member in each class.
Members MUST enter the ring wearing an official NWA armband or badge and carrying a current membership card.
Junior Members’ Rosettes
Rosettes will be awarded to the highest places member in each class. Eligible junior members must enter the ring wearing an official red junior members armband and carrying a current junior members membership card.