Eastfield College Social Work/ Gerontology/ Substance Abuse Program Eastfield College Substance Abuse Counseling- DAAC 2366 Clinical Student Learning Outcomes SCREENING Definition: The systematic approach to screening and assessment of individuals thought to have a substance use disorder, being considered for admission to addiction-related services, or presented in a crisis situation. Objective: Screening is the process by which the counselor, the client, and available significant others review the current situation, symptoms, and other available information to determine the most appropriate initial course of action, given the client’s needs and characteristics and the available resources within the community. Student Learning Outcomes: 1. Read and review with the on-site supervisor the policy and procedure manual to comprehend the goals and objectives of the organization as they relate to the population served and how these services are made available to the client population. 2. Learn the eligibility criteria for admission to the program, and learn to relate to clients through observation of designated staff and practice same under supervision. 3. Assist with screening calls and interviews with the supervisor observing until such time as the supervisor deems proficiency in this area. 4. Learn the diagnostic criteria to determine whether the potential client’s alcohol and other drug usage constitute abuse as determined by the diagnostic tools used by the organization. 5. Determine if the potential client is appropriate for the program based upon the observation of the client’s physical conditional, psychological functioning, outside support and motivation during the interview. Observations will be discussed with the supervisor. 6. Critique their performance during the screening interview and consult with the supervisor. Clinical Learning Objectives Revised November, 2012 Eastfield College Social Work/ Gerontology/ Substance Abuse Program INTAKE Definition: The process of admission of an individual to a health facility, during which data regarding the health history and other pertinent personal information is gathered. Objective: The administrative and initial assessment procedure for admission to a program. Student Learning Outcomes: 1. Review the policy and procedures manual to determine the appropriate forms to be completed for admission to the organization’s program. Observe and practice completion of forms under supervision. 2. Observe assigned staff conducting an intake interview noting significant areas for discussion with the interview; and follow-up consultation with supervisor to review observations, and verify procedure in preparation for student to conduct an intake interview. 3. Conduct an intake interview under supervision with follow-up consultation and critiquing with supervisor. ORIENTATION Definition: A planned series of classes and educational experiences on client care and to acquaint client about the facility routines, protocols, and expectations. Objective: Providing to client information about the program, the facility’s guidelines and responsibilities, and the client’s responsibilities. Student Learning Outcomes: 1. Review with supervisor the organizational guidelines, rules and regulations for admission and the criteria for a client’s compliance that will allow them to remain in the treatment program. 2. Learn and be able to relate to a client the general nature and goals of the program under supervision. 3. Learn and be able to relate to client rules governing client conduct and infractions that will lead to disciplinary action or discharge under supervision. 4. Learn and relate to client the cost of service and possible means of paying them as applicable to the organization’s policy and procedure under supervision. Clinical Learning Objectives Revised November, 2012 Eastfield College Social Work/ Gerontology/ Substance Abuse Program 5. Learn organizational rules that relate to client rights and relate to client under supervision. ASSESSMENT Definition: The systematic approach to screening and assessment of individuals thought to have a substance use disorder, being considered for admission to addiction-related services, or presenting in a crisis situation. Objective: Assessment is an ongoing process through which the counselor collaborates with the client and others to gather and interpret information necessary for planning treatment and evaluating client progress. Student Learning Outcomes: 1. Review the organization’s policy and procedure manual to determine the methods used to assess a client. Review with supervisor for preparation to conduct an assessment with clients under supervision. 2. Learn to use the assessment tools used by the organization through review of the training manual and instruction/training in the use of the various instruments. 3. Develop a social/case history of the client based upon client interviews, information from other professionals and client observation. Supervisor will evaluate for appropriateness and completion of all information. 