education - Center for African Studies

1962 BS
1967 DVM/MS
1970 PhD
University of Rhode Island
Michigan State University
University of California at Davis
Biological Sciences
Veterinary Medicine
Positions Held
1970 – 1972
1972 – 1978
1976 – 1992
1978 – 1982
1979 –
1982 – 1997
1986 –
1988 –
1989 –
1996 –
1997 – 2006
1998 – 2006
Postdoctoral fellow in the laboratory of George Klein at the Department of
Tumor Biology, Karolinska Institute School of Medicine, Stockholm,
Sweden (Fellow of Leukemia Society of America)
Assistant and Associate Professor of Virology, Harvard School of Public
Health (Scholar of Leukemia Society of America)
Lecturer, Department of Pathology, Harvard Medical School
Chairman, Department of Microbiology, Harvard School of Public Health
(Dept. restructured, expanded, and renamed the Dept. of Cancer Biology
in 1982 and the Dept. of Immunology & Infectious Diseases in 1997)
Professor of Virology, Harvard School of Public Health
Chairman, Department of Cancer Biology, Harvard School of Public Health
Adjunct Scientist, Southwest Biomedical Research Foundation
Chairman, Harvard AIDS Initiative
Mary Woodard Lasker Professor of Health Sciences
Chairman, Botswana–Harvard AIDS Institute
Chairman, Department of Immunology & Infectious Diseases, Harvard
School of Public Health
John LaPorte Given Professor of Infectious Diseases
Outside Service
1978 – 1991
1981 – 1991
Medical and Scientific Advisory Committee, Leukemia Society of America
Scientific Advisory Board, Cambridge Biotechnology Corp.
October 2011
1982 – 1984
1982 – 1986
1985 – 1989
1985 –
1987 – 1991
1987 – 1992
1989 – 2001
1990 –
1992 – 2002
1993 –
1994 – 2000
1995 – 1997
1995 – 1999
1995 – 1999
1995 –
1996 – 1998
1996 – 2000
1997 – 1999
1997 – 2004
1997 – 2005
Lasker Awards Jury
Board of Scientific Counselors, National Cancer Institute
Scientific Advisory Board, American Red Cross
Advisory Board, American Council on Science and Health
Division of Cancer Cause and Prevention Board, National Cancer Institute
Lasker Awards Jury
World Committee, International Association Research on Leukemia
Advisory Board, African AIDS Association
Scientific Advisory Board, Virus Research Institute
Board of Directors, Pierre Dick/Virbac Foundation
Board of Advisors, Hong Kong Cancer Center
Secretary General, International Association Research on Leukemia
Vice President Scientific Affairs, International Retrovirology Association:
HTLV & Related Viruses
Scientific Advisory Board, Until There’s A Cure Foundation
Board of Advisors, Maryland Biotechnology Institute
Scientific Advisory Board, Sabin Foundation
Scientific Advisory Board, International AIDS Vaccine Initiative,
Rockefeller Foundation
President, International Association Research on Leukemia
Consultant, Diacrin
Scientific Advisory Board, Institute for International Vaccine Development
Previous service includes membership on various National Institutes of Health and
American Cancer Society committees.
Member of various editorial boards including AIDS, AIDS Research & Human
Retroviruses, Cancer Investigation, Cancer Research, Journal of Acquired Immune
Deficiency Syndromes, Journal of Immunology, Journal of Viral Diseases and Viral
Member of numerous professional organizations, including the American Society of
Microbiology, the American Association of Cancer Research, the American
Veterinary Medical Association, the American Association of Immunologists, the
Infectious Disease Society of America, the Society of Lymphocyte Biology, the
American Society of Virology, and the New York Academy of Sciences.
