8130 N Lake Blvd Box 368 Kings Beach, CA 96143

8130 N Lake Blvd Box 368
Kings Beach, CA 96143-0368
PH: 530-546-0400
Fax: 530-546-0401
DigestZen® is one of my very favorite essential oil blends. DigestZen® contains seven
powerful essential oils ~ ginger, peppermint, fennel, tarragon, caraway, anise and coriander. All
of these are known for their calming, anti-carcinogenic, anti-bloating and anti-intestinal spasm
qualities. This oil blend can be applied topically (right on the skin, usually with a carrier oil, until
you know if you’re sensitive to it), aromatically, and/or taken internally to overcome digestive
discomfort, common stomach issues, and more!
1) Abdominal Bloating & Cramps ~ DigestZen® is most commonly used to overcome
abdominal cramps in both adults and children.
a. For adults - 1-2 drops can be massaged into the abdominal area you can use neat
or bend with a carrier oil like grape seed or coconut oil– you’ll just have to see
what works best for you).
b. For children, it’s best to mix DigestZen® with a carrier oil to protect sensitive
skin. Massaging the essential oil into the reflex points of the feet can also be
2) Colitis ~ Ulcerative Colitis is an inflammatory bowel disease that affects the large
intestine (colon and rectum). It can cause urgency, diarrhea, rectal bleeding, abdominal
cramps and pain, fatigue, and weight loss.
a. Use 1-2 drops (neat or diluted in a carrier oil) rubbed over abdomen.
Alternatively, you could also use 1 drop in a shot glass with an ounce of water,
and drink that every 2-3 hours while experiencing symptoms.
3) Constipation ~ 1-2 drops mixed in with a carrier oil and rubbed over the belly and on the
bottoms of their feet.
a. Works within 30 minutes usually, if not faster.
4) Crohn’s Disease ~ Crohn’s disease is similar to Colitis, except the inflammation can
affect any part of the gastrointestinal tract, from the mouth to the anus. It can be
debilitating when really flaring up, so any relief is welcome.
a. DigestZen® may be helpful taken both internally as a way to maintain
gastrointestinal tract health, and topically – massaged over the abdomen.
5) Diarrhea ~ Similar to constipation, whenever anyone has diarrhea, and the often
accompanying stomach cramps apply DigestZen® topically over the lower abdomen and
bottoms of the feet.
6) Food Poisoning ~ Abdominal cramping, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea often come
along whenever food poisoning happens.
a. Apply topically (abdomen and feet) and consider 1 drop in water every 2-3 hours
while symptoms occur.
7) Gastritis ~ This is an irritation or erosion of the stomach lining and causes all sorts of
uncomfortable symptoms. If left untreated, it can lead to severe blood loss and possibly
even stomach cancer. DigestZen® may help ease symptoms and help your body heal
itself – apply topically and consider internal use.
8130 N Lake Blvd Box 368
Kings Beach, CA 96143-0368
PH: 530-546-0400
Fax: 530-546-0401
8) Heartburn ~ Massage a few drops of DigestZen® into both the abdominal and the chest
area. If necessary, repeat until the symptoms of heartburn disappear.
9) Nausea & Vomiting ~ DigestZen® may help ease both of these – apply topically
frequently while symptoms occur, and consider internal use, as well.
10) Parasites ~ Digestive tract parasites can be a difficult problem to overcome. If you, or
your pets suffer from parasites, consider taking a drop of DigestZen® in a glass of water
each day. Topical application on the bottoms of your feet (or diluted with a carrier oil and
applied to the bottoms of your pet’s feet) may help eliminate the parasite, as well.
Continue using DigestZen® daily until your digestive system becomes parasite-free.
11) Sinusitis ~ This one isn’t even a digestive system problem, but DigestZen® is useful in
helping the body break up old mucus that can get stuck in the sinus cavities and grow lots
of nasty bacteria and even mold.
a. Apply over the sinuses (taking care to keep out of your eyes) to help with pain
and inflammation 2-3 times a day until the symptoms subside.
b. Be aware it will cause a cooling sensation on your skin (that’s the ginger and
peppermint), but it will usually helped tremendously with the sinus headaches
associated with sinus infections/congestion.
c. Use with OnGuard® as well for general immune system support.
12) Digestive Candida ~ May be helpful for digestive Candida when used in a retention
enema (1-2 drops of DigestZen® with a carrier oil in a gelatin capsule).
13) Cough Suppressant ~ This one is another creative use for DigestZen®!
a. Place a drop in the palm of your hand (make sure you’ve washed your hands!),
dip your thumb in the oil, then place your thumb on the roof of your mouth. This
may be useful in easing the symptoms of coughing fits.
14) Morning Sickness ~ DigestZen® is comprised of oils that are regarded by the FDA as
GRAS (Generally Regarded As Safe) for ingestion, and that includes for pregnant
a. Diffuse DigestZen® into the air so you can breathe it in aromatically. If you
don’t have a diffuser, you can put 2-3 drops on the palm of your hand, rub your
hands together, then cup them and breathe in the oil vapors, or put them in a pot
of steaming water and breathe in the steam. You can safely do this as often as
your symptoms are present.
b. Do not ingest DigestZen orally in the first trimester of pregnancy –use only
topically or by inhalation.
15) Gallbladder Issues ~ DigestZen® can be combined with other ingredients and taken
internally to overcome the symptoms of gallbladder problems.
a. Add a few drops of DigestZen® to a teaspoon of olive oil, and a few drops of
lemon juice – take hourly until you begin experiencing relief from the pain.