4. Develop an eco-map of the client’s presenting problem and the information obtained during the development of the social/case history. The eco-map will be used to provide a pictorial view of the client’ systems. Methodology and documentation will be discussed with the supervisor. TREATMENT PLANNING Definition: A collaborative process in which professionals and the client develop a written document that identifies important treatment goals; describes measurable, time-sensitive action steps toward achieving those goals with expected outcomes; and reflects a verbal agreement between a counselor and client. Objective: At a minimum an individualized treatment plan addresses the identified substance use disorder(s), as well as issues related to treatment progress, including relationships with family and significant others, potential mental conditions, employment, education, spirituality, health concerns, and social and legal needs. Clinical Learning Objectives Revised November, 2012 Eastfield College Social Work/ Gerontology/ Substance Abuse Program Student Learning Outcomes: 1. Review policy and procedures manual regarding the scope of treatment provided by the organization. Consult with supervisor to verify understanding of the procedures and service delivery. 2. Observe for a prescribed time as determined by the on-site supervisor a designated counselor working with clients in the treatment modality. 3. When deemed appropriate, will assist designated counselor in the development and implementation of a treatment plan. 4. Develop a written treatment plan of a client that has been followed through the above processes. Supervisor will evaluate and provide consultation on the appropriateness of such plan. 5. On-site supervisor will observe and evaluate the ability to communicate in a clear and concise manner in terms that the client can understand the identified problems and plan of action to resolve them with the client’s assistance. Supervisor will critique and consult on methodology. COUNSELING Definitions: A collaborative process that facilitates the client’s progress toward mutually determined treatment goals and objectives. Objective: Counseling includes methods that are sensitive to individual client characteristics and to the influence of significant others, as well as the client’s cultural and social context. Competence in counseling is built on an understanding of, appreciation of, and ability to appropriately use the contributions of various addiction counseling models as they apply to modalities of care for individuals, groups, families, couples, and significant others. Student Learning Outcomes: 1. Consult with on-site supervisor to identify the various counseling techniques employed in the program. 2. Observe designated counselors during counseling sessions and discuss with them their techniques. Consult with supervisor to resolve any questions or philosophical differences. 3. Use information from various counseling therapies learned in SCWK 2311– Interviewing and Counseling Theories and SCWK 1307-Group Work Intervention to develop counseling techniques of your own. Clinical Learning Objectives Revised November, 2012 Eastfield College Social Work/ Gerontology/ Substance Abuse Program 4. Demonstrate the ability to utilize a counseling technique that is appropriate for the client in the particular situation. 5. Develop an understanding of the possibility of personal biases on issues such as cultural diversity and sexual orientation through observation and consultation with designated staff and supervisor. CASE MANAGEMENT Definition: The monitoring and coordination of treatment rendered to clients with specific diagnoses and ongoing personalized strategy for clients with a variety of needs. Objective: Development of skills that provide for comprehensive coordination of services, agencies and resources to assist the client in resolution of their problem. Student Learning Outcomes: 1. Using the skills learned in SCWK 1321-Orientation to Social Services demonstrate the ability to identify appropriate services to meet client needs, make referrals, provide information to the client about the referral source’s program, and provide follow-up to ensure that the client receives services. 2. Demonstrate the ability to act as an advocate for clients when appropriate. 3. Develop the ability to communicate both orally and written the needs and impressions of client in an objective manner during a case staffing. Supervisor will provide feedback on performance. CRISIS INTERVENTION Definition: an immediate, short-term, approach, the goal of which is to help resolve a personal crisis within the individual's immediate environment. Also, help for clients in a life crisis that is directed at supporting the client through the crisis and helping the client cope with the stressful event. Objective: The ability to respond to client needs during acute emotional and/or physical distress. Student Learning Outcomes: 1. Read and review with supervisor organizational policy and procedures manual as it relates to crisis intervention policy and techniques. Clinical Learning Objectives Revised November, 2012 Eastfield College Social Work/ Gerontology/ Substance Abuse Program 2. Learn to properly identify a crisis by reviewing the literature introduced in SCWK1311-Intervieiwng and Counseling Theories and any other material chosen by the supervisor. 3. Observe designated counselors as they work with clients in crisis, critique and consult with supervisor on methodology. 