Visual Communications Course Outline 2014

Visual Communications Course Outline 2014-2015
Visual Media course requires the student to be self-motivated and able to work on
projects which may require after school hour work and use of specialized video,
camera, sound and drafting equipment.
Course Supplies: Students will require a binder and writing utensils to be brought to
class each day for notes and handouts. A USB stick to transfer and save digital work
would be an asset.
Background information:
Career and Technology Studies (CTS) is a complementary program designed for
Alberta's secondary school students. As a program of choice, CTS offers all students
important learning opportunities to:
develop skills that can be applied in their daily lives, now and in the future
refine career-planning skills
develop technology-related skills
enhance employability skills
apply and reinforce learnings developed in other subject areas
prepare for transition into adult roles in the family, community, workplace and/or
further education.
The MDC (Media Design and Communication Arts) cluster is designed to provide
students the flexibility to adapt to various situations relating to design, communication
and esthetics. Courses relate to art and culture, such as the performing arts, film and
video, broadcasting, journalism, writing, creative design, fashion, libraries and
museums. Visual Com focuses on the drafting, journalism, creative design stream.
Students are encouraged to complete all 5 one credit modules per semester. Not
completing these credits may have an impact on the student’s ability to graduate. Please
check with the school councillor.
Students learn to employ fundamental elements and principles of design for various
media and gain a strong foundational multidisciplinary experience in preparation for
other Communication Technology courses.
Students are introduced to the basics of computer graphics (vector and raster), and
graphic computer programs.
Students develop essential skills in camera use with a focus on basic composition, setup and examination of exposure. Students operate a camera to capture images and
produce final display proofs.
A raster format is commonly used in full colour images/graphics and photographs by
using a data structure representing a generally rectangular grid of pixels or points of
colour. In this course, students are introduced to the fundamental skills of raster
graphics and their application.
Vector graphics are commonly used in graphic design, page layout, typography, logos,
sharp-edged artistic illustrations, technical illustrations, diagramming and flowcharting.
In this course, students use vector editing software to create basic vector graphics.
Assignments: 80 %
Tests and Quizzes 20%
Formative assessment: Through mini lessons, practice lessons and critiques, students will be given an
opportunity to practice the skills and objectives outlined in the curriculum above. On-going feedback will
be given by means of written notes, face to face discussion and critiques. Follow up instruction and or
practice will be given in an attempt to help student understand the concepts being taught. Formative
assessment will be recorded as Ab- Absent from class at the time, NM- Not meeting, B-Basic
understanding, P-Proficient understanding, E-Excellent understanding of concepts taught.
Summative assessment: Students work for marks will be assessed through assignments, quizzes and
tests. These marks will be recorded as percentages in the mark book and will always have criteria in the
form of rubric outlining objectives or skills needed. It is imperative that students complete all
assignments as they weigh heavily on the final grade. Students will be given every opportunity to redo or
catch-up on assignments in either during class time or during lunch hours. Students must take the
initiative to see this through.
Glenmary Assessment Practices
1. STUDENT BEHAVIOR: Teachers will only grade student performance in mastering the public
published student learning outcomes for each subject:
Non-achievement factors will be recorded and reported, but not included in the grade.
These include attendance, effort, participation, attitude, punctuality, and late assignments,
except where dictated by the program of studies.
If the outcomes of the course require students to have a certain attitude, or behave a
certain way, then that will be graded.
2. LATE WORK: Formative Assessments are offered in order for students to practice understanding
and comprehension throughout the year.
Zeroes are permitted by teachers, except where stated by the program of studies. Enough
summative evidence will be collected to direct teaching.
Students that are NOT meeting outcomes or not providing evidence on summative
assessments will be brought to the attention of the LST/administration for support.
Strategies could include special placement of student, counselling or guided study block
so that evidence is provided.
Students WILL have summative assessments in time for report cards.
3. ATTENDANCE: Research proves that attendance affects achievement therefore total attendance
will be recorded, not excused or unexcused. Attendance will be recorded and dealt with on an
individual basis. Learner outcomes will be a factor in determining student participation in
the course.
Summative assessments (tests, projects, etc.) that are missed must be negotiated with the
teacher to be completed.
These may be different than the ones given to the rest of the class.
If the student is chronically absent during summative assessments, then counselling is
If students or family choose to be absent during the school year it is that student’s responsibility to
learn the outcomes that they missed.
4. GROUP SCORES: Group scores will not be used as summative assessment. Only student
performance in mastering the public published student learning outcomes will be graded.
Group projects can be used as formative assessment (practice).
The ability to work in a group will be assessed, but the same project mark will not be
given to all the group members.
Summative assessments must be done in front of the teacher.
5. EMPHASIS OF MOST RECENT ACHIEVEMENT: Most recent and consistent evidence will
replace out of date evidence when it is reasonable to do so.
Final exams MUST cover all of the outcomes if it is used for the whole course
Teacher professional judgement can be used along with a variety of assessments
throughout the year to determine student’s final mark.
Essential Understandings (Big Ideas) will remain consistent within subject areas
throughout grades.
6. ACADEMIC DISHONESTY: any student who is caught cheating will be required to redo tests,
assignment or activity to establish an accurate record for grading; and will follow ROCKS levels
of consequences.
Student Expectations
 Listen to all
 Be punctual and
prepared for class
 Let others learn
 Complete assigned
tasks in a timely
 Respect
school’s and
other’s property
 Keep desk
area/personal space
 Work as a team
 Talk and work
 Ask permission to
 Use positive and
 Use a quiet voice
 Be friendly and
include others
 Keep hands
and feet to self
 Wear shoes
 Walk
Any electronic device that causes the disruption of student learning or is used without
permission by the classroom teacher will be removed from the student and turned into the
office for pick up at the end of the day. Students are encouraged to put their devices on the
teacher’s desk and claim them at the end of the period.
Students are also required to come to class with the tools of learning which sometimes means
bringing in items from home to complete assignments. Fair warning will be given if this is to
I am looking forward to a great year. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to
contact me at the school by phone (624-5656) or e-mail
I have read this course outline.
Parent’s signature_______________________Student’s signature___________________