worksheet-1 - Süleyman Şah Üniversitesi

Getting Enough Sleep
The lecture hall is filled with about 60 students, all around
18 or 19 years old. The professor is explaining a point
about economic theory to the class. It is nine o'clock in the
morning, but some of the students seem to be finding it
hard to stay awake. A few have nodded off completely. It
could be that they are bored with the lecture. But,
according to researchers, it is more likely that they simply
haven't had enough sleep.
Experts say that most teenagers need about nine hours of
sleep a night. This is more than either, adults or children need. For most adults, seven to eight hours
a night is generally enough, although the exact amount is different for each person. Infants, who
need about 16 hours a day, are the only age group that needs more sleep than teenagers.
However, research shows that many teenagers are not getting the amount of sleep they need. In one
survey, around half the teenagers interviewed said they slept an average of six hours a night. That is
three hours less than experts say they should get.
Teenagers aren't the only ones who aren't getting enough sleep. In many societies, sleep
deprivation is becoming part of the culture. When people "work hard and play hard," there is not
much time left for sleep. These people often see the symptoms of sleep deprivation as part of
normal life. For example, a person might think he or she is yawning because of boredom. In fact,
experts say it means they probably haven't had enough sleep.
The problem can get worse over time. When people have too little sleep over a long period, they
build up a "sleep debt." If a person misses one hour of sleep every night for a week, then by the end
of the week he or she will need to catch up on seven hours of sleep.
The effects of sleep deprivation can be serious. Research shows that people who don't get enough
sleep find it hard to make decisions. Their work or studies can be badly affected. Their ability to
drive can also be impaired. Thousands of traffic accidents each year are caused by sleep deprived
people. In addition, long-term sleep disorders can cause high blood pressure and may lead to heart
Drinking coffee, or soft drinks with caffeine, cannot help people who are sleep deprived. There is
only one thing to do if you feel sleepy: start going to bed earlier.
1. ______________to open the mouth wide and take a lot of air into the lungs and slowly send
it out, usually when tired or bored.
2. ______________when you do not have things or conditions that are usually considered
necessary for a pleasant life.
3. ______________a baby or a very young child.
4. ______________an examination of opinions, behaviour, etc., made by asking people
5. ______________any single problem which is caused by and shows a more serious and
general problem.
6. ______________to spoil or weaken something so that it is less effective.
1. Adults need the same amount of sleep as teenagers.
Adults need....................................................................................................................................
2. Teenagers should probably sleep about six hours every night.
Teenagers should probably sleep about.........................................................................................
3. Infants need less sleep than adults.
Infants need....................................................................................................................................
4. People yawn when they are bored.
People yawn when.........................................................................................................................
5. Drivers with sleeping problems cause a few traffic accidents each year.
Drivers with sleeping problems cause............................................................................................
6. Coffee helps people who have sleep problems.
nod off
Every day, adults should get at least (1)....................................................hours of sleep, while infants
need around (2)....................................................hours of sleep. Sleep disorders can
(3)............................... serious problems. Not sleeping enough can (4)........................................your
ability to make decisions. People who (5)....................................................while they are driving
might have a traffic accident. (6) …………………………… cannot solve sleep problems.
I arranged to _______________ (1) in a farmhouse outside a village
in southern Italy. My itinerary said that the plane arrived in Italy at
five o’clock in ____________ (2) afternoon and it was a thirty-minute
drive ___________ (3) the airport to the village. I wanted to get to my
destination ________________ (4) it got dark, so I could have a
drink, _________________(5) the sunset, and enjoy an evening meal!
The problems began at Heathrow airport. My plane was three hours
late. I walked around the airport, looked in the shops, and drank
coffee in the cafés. I ____________ (6) eat anything. That was a
mistake! When the plane finally took ______________ (7), they gave
me a cold, tasteless meal which I couldn’t eat.
We arrived in Italy in the early evening. The sun was setting as I ___________ (8) collecting my
bags! I missed it completely! I went to the desk to find my hire car and that’s when I discovered the
next problem. The receptionist couldn’t find my name on the computer and there _____________
(9) no more cars. There were no buses or trains to the village, and the taxis were on strike.
The receptionist felt sorry ____________ (10) me. She phoned her brother, Alessandro, who agreed
to take me to the village. Alessandro arrived in a very old car and we set off. Fifteen minutes later
… we broke down. I was tired, depressed, and very, very hungry. Luckily, Alessandro was a
___________ (11). After an hour, he fixed the car and we started driving again.
It was nearly midnight _____________ (12) we arrived at the farmhouse. _____________ (13) man
opened the door and smiled. ‘Come in,’ he said. ‘We waited for you.’ I sat with a group of
_____________ (14) friendliest people who I __________ (15) ever met and had an absolutely
wonderful meal.