M. Essex
October 2011
1970 – 1972
1972 – 1976
1985 – 1999
1989 –
M. Essex
Leukemia Society of America Fellow
Leukemia Society of America Scholar
Honorary Master of Arts, Harvard University
Bronze Medal, American Cancer Society
Ralston-Purina Research Award
National Cancer Institute Outstanding Investigator Grant
Albert Lasker Medical Research Award (with R. Gallo, L. Montagnier)
Carnation Research Award
Michigan State University Distinguished Alumnus Award
Member, National Academy of Practitioners
University of California, Davis, Distinguished Alumnus Award
Honorary Doctor of Science, University of Rhode Island
Honorary Doctor of Science, Michigan State University
Member, Institute of Medicine, National Academy of Sciences
Honorary Doctor of Science, University of Madrid
Centennial Professor, Washington State University
Presidential Medal of Honor, Senegal
Honorary Doctor of Science, University of Maryland
Annual Award, American Association of Veterinary Epidemiologists
Fellow, American Association for the Advancement of Science
Fellow, American Academy of Microbiology
University of Rhode Island Alumni Award for Excellence
Honorary Doctorate, University of Kinshasa
K.F. Meyer-James H. Steele Gold Headed Cane Award, American
Veterinary Epidemiology Society
National Cancer Institute Lifetime Research Award
Honorary Doctor of Science, University of Illinois
Presidential Award, University of Nuevo Leon, Mexico
Honorary Doctorate, University of Nuevo Leon, Mexico
Recognition Award, Government of Thailand
Heroes in Medicine Award, Int. Assn. Physicians in AIDS Care
San Marino Prize (with H. ZurHausen)
Honorary Doctor of Science, Mahidol University, Bangkok
Honorary Professor, Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México,
Toluca, Mexico
October 2011
Honorary Lectureships
Honorary lectures include the Yohei Ito Memorial Lecture for the Leukemia Society of
America, the Yohei Ito Memorial Lecture for the International Association on Leukemia
Research, the Fred Stohlman Memorial Lecture, the Mildred Scheel Memorial Lecture,
the Dwight Griswold Memorial Lecture, the Alexander D. Langmuir Lecture, the Frank
Rauscher Jr. Memorial Lecture, the Hahnemann University Honorary Lecture, the Merck
Lecture for the American Society of Microbiology, the Honorary Ranbaxy Lecture, the
Marlene and Stewart Greenebaum Lecture for the Institute of Human Virology, and other
memorial lectures for various medical organizations.
HTLV-I and HTLV-II envelope proteins gp45, gp61 for diagnostics and vaccines
HTLV envelope peptides for diagnostic distinction of types I and II
HIV-1 envelope proteins gp120 and gp160 for diagnostics and vaccines
HIV-1 nef protein p27
Simian immunodeficiency virus envelope glycoproteins
Gene therapy designs using HIV-1 gp41 envelope protein
Gene therapy designs using HIV-2 Vpx protein
Gene therapy designs based on HIV-1 gag p17 protein
Vaccine design based on selective genetic deglycosylation
HIV-2 antigens for blood test screening
Early detection of hepatitis B
Salivary antibody tests for HIV
Synthetic peptides for HIV diagnosis
HIV-1 vpu to distinguish from HIV-2
Drug design for HIV entry
Primary mentor for 32 doctoral students
Primary mentor for approximately 60 postdoctoral trainees
Primary mentor for 17 sabbatical trainees
M. Essex
October 2011
PUBLICATIONS (587 research publications and 11 books)
Essex, M., Klein, G., Snyder, S.P., and Harrold, J.B. Antibody to Feline
Oncornavirus-Associated Cell Membrane Antigen in Neonatal Cats. Int. J. Cancer
8:384-390 (1971).
Essex, M., Klein, G., Snyder, S.P., and Harrold, J.B. Correlation between
Humoral Antibody and Regression of Tumours Induced by Feline Sarcoma Virus.
Nature 233:195-196 (1971).
Essex, M., Kawakami, T.G., and Kurata, K. Continuous Long-Term Replication
of Feline Leukemia Virus (FeLV) in an Established Canine Cell Culture (MDCK).
Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol. Med. 139:295-299 (1972).
Essex, M., Klein, G., Deinhardt, F., Wolfe, L.G., Hardy, W.D. Jr., Theilen, G.H.,
and Pearson, L.P. Induction of the Feline Oncornavirus-Associated Cell
Membrane Antigen in Human Cells. Nature New Biol. 238:187-189 (1972).
