contributionstofield030713 - California State University

(Contributions to the Field of Study)
February 20, 2013
Steven Stepanek, Faculty President
Personnel Planning and Review Committee
Penelope Jennings, Executive Secretary
Name of Proposed Policy: Contributions to the Field of Study
During the 2011-2012 academic year, the Personnel Planning and Review Committee (PP&R)
presented proposed changes in Section 632.4.2.a (the University Standard for Publication).
PP&R met with the Council of Chairs and held two open forums where faculty could discuss the
proposed changes. They also invited and received a number of email and other written
communications which they took into account in drafting the proposed policy.
At the May 10, 2012 meeting of the Faculty Senate, it was MSP to send proposed changes in
Section 632.4.2.a back to PP&R for re-consideration of the language. During discussion of the
motion, it was also suggested that PP&R review the entire Section 632.4.
A subcommittee of PP&R reviewed the full Section 632.4 as suggested and presented a revised
Section 632.4 to the Committee for review. At its meeting on October 31, 2012 (and on
November 14, 2012 for Section 632.4.3), the Personnel Planning and Review Committee
adopted a policy recommendation related to the University Standard. After review by the
Executive Committee of the Faculty Senate, the Committee passed the following motion:
MSP: That Section 632.4 be revised as follows:
632.4 Contributions to the Field of Study
1. The University Standard
The University standard requires that the individual demonstrate continued growth as a
recognized scholar and contributor to the field of study. Scholarly achievements made prior
to the initial tenure-track appointment or previous promotion at California State University,
Northridge shall be considered as establishing a pattern of scholarly activities. However,
additional significant contributions to the field since appointment are expected for tenure
and initial promotion. Additional significant contributions since previous promotion are also
expected for subsequent promotion.
2. The University defines publication to include: Defining Significant Scholarly and Creative
It is the responsibility of the departments to define those professional activities that
constitute significant scholarly or creative contributions to their specific fields of
study. Such standards, as defined by the candidate's Department Personnel Committee
and approved by departmental faculty, shall be submitted to the appropriate College
Personnel Committee for approval (See Section 612.5.2.c.(5)). College Personnel
Committees shall submit approved departmental policies to the Personnel Planning and
Review Committee for approval (see Section 612.3.2.c).
b. Equivalencies to publication as defined by the candidate's Department
Personnel Committee. Such equivalencies shall be submitted to the appropriate
College Personnel Committee for approval (see Section 612.5.2.c.(5)). College
Personnel Committees shall submit approved equivalencies to publication to the
Personnel Planning and Review Committee for approval (see Section 612.3.2.c.).
Definitions of equivalencies to publication shall include:
a. Departmental standards defining significant scholarly or creative
contributions to the field of study must include the principle of peer review as a
means of verifying the significance of the candidate's professional
achievements. Publication, as set down in Sections 632.4.4.b, 632.4.5.b, and
632.4.6.b of this Manual, is a standard university measure of professional
achievement. But where publication is not a, or the only, measure of
achievement within a discipline, or where traditional academic peer review is
not a formal part of the decision making process in the publication,
dissemination, performance, or display of a candidate's work, the evaluation of
the candidate must include:
(1) Identification of the format and public forum in which the
equivalency work appears and a statement of its significance to the
field of study.
(2) Specific procedures and criteria by which the equivalency work will be
evaluated. The evaluation shall include an outside reviews by peers in the
a. Scholarly books, articles, and reviews that appear in scholarly or nationally
recognized journals devoted 1) to the candidate's academic discipline or closelyrelated field; and 2) to pedagogical research and/or teacher education in the
candidate's academic discipline or closely-related fields. Departments may
prescribe additional publication requirements deemed appropriate to the
discipline. Such additional requirements are subject to the approval of the
College Personnel Committee.
b. In the absence of an approved departmental procedure defining significant
scholarly or creative contributions to the field of study, the University shall
recognize as significant contributions to the field of study peer-reviewed
scholarly books and peer-reviewed articles that are published by recognized
presses and journals (including peer-reviewed e-journals) devoted to 1) the
candidate's academic discipline or closely-related field; and/or 2) to pedagogical
research and/or teacher education in the candidate's academic discipline or
closely-related field.