The problems of the American cities - pollution, crime, a lack of planning, accidents - are bad, but
they were worse in the so-called 'good old days'. Pollution from cars is one example. It is bad now
but there was a lot of pollution from horses and other animals in American cities in the 19th
Most cities had their own slaughterhouses. Butchers were careless about the cows and pigs which
they killed and they left the remains of the animals here and there. And the sewer system for waste
water from the kitchens and bathrooms did almost not exist.
Pollution was a very important problem for city governments in the last century, especially the
problem of water supplies. They knew that they polluted water, but they didn't know how it was
polluted. Trying to get pure water was a big problem.
People like to talk about the good old days but, actually, the cities of the 19th century were dirtier
than today. Because of the dirt, communicable diseases were a great problem. When one of these
diseases was seen, the situation was dangerous for all of the people in that area. Examples of such
diseases were smallpox, yellow fever, malaria, cholera and typhoid. The number of children who
died was high.
Some of the problems that disturbed people who lived in the cities during that period are still with
us - poor planning, crime and accidents. The planning of cities and their neighbourhoods was
controlled by real estate developers who were only interested in earning more money. Actually,
their real job was to build well-planned cities and provide the population with both durable housing
and a good-looking neighbourhood.
Crime was a great concern then, too. The police had to work hard to stop it. Pickpockets, who
were very skilled, were able to quickly stea the purses and wallets of the people and run away with
It is true that people were not being killed by cars. However, they were killed or seriously injured
(hurt) by runaway horses, which were running around out of control. It was quite a common scene.
The situations and problems of American cities have not changed so much. We must look back at
the past and try to learn from it so that developments can be made.
A. Fill in the blanks according to the information given in the text.
1. The reason for pollution in the streets in the 19th century were___________ and______________
2. Cows and pigs were killed by_____________ .
3. Two of the problems which we had in the past and which we still have today
are__________ and__________ .
4. The city governments of the past had important problems with__________because they were
polluted and it was difficult to
obtain pure water.
5. Purses and wallets were stolen by___________ .
6. Real estate developers controlled___________ and__________
B. Mark the best choice.
1. Line 5, "slaughterhouses' are places where .
a) animals are killed
c) butchers live
b) butchers feed animals
d) people buy meat
2. Line 12, 'communicable diseases' are___________ .
a) diseases which one person can easily get from another person
b) a type of communication diseases
c) children's diseases
d) diseases for dangerous situations
3. Line 25, 'runaway horses' are horses which___________ .
a) are killed by their owners
b) are injured
c) are no longer under the control of their owners
d) are used for transportation
4. The main idea of the first paragraph is that___________ .
a) American cities are terrible places to live
b) things were better in the past in American cities
c) American cities were worse in the past than they are now
5. Line 21, 'Crime was a great concern then, too* means___________.
a) crime is still a big problem
b) crime is not a problem anymore
c) crime was a problem of the past only
6. According to the last paragraph, the writer thinks that___________ .
a) things are getting worse
b) things are getting better
c) things can get better
C. Answer the questions.
1. How were some people killed or injured in the streets in the 19th century cities?
2. Why did a lot of children die in the past?
A. Fill in the blanks with Simple Present or Present Progressive tense.
1. On Mondays, Sally _________(drive) her kids to football practice.
2. Usually, _________ (work) as asecretary at ABT, but this summer I _________ (study) French
at a language school in Paris. That’s why I am in Paris.
3. Shhhh! Be quiet! John _________ (sleep)
4. I am sorry I can’t hear what you _________ (say) because everybody _________ (talk) so
5. Justin _________ (write currently) a book about his adventures in Tibet. I hope he can find a
good Publisher when he is finished.
6. She ________ (hold) some roses. They ________ (smell) lovely.
7. Oh no! Look! It _______ (snow) again. It always _________ (snow) in this country.
8. __________you _________ (enjoy) this party? Yes, I ___________have) a great time!
9. I __________ (think) your new hat ___________ (look) nice on you.
10. I __________ (live) with my parents but right now I _________ (stay) with some friends for a
few days.
11. He _______________(not understand) what you ___________ (talk) about. He's a foreigner.
12. How much ________your suitcase _________ (weigh)? It _________ (look) really heavy.
B. Fill in the gaps with the verbs from the box using the Past Continuous tense:
shine, eat, follow, discuss, shout, try
1. My little nephew ......................................... with his toys when I came to see him.
2. They ............................................... cake when the doorbell rang.
3. You ........................................................ me all day yesterday.
4. Tom ............................................. a big suitcase when we saw him last weekend.
5. They .................................................... at each other while ..............................................