Essex, M. Can Feline Oncornaviruses Cause Leukemia in Man? Oncology
26:345-356 (1972).
Dickerman, R.W., Scherer, W.F., Moorhouse, A.S., Toaz, E., Essex, M., and
Steele, R.E. Ecologic Studies of Venezuelan Encephalitis Virus in Southeastern
Mexico. VI. Infection of Wild Birds. Am. J. Trop. Med. Hyg. 21:66-78 (1972).
Essex, M., Cotter, S.M., and Carpenter, J.L. Feline Virus-Induced Tumors and the
Immune Response: Recent Developments. Am. J. Vet. Res. 34:809-812 (1973).
Essex, M., and Snyder, S.P. Feline Oncornavirus-Associated Cell Membrane
Antigen. I. Serologic Studies with Kittens Exposed to Cell-Free Materials from
Various Feline Fibrosarcomas. J. Natl. Cancer Inst. 51:1007-1012 (1973).
Essex, M., Snyder, S.P., and Klein, G. Relationship between Humoral Antibodies
and the Failure to Develop Progressive Tumors in Cats Injected with Feline
Sarcoma Virus (FSV). In: Unifying Concepts of Leukemia. Dutcher, R.M., and
Chieco-Bianchi, L., eds. Basel: S. Karger, pp. 771-777 (1973).
Hardy, W.D. Jr., Old, L.J., Hess, P.W., Essex, M., and Cotter, S.M. Horizontal
Transmission of Feline Leukaemia Virus. Nature 244:266-269 (1973).
Jarrett, W., Essex, M., Mackey, L., Jarrett, O., and Laird, H. Antibodies in
Normal and Leukemic Cats to Feline Oncornavirus-Associated Cell Membrane
Antigens. J. Natl. Cancer Inst. 51:26l-263 (1973).
Jarrett, W., Jarrett, O., Mackey, L., Laird, H., Hardy, W.D. Jr., and Essex, M.
Horizontal Transmission of Leukemia Virus and Leukemia in the Cat. J. Natl.
Cancer Inst. 51:833-841 (1973).
Bardell, D., and Essex, M. Glycolysis During Early Infection of Feline and
Human Cells with Feline Leukemia Virus. Infect. Immun. 9:824-827 (1974).
Cerny, J., and Essex, M. Membrane Antigens of Murine Leukemia Cells. Nature
251:742-745 (1974).
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October 2011
Cotter, S.M., Essex, M., and Hardy, W.D. Jr. Serological Studies of Normal and
Leukemic Cats in a Multiple-Case Leukemia Cluster. Cancer Res. 34:1061-1069
Essex, M. The Immune Response to Oncornavirus Infections. Chapter 18. In:
Viruses, Evolution and Cancer. Kurstak, E., and Maramorosch, K., eds. New
York: Academic Press, Inc., pp. 513-548 (1974).
Essex, M., Hardy, W.D. Jr., Cotter, S.M., and Jakowski, R.M. Immune Response
of Healthy and Leukemic Cats to the Feline Oncornavirus-Associated Cell
Membrane Antigen. In: Comparative Leukemia Research 1973. Ito, Y., and
Dutcher, R.M., eds. Basel: S. Karger, pp. 483-488 (1975).
Hardy, W.D. Jr., Hess, P.W., Essex, M., Cotter, S.M., McClelland, A.J., and
MacEwen, E.G. Horizontal Transmission of Feline Leukemia Virus in Cats. In:
Comparative Leukemia Research 1973. Ito, Y., and Dutcher, R.M., eds. Basel: S.
Karger, pp. 67-74 (1975).
Cerny, J., Essex, M., Rich, M.A., and Hardy, W.D. Jr. Expression of VirusAssociated Antigens and Immune Cell Functions During Spontaneous Regression
of the Friend Viral Murine Leukemia. Int. J. Cancer 15:351-365 (1975).
