Additional file 14: Traits studied under the four trait groups (drought tolerance, yield potential, lodging resistance, and adaptation to direct seeding) with trait codes and ecosystems. Group Group 1: Drought tolerance Group 2: Yield potential Trait Trait code T1 Plant height (cm) -1 Increase of canopy temperature (ºC d ) T2 Canopy temperature (ºC) T3 Reduction of NDVI (early stress) T4 Reduction of NDVI (severe stress) T5 NDVI T6 Absolute amount of sap (g) T7 -1 Bleeding rate (g sap g shoot) T8 -2 Number of tillers m (mid-stress) T9 Shoot biomass at mid-stress (g) T10 2 Leaf area at mid-stress (cm ) T11 Leaf:Stem ratio at mid-stress T12 2 -1 Specific leaf area at mid-stress (cm g ) T13 Days to flowering T14 -3 Root mass density (0-15 cm; cmroot cm soil) T15 -3 Root mass density (15-30 cm; cmroot cm soil) T16 -3 Root mass density (30-45 cm; cmroot cm soil) T17 -3 Root mass density (45-60 cm; cmroot cm soil) T18 Percentage deep roots T19 -1 Grain yield (kg ha ) T20 Number of tiller m-2 at harvest T21 -2 Number of panicle m at harvest T22 Percentage grain fertility (by weight) T23 Weight of 1000 grains (g) T24 Panicle length at harvest (cm) T25 Leaf:Stem ratio at harvest T26 Nodal root number T27 Days to flowering T28 -1 Grain yield (kg ha ) T29 T30 Plant height (cm) -1 T31 Shoot biomass (kg ha ) -2 Number of tiller m at harvest T32 Ecosystems Lowland stress Lowland stress Lowland stress Lowland stress Lowland stress Lowland stress Lowland stress Lowland stress Lowland stress Lowland stress Lowland stress Lowland stress Lowland stress Lowland stress Lowland stress Lowland stress Lowland stress Lowland stress Lowland stress Lowland stress Lowland stress Lowland stress Lowland stress Lowland stress Lowland stress Lowland stress Lowland non-stress Lowland non-stress Lowland non-stress Lowland non-stress Lowland non-stress Lowland non-stress Number of panicle m-2 at harvest Harvest index Panicle length at harvest (cm) Percentage grain fertility (by weight) Group 3: Stem diameter (mm) Lodging resistance Stem strength (mm) Dry weight per plant (g) Fresh weight per plant (g) Stem diameter (mm) Stem strength (mm) Dry weight per plant (g) Fresh weight per plant (g) Days to flowering Group 4: DSR adaptation First emergence (DS2013) Full emergence (DS2013) Grain yield (kg ha-1) Plant height (cm) Shoot biomass (kg ha-1) Number of tiller m-2 at harvest Number of panicle m-2 at harvest Harvest index Panicle length at harvest (cm) Percentage grain fertility (by weight) Weight of 1000 grains (g) First emergence (WS2013) Full emergence (WS2013) Relative growth rate (WS2013) Plant height (cm, WS2013) Relative growth rate (Lowland, DS2013) First emergence (Lowland, DS2013) Full emergence (Lowland, DS2013) Shoot dry weight I (WS 2013) Shoot dry weight II (WS 2013) Shoot dry weight III (WS 2013) T33 T34 T35 T36 T37 T38 T39 T40 T41 T42 T43 T44 T45 T46 T47 T48 T49 T50 T51 T52 T53 T54 T55 T56 T57 T58 T59 T60 T61 T62 T63 T64 T65 T66 Lowland non-stress Lowland non-stress Lowland non-stress Lowland non-stress Upland Upland Upland Upland Lowland Lowland Lowland Lowland Upland Upland Upland Upland Upland Upland Upland Upland Upland Upland Upland Upland Upland Upland Upland Upland Upland Upland Upland Upland Upland Upland