4. When deemed appropriate by supervisor, assist designated counselors in working with clients in crisis. Supervisor will evaluate and provide feedback on performance. CLIENT EDUCATION Definition: The process of providing clients, families, significant others, and community groups with information on risks related to psychoactive substance use, as well as available prevention, treatment, and recovery resources. Objective: Provision of information to individuals and groups concerning alcohol and other drugs and the available resources. Student Learning Outcomes: 1. Learn the scope of services provided by the supervising organization. 2. Review with supervisor the methods and materials available within the organization that provide information about alcohol, drugs, and quality of life skills. 3. Observe and assist designated counselors as they provide this information in either individual or group settings. REFERRAL Definition: The process of facilitating the client’s use of available support systems and community resources to meet needs identified in clinical evaluation or treatment planning. Objective: The ability to identify the needs of the client that cannot be met by the counselor or organization and assist the client in utilizing the available community resources. Student Learning Outcomes: 1. Develop the ability to determine when it is proper to make a referral to another counselor and/or service. Consult with supervisor to determine agency procedure. Clinical Learning Objectives Revised November, 2012 Eastfield College Social Work/ Gerontology/ Substance Abuse Program 2. Using skill gained in SCWK 1321-Orientation to Social Services, know how to obtain and utilize various directories of services available to access community resources identified as client needs. 3. Know how to access community information and referral sources to obtain resource information. 4. Understand the appropriate time and the process necessary to ensure that the client is receiving comprehensive services through the case management process. REPORT AND RECORD KEEPING Definition: The recording of the screening and intake process, assessment, treatment plan, clinical reports, clinical progress notes, discharge summaries, and other client-related data. Objective: The ability to chart the results of assessments, treatment plans, progress notes, written reports, discharge summaries and other client-related data. Student Learning Outcomes: 1. Use skills learned in SCWK 2301-Case Management and Assessment to write social histories, progress notes, and treatment plans modified to the specifications of the organization and the on-site supervisor’s instructions. 2. Learn to chart a client’s record according to the organization’s policy and procedure manual and the supervisor’s evaluation of the report. 3. Develop the skills necessary to write an accountable assessment of client’s status at discharge, with clear and concise terms, understandable to other staff and the appropriate monitors of the organization’s service delivery. Supervisor will evaluate and provide feedback. 4. Know and understand the ramifications involved in documentation of client records as it relates to legal matters and client confidentiality. CONSULTATION Definition: The administrative, clinical, and evaluative activities that bring the client, treatment services, community agencies, and other resources together to focus on issues and needs identified in the treatment plan. Objective: The ability to relate with one’s peers and other professionals to assure comprehensive and quality care for the client. Clinical Learning Objectives Revised November, 2012 Eastfield College Social Work/ Gerontology/ Substance Abuse Program Student Learning Outcomes: 1. Understand the need for consultation with supervisor on pertinent information about observed client behavior, knowledge of organization policy and procedure, and clarification of client/counselor roles. 2. Understand the need to communicate and consult with other professionals to validate and assure that the client is receiving appropriate services to meet their needs. 3. Understand and know the ramifications client confidentiality as it relates to consultation. Review Counselor Code of Ethics and discuss with supervisor. PROFESSIONAL AND ETHICAL RESPONSIBILITES: Competency 18: Understand diverse cultures, and incorporate the relevant needs of culturally diverse groups, as well as people with disabilities, into clinical practice. Competency 19: Understand the importance of self-awareness in one’s personal, professional, and cultural life. Competency 20: Understand the addiction professional’s obligations to adhere to ethical and behavioral standards of conduct in the helping relationship. Competency 21: Understand the importance of ongoing supervision and continuing education in the delivery of client services. Competency 22: Understand the obligation of the addiction professional to participate in prevention and treatment activities. Competency 23: Understand and apply setting-specific policies and procedures for handling crisis or dangerous situations, including safety measures for clients and staff. Clinical Learning Objectives Revised November, 2012