Cotter, S.M., Hardy, W.D. Jr., and Essex, M. Association of Feline Leukemia
Virus with Lymphosarcoma and Other Disorders in the Cat. J. Am. Vet. Med.
Assoc. 166:449-454 (1975).
Essex, M., Cotter, S.M., Carpenter, J.L., Hardy, W.D. Jr., Hess, P., Jarrett, W.,
Schaller, J., and Yohn, D.S. Feline Oncornavirus-Associated Cell Membrane
Antigen. II. Antibody Titers in Healthy Cats from Household and Laboratory
Colony Environments. J. Natl. Cancer Inst. 54:631-635 (1975).
Essex, M. Neoplasms of Cats Caused by Oncornaviruses. Pathobiol. Ann. 5:169195 (1975).
Essex, M. Horizontally and Vertically Transmitted Oncornavirus of Cats.
Advanc. Cancer Res. 21:175-248 (1975).
Essex, M., Hardy, W.D. Jr., Cotter, S.M., Jakowski, R.M., and Sliski, A.
Naturally Occurring Persistent Feline Oncornavirus Infections in the Absence of
Disease. Infect. Immun. 11:470-475 (1975).
Essex, M., Jakowski, R.M., Hardy, W.D. Jr., Cotter, S.M., Hess, P., and Sliski, A.
Feline Oncornavirus-Associated Cell Membrane Antigen. III. Antibody Titers in
Cats from Leukemia Cluster Households. J. Natl. Cancer Inst. 54:637-641 (1975).
Essex, M., Cotter, S.M., Hardy, W.D. Jr., Hess, P., Jarrett, W., Jarrett, O.,
Mackey, L., Laird, H., Perryman, L., Olsen, R.G., and Yohn, D.S. Feline
Oncornavirus-Associated Cell Membrane Antigen. IV. Antibody Titers in Cats
with Naturally Occurring Leukemia, Lymphoma, and Other Diseases. J. Natl.
Cancer Inst. 55:463-467 (1975).
Essex, M., Sliski, A., Cotter, S.M., Jakowski, R.M., and Hardy, W.D. Jr.
Immunosurveillance of Naturally Occurring Feline Leukemia. Science 190:790792 (1975).
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October 2011
Schaller, J.P., Essex, M., Yohn, D.S., and Olsen, R.G. Feline OncornavirusAssociated Cell Membrane Antigen. V. Humoral Immune Response to Virus and
Cell Membrane Antigens in Cats Inoculated with Gardner-Arnstein Feline
Sarcoma Virus. J. Natl. Cancer Inst. 55:1373-1378 (1975).
Hardy, W.D. Jr., Hess, P.W., MacEwen, E.G., McClelland, A.J., Zuckerman,
E.E., Essex, M., Cotter, S.M., and Jarrett, O. Biology of Feline Leukemia Virus in
the Natural Environment. Cancer Res. 36:582-588 (1976).
Essex, M., Sliski, A., Hardy, W.D. Jr., and Cotter, S.M. Immune Response to
Leukemia Virus and Tumor-Associated Antigens in Cats. Cancer Res. 36:640-645
Essex, M., and Francis, D. The Risk to Humans from Malignant Diseases of Their
Pets: An Unsettled Issue. J. Am. Anim. Hosp. Assoc. 12:386-390 (1976).
Cerny, J., Proffitt, M.R., and Essex, M. Immunosuppression by Moloney
Leukemia Virus: Lack of Correlation between Virus Replication and the
Immunosuppressive Effect. J. Natl. Cancer Inst. 56:819-822 (1976).
Charman, H.P., Kim, N., Gilden, R.V., Hardy, W.D. Jr., and Essex, M. Humoral
Immune Responses of Cats to Feline Leukemia Virus: Comparison of Responses
to the Major Structural Protein p30 and to a Virus-Specific Cell Membrane
Antigen (FOCMA). J. Natl. Cancer Inst. 56:859-861 (1976).
