Extracting Bibliographic Records from SIRSIDynix Symphony (Advanced) This is an advanced extraction procedure that covers shadow/suppressed records, item type, location, call numbers, and local or junk fields. The companion Webex video covers the same material: https://oclc.webex.com/oclc/lsr.php?AT=pb&SP=MC&rID=61334792&rKey=aa604e534a291d23 I. Extract Keys for MARC Export Report (also called prep marcexport). Located in the Bibliographic Group of Reports. Report toolbar, Schedule new reports wizard. A. This report selects the bib records that will be extracted. 1. If you share a system with other libraries and want to extract only your own records, the label Library is included on the Item tab and the Call Number tab of selections. Some libraries have purchased a separate module for their electronic materials and keep it in a separate library. The library is identified here in this datawell. 2. You need to use as few criteria as necessary to select the records you want to extract and exclude the records you do not want to extract. Possibilities: 1. Shadowed excluded on item tab or separate tab. They need to agree. a. We talked about “including or excluding” shadowed records [shadowed records in SIRSI translates to suppressed records in OCLC, where there are none]. 2. Format on the Title tab of selections. Also Number of Call Numbers on this tab. a. We talked about excluding serials but getting all other material formats. b. We talked about “including or excluding” multiple call numbers [i.e. volumes]. i. by limiting it to less than 2 or equal to 1 for the extraction without multiples. ii. by limiting it to greater than 1 for the extraction of multiples. 3. Class scheme on the Call Number tab of selections. Also Number of Copies on this tab can be mistaken for the Number of Call Numbers. i. by limiting it to the LC Classification for the extraction of serials titles that are not in Periodicals. ii. by limiting it by excluding ASIS so as not to include in house reserves or ILL call numbers 4. Item Type, Home Location, or Current Location on the Item tab of selections. a. We talked about getting only electronic materials by using item type or home location. Examples: If I want to get the serials in LC as a separate extraction because they have barcodes, for my library I can do that with: Format: serials Class scheme: LC If I want to get all the electronic in one extraction, for my library I can do that with: Home location: Internet, NetLibrary OR I can do that with: Item Types: Ebook, Eref, Enews, Database, Remote If I want only electronic serials, for my library I can do that with: Item type: Remote; Home location: Internet. A List Entry report can be used to check your criteria and give you immediate feedback on your selection. It has most (if not all) the same selections. Caution: If you use location as one of your criteria for the Extract Keys for MARC Export report, it is only reading the location from the item record. This report does not pull records from location in MARC Holdings [MFHD 852]. If you have multiple Marc Holdings for different material types with only one item record, the report will catch the location in the item record. It will not catch locations if they were only in MARC Holdings. For example: Abell Library has one bib for Library journal starting in 1976-. We have three MARC Holdings [MH] records on this bib. One MH location is bound periodicals; a second MH location is current periodicals. Both are print. A third MH location is microfiche. One item record is attached for the current periodical. If our Extract Keys for MARC Export Report was set up to select microfiche, microfilm, and microcard locations, this bib would not be selected. It would be missed. II. MARC Export Wizard. Located in the Utility toolbar. This report will only pull the records selected by the last run of Extract Keys for MARC Export Report. It does not select the records. This report selects the information from the records to be included. A. Do you want your item information (local holdings) included? ___X____ Include SIRSI 999 holdings entry with the catalog record. Click the box and SIRSI fills in a check mark. To exclude, clear the check box. MARC 999 Documentation was included separately. SIRSI translates the information in your call number record, item record, and circulation transactions, including inventory dates, into MARC 999. The difference is subfield a call number includes the volume numbering instead of having it in a separate subfield v as the documentation states. B. Do you want local and internal or “junk” tags included? ___X___ Include local and junk tags Click the box and SIRSI fills in a check mark. Select this box to include all the tags in the records. Uncheck this box to exclude. Internal tags are used by SIRSI, such as the 599 latest issue received. Junk tags are the MARC tags selected for the dumpjunktag file located in the /Unicorn/Custom directory. Junk tags are the MARC tags selected to be stripped away as you bring records into your system. I’m going to show you this in the Reports toolbar, MARC Import tab of reports. Load Bibliographic Records reports. When I open this report and page down to Bibliographic Record Processing record, you will see a box and Remove entries listed in the file “junktag.” Some libraries use this feature, others do not. I got SIRSI to tell me what MARC tags were in the junktag file; and, I added MARC tags to be included in the list for our library. No charge, but you have to know enough to ask. Note: According to my records, when I inquired in Sept. 2006, MARC 596, 598, and 599 were in Abell Library’s junk tag file. They are probably the default since no one here knew anything about this. Local tags would be 590’s and other MARC tags designated for local use. 2 C. Do you want your records exported in MARC 21 format or in Flat ASCII format? Anything not in MARC, click Flat ASCII. I put the radial in MARC. D. “Export SirsiDynix Symphony Catalog Key to MARC Tag – Select this check box to export the SirsiDynix Symphony catalog key to the selected MARC entry. The u prefix is appended to the exported catalog key to identify the catalog key as a SirsiDynix Symphony catalog key. The default location is the 001 entry.” – MARC Export Utility Wizard Properties. If Unchecked, the default is to place the flexible key is exported to the MARC 035. I leave this unchecked so I don’t mess up the OCLC number our library places in the 001. If you check the box, you do now have a drop down menu and can choose another tag. I have not used it. E. Next we have a series of questions about the actual extraction itself. Use the number of records you got from your Extract Keys for MARC Export Report. 1. Do you want the records in one file? Depending on the size of the file, and depending on the vendor or software program you intend to use, say yes if possible. a. Depending on the size of the file: i. OCLC Batchload Solutions: WorldCat Local [p. 3] says “File size determines the recommended method: File size 40,000 or more total records in a file; then, Recommended method FTP to EDX account.” Include 40,000 records in each file ii. Terry Reese’s software MARCEdit will handle approximately 100,000 records. Other software programs will have their own recommendations. iii. Reloading issues: Our SIRSI system has a limit, depending on your server speed, as to how many records it can actually handle in the nightly ADUtext report. SIRSI used to recommend 5,000-8,000 for a load to completely index overnight. They have increased that recommendation to 10,000. We tried it once; and, it did not completely reindex. So if I am sending the files out to a vendor for something, intending to reload the records when they return, I will order multiple files. Include 5,000 records in each file 2. Examples: [X ‘s radials in the report] First Example: _X___ Export all records to one file __X__Include __228,000_ records in each file. In this example, I started with the number from the Extract Keys for MARC Export Report and rounded up to the nearest thousand. Second Example: ___X___ Include _5,000__ number of records in each file. ___X___ Include _5,000__ number of records in each file. In this example, I have the same number of records to export, but I have to re-load them in files of 5,000. So, I have to extract them in files of 5,000. 3 3. Next we have a series of questions to determine where to put the file(s) of extracted records and what to call them. Save exported records on the server or on the client. If your library has its own server for SIRSI, you have a choice. We are a SAAS client, so we have to choose Client. When you name your file, do not type it in the datawell. Use the gadget. Go to the location, then name your file. SIRSI uses the gadget path to determine where it puts the files. So even though you don’t type that information in, it is part of the file location and naming information. File to export will always have vol 0001 as the default in the drop down menu. LadyJane Hickey Coordinator of Bibliographic Records Abell Library, Austin College 900 North Grand Avenue | Suite 6L Sherman, TX 75090-4400 Phone: 903-813-2237 | Fax 903-813-2297 lhickey@austincollege.edu 4