6. They ......................................................... politics after dinner.
7. The boys ................................................... when I arrived at the lake.
8. The sun .............................................. all day yesterday
to fall
C. Correct the mistakes.
1. She weren’t washing her new car yesterday morning. .........
2. They were sleep at 6 o’clock last Sunday. ......................
3. James cut himself badly while he repairing his bike yesterday afternoon. ........................
4. When my brothers were quarreling I were watching the news. ...............
5. People wasn’t panicking when the lights at the shopping centre went off suddenly. ..............
6. Was the sun shine when you got up yesterday morning? .............
D. Choose the correct form of the verbs.
1. Mary prepared / was preparing lunch when they came / was coming.
2. Tom was very unlucky. It rained / was raining every day during his holidays.
3. Who was that nice girl you talked / were talking to when I walked / was walking by the pub?
4. Last weekend Susan fell / was falling and broke/ was breaking her leg.
5. When I entered / was entering the cafeteria, Mary had / was having lunch with Peter.
6. We drove/ were driving to Berlin in Robert´s new car.
7. The sun shone / was shining brightly when I got up / was getting up this morning.
8. Ann finally told / was telling us the whole story about Peter.
A. Fill in the gaps with one of the following words in black.
pain injected
therapy research pressure respond defend
1. There is no………………………..for this disease.
2. The medicine was…………………….into a vein by the nurse.
3. I have got a …………… my stomach.
4. Heart……………………was the cause of his death.
5. Your blood……………… too high.
6. Survivors of a car crash are quite ……………….to experience physical and psychological
7. The floods……………….a lot of damage to roads and buildings.
8. She tried to……………..her son’s behaviour, but everyone knew he was wrong.
9. I asked a question, but she did not……………………..
10. The zoologist was doing some……………….on pandas.
B. Match the words with their snonyms.
1…………… common
a) protect
2……………. occur
b) include
3……………. contain
c) widespread
4……………. respond
d) sign, characteristic
5…………….. likely
e) happen, take place
6…………….. defend
f) answer, reply
g) probable
C. Read the sentences and fill in the gaps with the best word or phrase.
*came up with * service * set it up * advertising * avoid * in return * as long as * while
1. The teacher was surprised that John……………………………….such an idea for the event
2. Many times we buy things because we are influenced by……………………………………….
3. We wont go to that restaurant again.The …………………………………..was bad!
4. OK but there is something I want……………………………………..for this favor
5. You can go to your friends’ house……………………………….you are back by 11.00 pm
6. I just got a new stereo system but I dont know how to………………………………………
7. …………………………………….we waited for them to arrive we drank lemonade
8. When they met again they tried to …………………………………each other
D. Match each new boldfaced word with the correct definition.
1. They are not willing to stay extra hours at the office without extra pay.
a. they want to
b. they have to
c. they dont want to
2. The school is hiring lecturers for this summer
a. educating
b.offering work
3. The exam results were announced Monday morning
a. sell something
b. write something
c. give the information
4. The Olympic Games are also known for the large number of volunteers they have
a. payed employees
b. business men
c. non – payed employees
E. Read the sentence and then match it with the right word in the box that describes it.
* design * ads
* consumers * mean * make a living
The announcements is the newspaper asked for people who wanted to be actors
We saw the drawing of the new house and we liked it
They have good jobs and dont pay rent so they are enjoying a good life
I am sorry I shouted at you.I didnt want to make you feel bad
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------As people who buy different things we sometimes buy things we dont need
The situation is changing even as we speak
(You can download the listening track from under
IListen to the lecture and write T (True) or F (False) next to the sentences.
_______ 1- Linguists care about endangered languages because when a language
dies, a culture can die, too.
_______ 2- Languages become endangered because children don’t go to school.
_______ 3- Linguists try to preserve and save endangered languages.
IIListen to the lecture again. Then circle the correct answer to complete each
1- _________ is an example of a dead language.
a. Spanish
b. Latin
c. Greek
2- The Manx lost their native _________.
a. culture
b. traditions
c. language
3- According to the speaker, _________ are passed down through language.
a. stories and poetry
b. history and knowledge
c. humor and culture
4- The government can make it __________ to teach the language in school.
a. required
b. illegal
c. Difficult
5- Before _________, it was illegal to teach Hawaian in public schools.
a. 1997
b. 1957
c. 1987
6- Once there were ____________ of Native American Languages.
a. a few
b. hundreds
c. Thousands
7- In Greenland, students learn ____________.
a. only Danish
b. kalaallisut and Danish
c. Only Kalaallisut
8- Linguists help create ___________ programs where people can study endangered
a. interesting
b. community
c. unusual