Mathes, L.E., Yohn, D.S., Hoover, E.A., Essex, M., Schaller, J.P., and Olsen,
R.G. Feline Oncornavirus-Associated Cell Membrane Antigen. VI. Cytotoxic
Antibody in Cats Exposed to Feline Leukemia Virus. J. Natl. Cancer Inst.
56:1197-1200 (1976).
Essex, M., and Lamon, E.W. Host Immune Response to Oncornavirus-Induced
Tumors. In: Comparative Leukemia Research 1975. Clemmesen, J., and Yohn,
D.S., eds. Basel: S. Karger, pp. 166-172 (1976).
Caldwell, G.G., Baumgartener, L., Carter, C., Cotter, S., Currier, R., Essex, M.,
Hardy, W., Olson, C., and Olsen, R. Seroepidemiologic Testing in Man for
Evidence of Antibodies to Feline Leukemia Virus and Bovine Leukemia Virus.
In: Comparative Leukemia Research 1975. Clemmesen, J., and Yohn, D.S., eds.
Basel: S. Karger, pp. 238-241 (1976).
Cerny, J., Essex, M., and Thomas, D.B. Interactions of Murine Leukemia Virus
(MuLV) with Isolated Lymphocytes. III. Alterations of Splenic B and T Cells in
Friend Virus-Infected Mice. Int. J. Cancer 18:197-204 (1976).
Hardy, W.D. Jr., McClelland, A.J., Zuckerman, E.E., Hess, P.W., Essex, M.,
Cotter, S.M., MacEwen, E.G., and Hayes, A.A. Prevention of the Contagious
Spread of the Feline Leukemia Virus between Pet Cats. In: Comparative
Leukemia Research, 1975. Clemmesen, J., and Yohn, D.S., eds. Basel: S. Karger,
pp. 511-514 (1976).
Hardy, W.D. Jr., Zuckerman, E.E., McClelland, A.J., Hess, P.W., MacEwen,
E.G., Essex, M., Cotter, S.M., and Hayes, A.A. Prevention of the Contagious
Spread of Feline Leukaemia Virus and the Development of Leukaemia in Pet
Cats. Nature 263:326-328 (1976).
M. Essex
October 2011
Essex, M. Immunity to Leukemia, Lymphoma, and Fibrosarcoma in Cats: A Case
for Immunosurveillance. Contemp. Topics in Immunobiol. 6:71-106 (1977).
Essex, M., Stephenson, J.R., Hardy, W.D. Jr., Cotter, S.M., and Aaronson, S.A.
Leukemia, Lymphoma, and Fibrosarcoma of Cats as Models for Similar Diseases
of Man. In: Origins of Human Cancer. Hiatt, H.H., Watson, J.D., and Winsten,
J.A., eds. Cold Spring Harbor: Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, pp.1197-1214
Cotter, S.M., and Essex, M. Animal Model: Feline Acute Lymphoblastic
Leukemia and Aplastic Anemia. Am. J. Pathol. 87:265-268 (1977).
Sliski, A.H., Essex, M., Meyer, C., and Todaro, G.J. Feline OncornavirusAssociated Cell Membrane Antigen: Expression in Transformed Nonproducer
Mink Cells. Science 196:1336-1339 (1977).
Essex, M., Cotter, S.M., Sliski, A.H., Hardy, W.D. Jr., Stephenson, J.R.,
Aaronson, S., and Jarrett, O. Horizontal Transmission of Feline Leukemia Virus
under Natural Conditions in a Feline Leukemia Cluster Household. Int. J. Cancer
19:90-96 (1977).
Stephenson, J.R., Essex, M., Hino, S., Hardy, W.D. Jr., and Aaronson, S.A.
Feline Oncornavirus-Associated Cell-Membrane Antigen (FOCMA): Distinction
between FOCMA and the Major Virion Glycoprotein. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci.
U.S.A. 74:1219-1223 (1977).
Grant, C.K., DeBoer, D.J., Essex, M., Worley, M.B., and Higgins, J. Antibodies
from Healthy Cats Exposed to Feline Leukemia Virus Lyse Feline Lymphoma
Cells Slowly with Cat Complement. J. Immunol. 119:401-406 (1977).