3. Assistant Professor, Senior Assistant Librarian, Student Services Professional –
Academic-Related I.
a. Research or equivalent creative activity Significant scholarly or creative
contributions to the field of study as defined in Section 632.4.2, beyond
terminal degree is are desirable.
b. Publication is desirable.
c.b. Functions as an active member through participation in professional
organizations, institutes, etc.
d.c. Pioneering work in profession not required.
4. Associate Professor, Associate Librarian, Student Services Professional – AcademicRelated II.
a. Research or equivalent creative activity Significant scholarly or creative
contributions to the field of study as defined in Section 632.4.2 beyond
terminal degree is are normally required.
b. Publication is normally required.
c.b. Participation in a program and carrying out of significant responsibilities in
professional organizations, institutes, etc.
d.c. Pioneering work in profession, (i.e., organizing professional groups,
promoting reforms, developing new fields) is desirable.
5. Professor, Librarian, Student Services Professional – Academic-Related III.
a. Research or equivalent creative activity Significant scholarly or creative
contributions to the field of study as defined in Section 632.4.2 beyond
terminal degree is are required. The College or Department may have
additional publication requirements of scholarly or creative contributions to
the field of study requirements. Exceptions to these requirements shall be
defined and justified by the candidate and evaluated by the recommending
agencies in the Department and College. No exception shall be granted
unless the candidate has demonstrated outstanding contributions to the field
of study in other ways. The Personnel Planning and Review Committee will
evaluate all candidates requesting consideration under this provision.
b. The University requires publication or its equivalent. The College or
Department may have additional publication requirements. Exceptions to
these requirements shall be defined and justified by the candidate and
evaluated by the recommending agencies in the Department and College. No
exception shall be granted unless the candidate has demonstrated
outstanding contributions to the field of study in other ways. The Personnel
Planning and Review Committee will evaluate all candidates requesting
consideration under this provision.
c.b. Assumes leadership responsibilities; presents major papers in professional
organizations, institutes, etc.
d.c. Pioneering work in profession, (i.e., organizing professional groups,
promoting reforms, developing new fields) is desirable.
Current Policy or Catalog Copy: See pages 54-56 of the current Section 600 of the
Administrative Manual.
Proposed Policy or Catalog Copy:
632.4 Contributions to the Field of Study
1. The University Standard
The University standard requires that the individual demonstrate continued
growth as a recognized scholar and contributor to the field of study. Scholarly
achievements made prior to the initial tenure-track appointment or previous
promotion at California State University, Northridge shall be considered as
establishing a pattern of scholarly activities. However, additional significant
contributions to the field since appointment are expected for tenure and initial
promotion. Additional significant contributions since previous promotion are
also expected for subsequent promotion.
2. Defining Significant Scholarly and Creative Contributions
It is the responsibility of the departments to define those professional activities
that constitute significant scholarly or creative contributions to their specific
fields of study. Such standards, as defined by the candidate's Department
Personnel Committee and approved by departmental faculty, shall be submitted
to the appropriate College Personnel Committee for approval (See Section
612.5.2.c.(5)). College Personnel Committees shall submit approved
departmental policies to the Personnel Planning and Review Committee for
approval (see Section 612.3.2.c).
a. Departmental standards defining significant scholarly or creative
contributions to the field of study must include the principle of peer
review as a means of verifying the significance of the candidate's
professional achievements. Publication, as set down in Sections
632.4.4.b, 632.4.5.b, and 632.4.6.b of this manual, is a standard
university measure of professional achievement. But where publication
is not a, or the only, measure of achievement within a discipline,
or where traditional academic peer review is not a formal part of the
decision making process in the publication, dissemination, performance,
or display of a candidate's work, the evaluation of the candidate must
(1) Identification of the format and public forum in which the
work appears and a statement of its significance to the field of
(2) Specific procedures and criteria by which the work will be
evaluated. The evaluation shall include outside reviews by peers
in the field.
b. In the absence of an approved departmental procedure defining
significant scholarly or creative contributions to the field of study, the
university shall recognize as significant contributions to the field of study
peer-reviewed scholarly books and peer-reviewed articles that are
published by recognized presses and journals (including peer-reviewed ejournals) devoted to 1) the candidate's academic discipline or closelyrelated field; and/or 2) to pedagogical research and/or teacher education
in the candidate's academic discipline or closely-related field.
