GE COURSE STATUS REVIEW FORM Course ID: Course Name: Course Fulfills (check the appropriate area): Core Requirement ___ English ___ Mathematics ___ American Institutions ___ Computer Literacy ___ Information Literacy Breadth and Depth Requirement ___ Physical Sciences ___ Life Sciences ___ Social and Behavioral Sciences ___ Fine Arts ___ Literature ___ Humanities ___ Foreign Language ___ GloCup STEP 1: FOUNDATIONAL CRITERIA In the space below, describe how your course provides broad introduction to the content or method of your learning area (i.e. humanities, social sciences, fine arts, mathematics). Demonstrate how your course is broadly foundational, rather than narrow or limited to the interest of specialists. Is your course available and taught in a manner accessible to non-majors? STEP 2: AREA CRITERIA Every GE area (Humanities, Social Sciences etc.) is associated with unique criteria that need to be met in order for a course to be granted GE status within that area. In the space provided, please indicate how the proposed course satisfies each criteria. Find these criteria by clicking HERE. STEP 3: GE PROGRAM LEARNING OUTCOMES In the fall of 2009 the DSC Academic Council, in accordance with the state of Utah’s shift to embrace AAC&U’s LEAP outcomes, endorsed a set of Essential Learning Outcomes (ELOs) for the college’s General Education program. In order to assess the accomplishment of these outcomes, courses (when they apply for a new GE designation or undergo periodic review) need to demonstrate how they meet at least one of the GE ELOs (listed 1 – 7 below). The ELOs selected will guide future reviews of this course for this requirement as well as assessment, so make sure all of the necessary administrators and faculty in your department are aware of these choices. These learning outcomes and the assignments chosen to measure them must be standardized across sections of this course regardless of the instructor. GE Essential Learning Outcomes (ELOs) Please demonstrate how your course meets the criteria for at least one of the following ELOs. If your course addresses more than one ELO, please provide data for all of the ELOs that your course addresses. Type the requested information in place of the “include rationale here” statements. 1. Broad Knowledge of the Liberal Arts and Sciences: Students will examine the world and its people from various points of view. They will learn about ideas and beliefs that have guided human beings and shaped civilizations for thousands of years. Students will: a. Demonstrate comprehensive knowledge of the human past, including the historical development of human knowledge in global contexts. [If applicable, include rationale here] b. Compare and contrast differing philosophical and cultural perspectives. [If applicable, include rationale here] c. Describe and analyze core concepts and theories within the natural sciences and apply the methods of the natural sciences in order to formulate answers to important questions. [If applicable, include rationale here] d. Describe and analyze core ideas within the arts and humanities and apply the techniques of the arts and humanities in order to formulate answers to important questions. [If applicable, include rationale here] e. Describe and analyze core concepts and theories within the social and behavioral sciences and apply the methods of the social and behavioral sciences in order to formulate answers to important questions. 2. Critical Thinking: Students will gain the ability to use knowledge, claims of evidence, and context to reason ethically and reach conclusions, as well as to innovate in imaginative ways. These steps are equally applicable to different kinds of problems such as scientific theory development and testing, ethical problem solving, and innovation. Students will: a. Define, analyze, and formulate solutions to problems by synthesizing core concepts within and across disciplines. [If applicable, include rationale here] b. Assess the accuracy and validity of findings and conclusions. [If applicable, include rationale here] c. Comprehend and examine how one thinks, reasons, and makes value judgments. [If applicable, include rationale here] d. Demonstrate sustained intellectual curiosity through exploration of emerging issues. [If applicable, include rationale here] 3. Effective Communication: Students will learn to communicate effectively. Communication is a process by which we assign and convey meaning in an attempt to create shared understanding. Human communication facilitates insight, collaboration, the exchange of ideas, and the progress of culture. Students will: a. Comprehend and manage basic communicative technologies, tools and strategies in order to express ideas and facts in written, oral, quantitative, and visual formats. [If applicable, include rationale here] b. Comprehend, interpret, analyze and synthesize the written, oral, quantitative, and visual communication of others. [If applicable, include rationale here] 4. Information Literacy Skills: Students will develop their information literacy skills, including an understanding of the nature, organization, and methods of access and evaluation of both electronic and traditional resources. Students will: a. Identify the nature, extent, and sources of information needed in order