Francis, D.P., Essex, M., and Hardy, W.D. Jr. Excretion of Feline Leukemia
Virus by Naturally Infected Pet Cats. Nature 269:252-254 (1977).
Hardy, W.D. Jr., Zuckerman, E.E., MacEwen, E.G., Hayes, A.A., and Essex, M.
A Feline Leukaemia Virus- and Sarcoma Virus-Induced Tumour-Specific
Antigen. Nature 270:249-251 (1977).
Stephenson, J.R., Khan, A.S., Sliski, A.H., and Essex, M. Feline OncornavirusAssociated Cell Membrane Antigen: Evidence for an Immunologically
Crossreactive Feline Sarcoma Virus-Coded Protein. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A.
74:5608-5612 (1977).
Grant, C.K., Essex, M., Pedersen, N.C., Hardy, W.D. Jr., Stephenson, J.R.,
Cotter, S.M., and Theilen, G.H. Lysis of Feline Lymphoma Cells by ComplementDependent Antibodies in Feline Leukemia Virus Contact Cats. Correlation of
Lysis and Antibodies to Feline Oncornavirus-Associated Cell Membrane Antigen.
J. Natl. Cancer Inst. 60:161-166 (1978).
Sherr, C.J., Sen, A., Todaro, G.J., Sliski, A., and Essex, M. Pseudotypes of Feline
Sarcoma Virus Contain an 85,000-Dalton Protein with Feline OncornavirusAssociated Cell Membrane Antigen (FOCMA) Activity. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci.
U.S.A. 75:1505-1509 (1978).
M. Essex
October 2011
Hardy, W.D. Jr., Zuckerman, E.E., Essex, M., MacEwen, E.G., and Hayes, A.A.
Feline Oncornavirus-Associated Cell-Membrane Antigen: An FeLV- and FeSVInduced Tumor-Specific Antigen. In: Differentiation of Normal and Neoplastic
Hematopoietic Cells. Clarkson, B., Marks, P.A., and Till, J., eds. Cold Spring
Harbor: Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, pp.601-623 (1978).
de Noronha, F., Schäfer, W., Essex, M., and Bolognesi, D.P. Influence of
Antisera to Oncornavirus Glycoprotein (gp71) on Infections of Cats with Feline
Leukemia Virus. Virology 85:617-621 (1978).
Essex, M., Sliski, A.H., Hardy, W.D. Jr., deNoronha, F., and Cotter, S.M. Feline
Oncornavirus Associated Cell Membrane Antigen: A Tumor Specific Cell Surface
Marker. In: Advances in Comparative Leukemia Research 1977. Bentvelzen, P.,
Hilgers, J. and Yohn, D.S., eds. Amsterdam: Elsevier/North-Holland Biomedical
Press, pp. 337-340 (1978).
Jacquemin, P.C., Saxinger, C., Gallo, R.C., Hardy, W.D. Jr., and Essex, M.
Antibody Response in Cats to Feline Leukemia Virus Reverse Transcriptase under
Natural Conditions of Exposure to the Virus. Virology 91:472-476 (1978).
Essex, M., deNoronha, F., Oroszlan, S., and Hardy, W.D. Jr. Feline
Oncornavirus-Associated Cell Membrane Antigen. In: Proceedings of the Third
International Symposium on Detection and Prevention of Cancer. Neibergs, H.,
ed. pp. 1401-1414 (1978).
Sherr, C.J., Todaro, G.J., Sliski, A., and Essex, M. Characterization of Feline
Sarcoma Virus-Coded Antigen (FOCMA-S) by Radioimmunoassay. Proc. Natl.
Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 75:4489-4493 (1978).
Francis, D.P., and Essex, M. Leukemia and Lymphoma: Infrequent
Manifestations of Common Viral Infections? A Review. J. Infect. Dis. 138:916923 (1978).
Grant, C.K., Pickard, D.K., Ramaika, C., Madewell, B.R., and Essex, M.
