Dye Aggregation Identified by Vibrational Coupling Using 2D IR Spectroscopy Tracey A. Oudenhoven,† Yongho Joo,‡ Jennifer E. Laaser,†,¶ Padma Gopalan,‡ Martin T. Zanni*,† Department of Chemistry, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, Wisconsin 53706, and Department of Materials Science and Engineering, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, Wisconsin 53706 Email: zanni@chem.wisc.edu *To whom correspondence should be addressed † University of Wisconsin-Madison Chemistry ‡ University of Wisconsin-Madison Materials Science and Engineering ¶ Current address: University of Minnesota, Twin Cities Chemistry Supplemental Information Figure S1: Waiting time 2D IR spectra for ReC and ReCC in ethanol and acetonitrile solutions. a),d),g) at waiting time = 0 ps, b),e),h) at waiting time = 1 ps, and c),f),i) at waiting time = 3.5 ps for ReC and ReCC respectively. Figure S2: Normalizing constant exponential fits to waiting time 2D IR data. a), b) ReC samples with waiting time = 3.5 ps (a-acetonitrile solution, b-ethanol solution); c),d) ReC plots of normalization constant, a, of same samples as first column (c-acetonitrile solution, d-ethanol solution); e), f) ReCC samples with waiting time = 3.5 ps (e-acetonitrile solution, f-ethanol solution); g),h) ReCC plots of normalization constant, a, of same samples as first column (gacetonitrile solution, h-ethanol solution). Exponential decay data analysis In order to better resolve 2D IR cross peaks, we have developed a method to emphasize the cross peak presence. For a series of waiting time spectra, the intensities at each pixel of the 2D IR spectrum are fit to a least squares single exponential function (Equation 1). 𝑓(𝑥) = 𝑎 𝑒 −𝑏∗𝑡𝑖𝑚𝑒 + 𝑐 (Equation 1) Figure S3a shows the intensity for a representative pixel on one of the diagonal peaks for a sample of amorphous deposits along with the fit using Eq 1. Figure S3b-d shows three different contour plots created from the exponential fitting: one plotting the leading normalizing constant (a), one plotting the time constant of the exponential (b), and one plotting an offset (c). Each of these parameters was visualized in a 2D plot (an example is given in Fig. S3). The plot of the normalization constant, a, was found to give the relative intensities of the diagonal peaks much like at a waiting time of 0 ps, but with particular sensitivity and increased intensity to the presence of cross peaks. The plot of the time constant, b, was not found to give clear cross peak information, probably due to universal fitting parameters for the whole spectrum. However, the time constant plot does show that the diagonal peaks have uniform decay, which would be expected in these systems. Lastly, the plot of the offset, c, vaguely resembles the input 2D IR spectra; however, with an intensity greater than a factor of ten lower than the normalization constant plot. In this study, we used the normalization constant plots in order to identify the location of cross peaks to measure relative intensities and coherent oscillations of the actual 2D IR data. Figure S3: Example exponential fits of Equation 1 to one set of 2D IR data, namely ReC amorphous deposits on sapphire. (a) Exponential fit to diagonal peak. Contour plots of (b) normalization constant, a, (c) time constant, b, and (d) offsets, c. Figure S4: Comparison of cross peaks to noise from 2D IR data for ReC amorphous deposits. Blue – lower cross peak, Green – upper cross peak, Red – data from (pump,probe) (2048,1946).