Diary Log for Reflecting on Current Alignment
Common Core Standards
Process Directions: At some point each week, take a few minutes to reflect on your work with students. Place a check mark indicating that you engaged students in and were able to observe behaviors demonstrating the corresponding key point.
CCSS Literacy Key Points
demonstrate independence observable behaviors Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4
build strong content knowledge
respond to the varying demands of audience, task, purpose, and discipline
comprehend as well as critique
value evidence
use technology and digital media strategically and capably
come to understand other perspectives and cultures
Week 1
Please make notes below that provide evidence/artifacts to support your reflections above.
Week 2
Week 3
Week 4
We will utilize these forms for collaborative conversations during January-March – please be sure to keep supporting documents and examples of student work.
Diary Log for Reflecting on Current Alignment
Common Core Standards
Process Directions: At some point each week, take a few minutes to reflect on your work with students. Place a check mark indicating that you engaged students in and were able to observe behaviors demonstrating the corresponding key point.
CCSS Mathematics Key Points
make sense of problems and persevere in solving them
reason abstractly and quantitatively
construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others
model with mathematics
use appropriate tools strategically
attend to precision
look for and make use of structure
look for and express regularly in repeated reasoning observable behaviors Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4
Please make notes below that provide evidence/artifacts to support your reflections above.
Week 1
Week 2
Week 3
Week 4
We will utilize these forms for collaborative conversations during January-March – please be sure to keep supporting documents and examples of student work.
Diary Log for Reflecting on Current Alignment
Common Core Standards
Process Directions: At some point each week, take a few minutes to reflect on your work with students. Place a check mark indicating that you engaged students in and were able to observe behaviors demonstrating the corresponding key point.
CCSS Literacy Key Points
demonstrate independence observable behaviors Week 5 Week 6 Week 7 Week 8
build strong content knowledge
respond to the varying demands of audience, task, purpose, and discipline
comprehend as well as critique
value evidence
use technology and digital media strategically and capably
come to understand other perspectives and cultures
Week 5
Please make notes below that provide evidence/artifacts to support your reflections above.
Week 6
Week 7
Week 8
We will utilize these forms for collaborative conversations during January-March – please be sure to keep supporting documents and examples of student work.
Diary Log for Reflecting on Current Alignment
Common Core Standards
Process Directions: At some point each week, take a few minutes to reflect on your work with students. Place a check mark indicating that you engaged students in and were able to observe behaviors demonstrating the corresponding key point.
CCSS Mathematics Key Points
make sense of problems and persevere in solving them
reason abstractly and quantitatively
construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others
model with mathematics
use appropriate tools strategically
attend to precision
look for and make use of structure
look for and express regularly in repeated reasoning observable behaviors Week 5 Week 6 Week 7 Week 8
Please make notes below that provide evidence/artifacts to support your reflections above.
Week 5
Week 6
Week 7
Week 8
We will utilize these forms for collaborative conversations during January-March – please be sure to keep supporting documents and examples of student work.