Complement and Tumor Antibody Levels in Cats, and Changes Associated with
Natural Feline Leukemia Virus Infection and Malignant Disease. Cancer Res.
39:75-81 (1979).
Essex, M., Sliski, A.H., and Hardy, W.D. Jr. FOCMA: A Transformation Specific
RNA Sarcoma Virus Encoded Protein. In: Antiviral Mechanisms in the Control
of Neoplasia. Chandra, P., ed. New York: Plenum Publishing Corp. pp. 125-137
Essex, M., Grant, C.K., Sliski, A.H., and Hardy, W.D. Jr. Feline Leukemia and
Immunological Surveillance. In: Antiviral Mechanisms in the Control of
Neoplasia. Chandra, P., ed. New York: Plenum Publishing Corp., pp. 427-441
Francis, D.P., Essex, M., and Gayzagian, D. Feline Leukemia Virus: Survival
under Home and Laboratory Conditions. J. Clin. Microbiol. 9:154-156 (1979).
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October 2011
Essex, M., Grant, C.K., Cotter, S.M., Sliski, A.H., and Hardy, W.D. Jr. Leukemia
Specific Antigens: FOCMA and Immune Surveillance. In: Modern Trends in
Human Leukemia, III. Neth, R., Gallo, R.C., Hofschneider, P.-H., and
Mannweiler, K., eds. New York: Springer-Verlag, pp. 453-467 (1979).
Cerny, J., and Essex, M. Mechanisms of Immunosuppression by Oncogenic RNA
Viruses. In: Naturally Occurring Biological Immunosuppressive Factors and
Their Relationship to Disease. Neubauer, R.H., ed. Boca Raton: CRC Press, Inc.,
pp. 233-256 (1979).
Mandel, M.P., Stephenson, J.R., Hardy, W.D. Jr., and Essex, M. Endogenous RD114 Virus of Cats: Absence of Antibodies to RD-114 Envelope Antigens in Cats
Naturally Exposed to Feline Leukemia Virus. Infect. Immun. 24:282-285 (1979).
Kurth, R., Fenyö, E.M., Klein, E., and Essex, M. Cell-Surface Antigens Induced
by RNA Tumour Viruses. Nature 279:197-201 (1979).
Essex, M., and Grant, C.K. Tumor Immunology in Domestic Animals. Advan.
Vet. Sci. Comp. Med. 23:183-228 (1979).
Koshy, R., Wong-Staal, F., Gallo, R.C., Hardy, W., and Essex, M. Distribution of
Feline Leukemia Virus DNA Sequences in Tissues of Normal and Leukemic
Domestic Cats. Virology 99:135-144 (1979).
Sliski, A.H., and Essex, M. Sarcoma Virus-Induced Transformation Specific
Antigen: Presence of Antibodies in Cats that Were Naturally Exposed to
Leukemia Virus. Virology 95:581-586 (1979).
Francis, D.P., Essex, M., Cotter, S.M., Gayzagian, D., and Hamm, D. A Simple
Method for Quantitating Salivary Levels of Virus Using Calcium Alginate Swabs.
J. Clin. Pathol. 32:514-515 (1979).
Azocar, J., and Essex, M. Incorporation of HLA Antigens into the Envelope of
RNA Tumor Viruses Grown in Human Cells. Cancer Res. 39:3388-3391 (1979).
Rhim, J.S., Nelson-Rees, W.A., and Essex, M. Transformation of Feline Embryo
Cells in Culture by a Chemical Carcinogen. Int. J. Cancer 24:336-340 (1979).
Azocar, J., and Essex, M. Interactions of Feline Leukemia Virus with Lymphoid
Cells. In: Virus-Lymphocyte Interactions: Implications for Disease. Proffitt, M.,
ed. New York: Elsevier/North-Holland, Inc., pp. 179-189 (1979).
Francis, D.P., Cotter, S.M., Hardy, W.D. Jr., and Essex, M. Comparison of VirusPositive and Virus-Negative Cases of Feline Leukemia and Lymphoma. Cancer
Res. 39:3866-3870 (1979).