3. Assistant Professor, Senior Assistant Librarian, Student Services Professional –
Academic-Related I.
a. Significant scholarly or creative contributions to the field of study as defined
in Section 632.4.2 beyond terminal degree are desirable.
b. Functions as an active member through participation in professional
organizations, institutes, etc.
c. Pioneering work in profession not required.
4. Associate Professor, Associate Librarian, Student Services Professional – AcademicRelated II.
a. Significant scholarly or creative contributions to the field of study as defined
in Section 632.4.2 beyond terminal degree are normally required.
b. Participation in a program and carrying out of significant responsibilities in
professional organizations, institutes, etc.
c. Pioneering work in profession, (i.e., organizing professional groups,
promoting reforms, developing new fields) is desirable.
5. Professor, Librarian, Student Services Professional – Academic-Related III.
a. Significant scholarly or creative contributions to the field of study as defined in
Section 632.4.2 beyond terminal degree is are required. The College or Department
may have additional requirements of scholarly or creative contributions to the field
of study. Exceptions to these requirements shall be defined and justified by the
candidate and evaluated by the recommending agencies in the Department and
College. No exception shall be granted unless the candidate has demonstrated
outstanding contributions to the field of study in other ways. The Personnel Planning
and Review Committee will evaluate all candidates requesting consideration under
this provision.
b. Assumes leadership responsibilities; presents major papers in professional
organizations, institutes, etc.
c. Pioneering work in profession, (i.e., organizing professional groups, promoting
reforms, developing new fields) is desirable.
Summary of Supporting Reasons:
Section 632.4.1
The only change in this Section is the addition of the word “significant” in the reference to the
expectation of “Additional significant contributions since previous promotion . . .” to be
consistent with the immediately preceding sentence that “additional significant contributions
to the field since appointment are expected for tenure and initial promotion.” (Emphasis
Section 632.4.2
After reviewing the comments and concerns expressed during the Spring 2012 forums and
Faculty Senate meetings, PP&R concluded that current language in Section 600 that
differentiates “publication” and “equivalencies to publication” is confusing and unnecessary.
What really matters is whether a candidate is making significant scholarly or creative
contributions to the field of study, contributions that may include traditional definitions of
“publication” or other contributions. One form or type of contribution should not be presented
or perceived as more significant than any other.
Section 632.4.2 is revised to acknowledge the central role of Departments and Colleges in
defining the criteria for meeting the standard of “Contributions to the Field of Study.” The
revision also allows for recognition of nontraditional contributions as well as nontraditional
forums or means of dissemination of one’s work including alternatives which Departments may
employ for demonstrating the significance of candidates’ professional achievements where
peer review is not a formal part of the decision-making process in the publication,
dissemination, performance, or display of candidates’ work.
Section 632.4.2.b. clarifies that any “University standard” for defining significant scholarly or
creative contributions to the field of study only comes into play if there is no specific
department standard or if the department chooses to use the Section 632.4.2.b. standard.
Sections 632.4.3, 632.4.4, and 632.4.5
Sections 632.4.3, 632.4.4, and 632.4.5 were revised to be consistent with proposed changes in
Section 632.4.2 (“Defining Significant Scholarly and Creative Contributions”).
Implementation Plan
At its November 28, 2012 meeting, PP&R approved the following “Implementation Plan” for
revisions to Section 632.4:
Any Department or College with existing personnel procedures that may be affected by
the change in language in Section 632.4.2 of the Administrative Manual will be subject
to the current Section 632.4.2.a standard until the next review of the Department’s or
the College’s personnel procedures under Section 612.4.2.b (College) or Section
612.5.2.c (Department) of the Administrative Manual.
Submission of Report
This report is respectfully submitted to the Executive Committee of the Faculty Senate for