to access information effectively and efficiently. [If applicable, include rationale here] b. Critically evaluate information and information sources. [If applicable, include rationale here] c. Use information effectively to accomplish a specific purpose. [If applicable, include rationale here] d. Identify and analyze the economic, social, legal, and ethical issues surrounding the access and use of information. [If applicable, include rationale here] e. Identify and use the following, as appropriate: content-specific tools, software, simulations for research, information analysis, problem-solving, and decision making in content learning. [If applicable, include rationale here] 5. Quantitative Reasoning: Students will analyze and communicate appropriately with mathematical and symbolic concepts. They will critically evaluate the quantitative and symbolic information used to represent and draw inferences regarding problems. Students will: a. Gain the ability to visualize abstractions, and the ability to apply them to a problem. [If applicable, include rationale here] b. Model physical and natural phenomena and assess validity of a model, make predictions from the model, and draw conclusions based on the model. [If applicable, include rationale here] c. Understand numbers, analyze uncertainty, comprehend the properties of shapes, and investigate how things change over time. [If applicable, include rationale here] d. Identify and apply quantitative principles and methods in the solution of problems and draw and evaluate conclusions in order to check the logic and validity of statements and models. [If applicable, include rationale here] 6. Diversity and Globalization: Students will study groups, cultures, and societies as they interact and challenge each other. They will be encouraged to reflect critically and self-consciously in order to gain insight into how cultural identities and experiences shape individual perspectives of the world and influence interactions with people from different backgrounds. Students will: a. Identify cultural differences and examine how these differences influence cross-cultural understanding and conflict. [If applicable, include rationale here] b. Recognize and evaluate the implications of various social structures and the ways people are grouped by such characteristics as status, race, ethnicity, gender, and sexual orientation. [If applicable, include rationale here] c. Identify and analyze sources of cultural bias and prejudice and develop ways to reduce these and other forms of biases and prejudices. [If applicable, include rationale here] d. Describe and analyze the concepts of globalization and transnationalism in order to evaluate the interdependent nature of the world in which we live. [If applicable, include rationale here] 7. Responsibilities of Citizenship: Students will critically explore, evaluate, and reflect upon their own lives, careers, and interests in relation to the political process and the general welfare of the society as a whole. Students will: a. Describe and analyze democratic political ideals and the various understanding of rights and obligations that citizens may be said to have in their communities. [If applicable, include rationale here] b. Describe and analyze one’s own and other’s perceptions regarding responsibility for society’s moral/ethical well-being. [If applicable, include rationale here] STEP 4: Assessment Mapping and Artifact Identification Please provide the following information in order to meet Dixie State University’s assessment responsibilities: Part A: GENERAL EDUCATION OUTCOMES MAPPING INSTRUCTIONS: For each course and student learning outcome, indicate the extent to which the course addresses the outcome. (Refer to the Dixie State College catelog for a full description of each learning outcome.) I = Introduce Learning outcome is introduced at the basic level. D = Develop Students are given opportunities to practice, learn more about and receive feedback to develop more sophistication in the outcome. M = Mastery Students demonstrate mastery at a level appropriate for graduation. A course may only introduce an outcome during the course or it may both introduce and develop an outcome. On the other hand a course may not introduce but instead develops a student’s knowledge/ability in a given outcome. It is possible that a course would introduce, develop, and demonstrate mastery of the outcome. See an example at the bottom of this page. EXAMPLE: GE LO7 Responsibilities of citizenship GE LO6 Diversity and globalization GE LO5 Quantitative Reasoning Information Literacy Skills GE LO3 Effective Communication GE LO2 Critical Thinking Broad Knowledge of the Liberal Arts and Sciences GE LO1 GE LO4 GE LO7: Responsibilities of Citizenship GE LO6: Diversity and Globalization GE LO4: Information Literacy Skills GE LO5: Quantitative Reasoning GE LO3: Effective Communication GE LO2: Critical Thinking GE LO1: Broad Knowledge of the Liberal Arts and Sciences I, D, M I M I D I PLEASE FILL IN I, D, AND/OR M IN THE APPROPRIATE SPACES BELOW: Part B: Describe a specific assignment, paper, or test (or more than one if that is needed) from your syllabus that will allow students to demonstrate their achievement of the outcomes listed and how the assignment will be used to show each outcome.