Azocar, J., and Essex, M. Susceptibility of Human Cell Lines to Feline Leukemia
Virus and Feline Sarcoma Virus. J. Natl. Cancer Inst. 63:1179-1184 (1979).
Essex, M. Etiology of Leukemia in Outbred Animal Species. In: Advances in
Medical Oncology Research and Education: Carcinogenesis. Margison, G.P., eds.
New York: Pergamon Press, Inc., pp. 83-95 (1979).
Francis, D.P., Essex, M., Cotter, S., Jakowski, R.M., and Hardy, W.D. Jr. Feline
Leukemia Virus Infections: The Significance of Chronic Viremia. Leuk. Res.
3:435-441 (1979).
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October 2011
Snyder, H.W. Jr., Phillips, K.J., Hardy, W.D. Jr., Zuckerman, E.E., Essex, M.,
Sliski, A.H., and Rhim, J. Isolation and Characterization of Proteins Carrying the
Feline Oncornavirus-Associated Cell-Membrane Antigen. In: Cold Spring Harbor
Symposia on Quantitative Biology, Volume XLIV. Cold Spring Harbor: Cold
Spring Harbor Laboratory, pp. 787-799 (1980).
Essex, M., Sliski, A.H., Worley, M., Grant, C.K., Snyder, H. Jr., Hardy, W.D.,
and Chen, L.B. Significance of the Feline Oncornavirus-Associated Cell
Membrane Antigen (FOCMA) in the Natural History of Feline Leukemia. In:
Viruses in Naturally Occurring Cancers. Essex, M., Todaro, G. and zur Hausen,
H., eds. Cold Spring Harbor: Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, pp. 589-602 (1980).
Hardy, W.D. Jr., McClelland, A.J., Zuckerman, E.E., Snyder, H.W. Jr., MacEwen,
E.G., Essex, M., and Francis, D.P. Immunology and Epidemiology of Feline
Leukemia Virus Nonproducer Lymphosarcomas. In: Viruses in Naturally
Occurring Cancers. Essex, M., Todaro, G. and zur Hausen, H., eds. Cold Spring
Harbor: Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, pp. 677-697 (1980).
Gutensohn, N., Essex, M., Francis, D.P., and Hardy, W.D. Jr. Risk to Humans
from Exposure to Feline Leukemia Virus: Epidemiological Considerations. In:
Viruses in Naturally Occurring Cancers. Essex, M., Todaro, G. and zur Hausen,
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Gilbert, P.B., Berger, J.O., Stablein, D., Becker, S., Essex, M., Hammer, S.M.,
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Parekh, N., Ribaudo, H., Souda, S., Chen, J., Mmalane, M., Powis, K., Essex, M.,
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Dryden-Peterson, S., Jayeoba, O., Hughes, M.D., Jibril, H., Keapoletswe, K.,
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Novitsky, V., and Essex, M. HIV Replication. In: HIV and Liver Diseases.
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Rossenkhan, R., Novitsky, V., Sebunya, T.K., Leidner, J., Hagan, J., Moyo, S.,
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Mmalane, M., Makhema, J., Essex, M., and Shapiro, R. Infant Feeding Practices
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Clinical Trial in Botswana. AIDS Behav. In press.
Essex, M. and Novitsky, V. Prevention of HIV Infection in the Absence of a
Vaccine. In: Lu, Y., Roberts, B., and Essex, M., eds., HIV/AIDS Treatment in
Resource-Poor Countries: Public Health Challenges. Springer. In press.
Novitsky, V., Wang, R., Baca, J., Margolin, L., McLane, M.F., Moyo, S., van
Widenfelt, E., Makhema, J., and Essex, M. Evolutionary Gamut of in Vivo Gag
Substitutions during Early HIV-1 Subtype C Infection. Virology. In press.
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1994 Essex, M., Mboup, S., Kanki, P.J., and Kalengayi, M.R. AIDS in Africa. 1st ed.
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2010 Dow, U., and Essex, M. Saturday Is for Funerals. Cambridge: Harvard University
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